My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1407 Paradox Engine (1/2)


"I, Luo Bao, am committed to finding the microscopic particles that make up space before I am 11 years old."

"I will temporarily name it space particle."

Luo Bao's expression was extremely determined, "Especially recently, we have been attacked by seven-dimensional creatures, which is even more urgent. I believe that cause and effect must exist in space."

"So, if I can separate the 'cause' and 'effect' in that space, just like cutting a cream cake, wouldn't it be breaking the cause and effect weapon of the seven-dimensional creature?!"

"The so-called cause and effect is to infer the effect from the cause."

"The so-called paradox is that cause and effect are irrelevant!"

"So, my research project is called the paradox engine!"

Space particle!

Separate the 'cause' and 'effect'!

Paradox engine!

When Liu Di heard this, his back felt a little cold.

Should I kill this little geek named Luo Bao in the bud? !

Otherwise, when the little guy grows up, my seven-dimensional creature will be knocked down by him at any time?


Liu Di immediately shook his head and smiled again. It was just a joke. How could I be afraid of such a thing?

I should be proud.

Luo Bao is a Mayan civilization in space, a descendant of the Mayan on Earth, that is, the descendants of the Earth.

I am really proud.

The Yangtze River's waves behind push the waves ahead. I am really proud of the evolution of human thought.

Discovering the space particle is really not out of reach.

Recalling human history.

At first, people thought that the heaven and earth were made of mud by gods.

Then the thought evolved, and everyone thought that everything was composed of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

But with the evolution of technology.

People know molecules and atoms.

At the end of the 19th century, Marie Curie proved that atoms are not the smallest matter.

1 Chadwick discovered the neutron, and this time scientists thought they had discovered the smallest particle.

But in fact, not long after, the concept of quarks came out.

The process of human evolution has always been: ignorance-guessing-argument-cognition.

Of course, the "guessing" part is often summarized as theology.

Liu Di stared at the little Luo Bao in front of him and rubbed his little head lovingly, "So what kind of research results have you achieved?"

Luo Bao became excited, "In the past year, I have conducted 73,511 particle collisions!"

"At the 70,001st time!"

"I will accelerate subatomic particles to near the speed of light, and then eject a low-pressure bubble chamber filled with hydrogen. When these particles collide with hydrogen nuclei, they produce a group of unfamiliar... new particles!"

"Although I didn't see them!"

"But when these particles diffuse from the collision point, they will leave tiny bubbles, thus exposing their trajectory!"

"They exist!"

"But then, they seem to hide in space!"

"I don't understand, and I have conducted countless experiments. I want to catch them!"

"Later I realized a mistake in my thinking."

"They are not actually hidden in space, because they are space themselves!"

Liu Di was shocked.

This child's dialectical thinking ability is really strong!

Did he find the 'space'? !

But Luo Bao slapped the table, and a projection appeared in the void. It was a data simulation screen of all his experimental results.

But three small bubbles extended from the location where the two subatomic particles collided.

Of course, this picture is still, because those small bubbles as small as 10 to the negative 32nd power of nanometers disappeared at the same time as they appeared.


The picture changed, and nearly 100 collision results appeared in succession, and there were such small bubbles every time!

100 still pictures were layered together, and a group of small bubbles appeared like a bunch of flowers, sputtering in a cone!

Liu Di admired in his heart.

This small bubble is definitely the trajectory of some unknown particle!

And the body of that unknown particle may be countless times smaller, and it may not be observed even with all the magnifying equipment!

But this does not prove that this is what Luo Bao called the "space particle".

It may be any unknown particle!

"I believe this is the space particle."

"And I have verified it!"

"I collided multiple particles at the same time, and preset different collision trajectories in advance."

"It's like throwing multiple bowling balls at once, and then hitting the bowling pins in different directions."

"Thus, space is divided!"

As he said this, Luo Bao took out a glass box, which was divided in the middle.

On one side, there was a small persimmon growing in a flowerpot, with more than a dozen fruits hanging on it.

On the other side, Luo Bao put a seed from his pocket into it.

He said slowly: "I transformed this bombardment method into a gun, with the engine as a magazine, and then bombarded the seeds. An incomprehensible scene occurred. The persimmons that bloomed and bore fruits and the seeds that did not germinate appeared at the same time, as if they were in two spaces."

"But I guarantee with my personality that they are the same seed!"

"The tragedy is that I bombarded other objects again later, even if I bombarded them tens of thousands of times, no strange phenomena occurred again."

Liu Di was stunned.

Luo Bao was seriously mistaken, and he had no idea how to ensure the results of the bombardment.

In other words, he might not even know what he was doing.

But Liu Di's perception was still overturned.


Liu Di realized a problem and asked hurriedly: "What did you bombard for those tens of thousands of times?"

Luo Bao thought: "It's all kinds of items in this room, my notebook, my socks, grandpa's pipe and so on."

Liu Di's brows slowly frowned.

"Oh, right."

Luo Bao's voice suddenly became smaller, as if he felt that he had made a mistake, "One day I was quite depressed, so I took the gun out of the laboratory and bombarded it towards... the earth."

At this point.

Luo Bao suddenly covered his mouth, "Oh, right, I shouldn't mention the earth!"

Liu Di's body was a little shocked, and suddenly realized a problem, "What about the data from that time? Forget it, I'll find it myself!"


Liu Di's right eye lit up slightly.

The code method of Mayan civilization is the same as that of the earth.

The demon boy invaded Luo Bao's operating system in an instant.

The bombardment data of that time seemed to be ignored by Luo Bao.

But at this moment, it was clearly displayed in Liu Di's perspective.

The demon boy visualized the data.

The surveillance data was retrieved again.

However, the gun that Luo Bao called a paradox weapon was actually a portable collision space connected to the paradox engine through a flexible particle acceleration channel.

He dragged the gun out with all his strength and sorted out the pipeline.

This gun does not fire bullets, but the position of the muzzle is the final collision position of the particles.

In the middle of the night, Luo Bao fired a shot at the starry sky.

A small bubble appeared.

Perhaps it was the vibration of a certain space particle.

Unexpectedly, this small bubble had a chain reaction, and bubbles continued to appear one after another.

Increased geometrically.

Not only disrupted the cause and effect of the entire void city.

And it was like a void zipper.

It slowly opened from Luo Bao's position and was magnified by the NGC4013 galaxy that looked like a magnifying glass.

Then, a huge zipper that penetrated the void was formed, slowly opened, and formed an inverted triangle space.

Spanning 64 million light years.

Covering all spaces along the way, as well as the Milky Way, Proxima b, Sky Prison III, the sun, and the earth.

Including King Titanium, Liu En, Little Brother Liu, the small bottle cap... and Little Brother Liu himself.


It was split just like that.

One on the left and one on the right, no longer interfering.

‘Cause’ and ‘effect’ separated.

Little Brother Liu looked up at the huge empty zipper and said calmly, “Fuck.”

Little Brother Liu: “Why are you cursing in such a bright and clear world.”

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