My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1406 Basic Unit (1/2)

After much effort,

they finally found a place to stay in the laboratory.

They were watching a car engine-sized machine, but it was covered by a red cloth.

"You are the first people in the universe to see the true face of the paradox engine."

Luo Bao became extremely confident at this time, raised his hand slightly, and lifted the red cloth!

But the machine was very rough and was a complete handmade product.

But there were still some magical things.

In the center of the machine, there was a milky white pipe like white jade, about 1.5 meters long.

And around this pipe, there were circles of white spiral pipes about the thickness of a thumb.

In addition, the machine was surrounded by various welding lines, energy control boxes, transformer boxes and other auxiliary equipment.

Little brother Liu was stunned, "How come this... looks like a particle collider? Such a small ion collider?! Such a short acceleration channel can allow two particles to approach the speed of light and then collide?"

The little boy was very familiar with this structure.

Because his extracurricular experiment with Violent Bear was to build a large particle collider of tens of thousands of meters on Titan.

Liu Di also looked at the machine in front of him with a stern expression.

Of course, his right eye had already started scanning.

He stopped his gaze on a small energy box on the side of the machine.

The material of the box was actually the legendary degenerate matter.

Although this material is still far from the density of a neutron star, it is also incredibly dense. A spoonful of degenerate matter can be equivalent to half the mass of Mount Everest.

Liu Di's sight moved slightly downward and found that the lower side of this "paradox engine" was a high-density support body built in advance. The exposed area was not much, but it extended to nearly a thousand meters underground.

Only in this way can it bear the mass of the degenerate matter.

And this degenerate matter.

Because of its super-high density, it can completely limit the violent power of nuclear fusion. In the presence of degenerate matter, the explosive power of nuclear fusion is like a mosquito flapping its wings in front of you, without any destructive power.

In other words.

This small box contains controlled nuclear fusion technology.

A "battery" with a tiny size but endless energy.

At this moment.

Liu Di thought of the rumors on Earth that the reason why the ancient Mayan civilization could ascend beyond the universe was because they mastered the so-called "ore" energy.

Now, the energy that looks like a square stone in the Mayan totem is probably the predecessor of nuclear fusion!

But Luo Bao didn't want to explain the degenerate box at all.

It seems that in his world, controlled nuclear fusion is as common as human power banks.

Luo Bao said: "In the microscopic world, first there are molecules, atoms, protons, electrons, and then the quarks that make them up, as well as leptons, gluons, various bosons, photons..."

"But the real microscopic world is after the quarks."

"The essence of everything will reveal its rules here."

"All the microscopic particles before are collectively called particles."

"And particles are divided into two categories, fermions and bosons."

"Quarks and leptons belong to the fermion category and are the basic units that make up matter."

"And the rest are used to transmit interaction forces, they are called bosons."

"For example, among bosons, gluons are used to The strong interaction force among the four fundamental forces will make the atomic nuclei of matter tightly line up in a row, reaching super density and mass. Our degenerate matter is formed in this way. This is also similar to the three-body water droplet in your earth science fiction novels, which is so hard that it cannot be broken. "

"And the weak interaction force is formed by W bosons and Z bosons."

"And photons that form various signals and transmit electromagnetic force."

"And the Higgs boson that gives objects mass and forms gravity."

Liu Xiaodi's eyes lit up when he heard it. He understood all of this, and then asked Kunsang in shock, "He is right."

But Kunsang had fallen asleep.

Liu Di's eyes lit up, "Luo Bao, you are so young, where did you learn these from?"

Luo Bao said in confusion: "This is the content of our elementary school textbook."

Liu Di nodded in astonishment.

The Mayan civilization is indeed excellent. They started to teach the microscopic world of particles in elementary school, and used the strong interaction between atoms to build super matter. Are these all just passing contents?


"Once you reach the quark level, a phenomenon called 'quark confinement' will appear. You should have learned it. This is the content of the first half of the third grade."

Luo Bao said seriously.

Little brother Liu tilted his head slightly and thought to himself.

At that time, I was still learning Kong Rong's story of giving up his pears.

But Liu brother said: "'Quark confinement' means that microscopic particles below quarks cannot be directly observed. They can only be smashed through particle colliders to smash atoms and knock out the 'little things' hidden in them."

But Luo Bao raised a finger, "But my teacher believes that at the beginning of the Big Bang, at least 64 kinds of basic particles were formed. What we have discovered is just the tip of the iceberg."

Liu brother paused slightly.

Thinking of the tachyon ring of King Titanium Heng, because he was afraid that King Titanium Heng would track him, he had never disassembled it for research. The 'tachyons' in it must also be a kind of basic particles that humans cannot observe.

"Then everyone think about it."


"Everything is made up of quarks and leptons."

"Mass is given by the Higgs boson."

"And light and electromagnetic signals are made up of photons."

"So I think there is nothing without roots and no cause. All matter should have basic units."

Luo Bao puffed out his chest and said, "This also includes the space we are in! Space must not be as simple as the distance between objects. It must also be made up of some particles."

"It's just that the particles are too small and pervasive, so we can't perceive them."

Including Brother Liu, everyone thinks that this child's words are fantastic.

At this time, Brother Liu was slightly stunned and grabbed slightly in the void, "This... I think it's a bit difficult to understand. If space is a kind of matter, then are we in its body, or is it in our body? Why don't I feel anything at all?"

Luo Bao looked at Brother Liu, "Then what do you think, little brother, do fish know that it lives in water?"

Brother Liu was stunned, "Damn, this question is a bit profound!"

Brother Liu: "Don't curse."

In fact, Brother Liu was in deep thought at this time.

The 10-year-old boy named Luo Bao in front of me has completely cleansed my brain!

If space is a kind of microparticle.

Then if you master this microparticle, doesn’t that mean you master space?

Then is the legendary eight-dimensional creature like this?

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