My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1408: Sutured Space (1/2)

In a crowded basement.

Liu's eyes lit up, and he put his arm around Luo Bao's shoulders and said, "Brother, I have to admit that you are better than me in particle colliders. Come on, let's share our experiences with each other."

Liu clearly felt that Liu had secretly released the Utah array to cover the paradox engine.

Liu whispered helplessly, "This can't be dismantled, I have a use for it."

Liu turned around and pouted.

You have a use for it?

Aren't you going to dismantle it yourself?

Then the little guy laughed and created an opportunity for Liu, "Come on, Luo Bao, let's go over there and talk."

Kun Sang was still sleeping soundly.

The little bottle cap sat quietly, looking at the thriving persimmon, a little absent-minded.

And Liu stared at the direction of the Milky Way.

There was a wave in his heart.

Just now, his mentality was: ignorance-guessing-argumentation-cognition.

A pile of evidence was in front of him.

This paradox weapon really succeeded.

It really separated the cause and effect of things as Luo Bao said.

Brother Liu sorted out his thoughts.

The seven-dimensional prisoner was not born at all.

But the Proxima B technology was still destroyed, and the Tianlao III was still completely exterminated.

I still got the inheritance of the Utah Array, the eyes of the Titanium King were not restored, and the size of the Russian astronauts was still comparable to the nine planets on earth.

And I.

I still have all the cosmic equations.

All this is the masterpiece of the paradox engine!

It's so amazing, so amazing that it's terrifying.

Brother Liu's first thought was not the kind of "picking up leaks" mentality.

His vision is not so short-sighted, and his thoughts are not so cramped.

Through this incident, he saw the crisis.

When I was an ordinary person, linear thinking was the king, and I always thought about one thing and then did one thing, which was understandable.

In the early stage of obtaining the magic child, thanks to the magic child's deduction, my linear thinking can be "one section longer" than ordinary people, which gave Brother Liu a lot of advantages.

After that, being able to travel through time is leap thinking. When you see Wang Mang, you have to think about Wang Mang's state of mind. When you see Lei Puye, you have to consider Lei Puye's needs.

After that, reaching the seventh dimension is reverse thinking. You need to reverse your action deployment from the result, so that cause and effect become weapons.

Although ordinary people cannot understand these operations.

Even such an opportunity may not be available in a lifetime.

But at least these things are logical.

For Liu Di, these operations are not very difficult.


Liu Di's thinking is a little broken.

Spatial division leads to the separation of cause and effect?

Then no matter how your thinking deduces and predicts, or even flips bungee jumping... it doesn't make much sense.

Because all events have no connection!

Luo Bao can accidentally create such technology and phenomena.

Then others can too!

Even if it is rare, it is enough to make people uneasy.

For example, eight-dimensional creatures that can control space.

Is this what is called, high-dimensional creatures cannot understand?

"There is no logic in this world."

Liu Di thought of the locator in the center of the Void City Square, "I will face such an enemy next?"

Looking at the time, there are less than 7 hours left before the return of the high-dimensional civilization.

Liu Di thought for a long time.

Luo Bao's paradox weapon not only affects the cause and effect of the Milky Way, but also disrupts the cause and effect of the Void City.

This makes the "small grid" belonging to the Void City in Liu Di's cosmic grid covered with a layer of smoke.

This is good news.

At least, this is not because of the cover of eight-dimensional life.

This is also his only breakthrough.

As long as we can find a way to remove the smoke here, at least we can understand the cause and effect of this battle, and what kind of ability the enemy has.

Maybe we can find a ray of hope among countless causes and effects!

At that time, no matter what, it is a seven-dimensional battle against an eight-dimensional one, not at the mercy of others!

At this moment.

A faint black fog condensed around Liu Di.

This is his nanoworm.

Following Liu Di's instructions and Mo Tong's precise control, the bugs began to assemble various parts in the underground laboratory.

Those parts, as if touched by an invisible ghost, began to tremble slightly and made a clattering sound.

Luo Bao, who was taken to a distance by Liu Xiaodi, suddenly turned his head back with wide eyes, "What's going on? The parts moved?"

Liu Xiaodi stretched out his hand to bend his head back, "Brother, it is normal to be haunted in broad daylight. Come on, let's continue to share experiences."

Liu Di is assembling paradox weapons.

The design imitates Luo Bao's "pistol".

Liu Di is currently completely unfamiliar with the "space particle". He knows nothing about its properties, characteristics, and functions. It is even more impossible for him to bombard it casually like Luo Bao. Who knows if it will cause a catastrophic causal collapse.

But Liu Di can reverse Luo Bao's previous experiment.

Use more paradox weapons to bombard the space particles and return them to their positions.

According to Luo Bao's system records, it is relatively easy to do the reverse operation!

Liu Di gave this work a name, called - suturing space.


Liu Di avoided everything that happened in the Milky Way. He just wanted to make this void city return to normal.

A moment.

Ten ‘paradox pistols’ have been assembled in the lab. Because they are connected to the paradox engine at the back, they look like poisonous snakes dancing in the air.

Luo Bao looked back in shock, “This is...!!!”

Liu Xiaodi and Liu Di understood each other and said slowly, “Violent Bear should be trying to find a way to defeat the enemy. We should give him time and fully trust him!”

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