My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1406 Hidden Little Genius (1/2)

Eight-dimensional enemy.

After this concept appeared in his mind, Liu Di's consciousness became tense for a moment.

I originally thought that helping Spann resolve the crisis in his hometown would be an easy task.

Now it seems that everything is not as simple as imagined.

The universe is deep and full of powerful enemies, leaving no chance to breathe.

The man in the white shirt stared at the locator in front of him, which was not in the same space as himself.

This locator can't be touched.

The cause and effect of the entire void city and its past and present lives are covered by invisible forces, and I know nothing about it.

There are still 10 hours before the enemy arrives.



Brother Liu pondered slightly.


Liu Di saw a pair of smart blue eyes from the corner of a building in the distance. His eyes were rolling, and his body was hidden behind the wall. Only two eyes were exposed, peeking at Liu Di.

It was a little boy wearing overalls.

With blue eyes and slightly curly yellow hair, she looks very cute.

Brother Liu knew that this little guy had been following him secretly from the beginning. He was very curious and wanted to talk, but he seemed afraid to come forward.

Liu Di originally thought that this was a curious baby who was full of curiosity about himself and his party.

but now.

Liu Di's eyes moved and he saw an invisible chain of cause and effect twisting on the child's body, like a gray mist, entangled together without a clue.

This is just a feeling from Brother Liu.

It was as if it was precisely because of this child that he, who should clearly know cause and effect, was twisted into a ball and tied into knots one after another, causing his eyes to go dark.

Liu Di blinked again, and all the illusions disappeared again, "Is this some kind of intuition?"

Ignore the unsolvable locator.

Brother Liu slowly walked towards the corner. The child's body shrank, but he did not run away.

Brother Liu bent down and said with a smile: "What's your name?"


"My name is Luo Bao."

The little boy hid his body behind the building. This time only one eye was exposed, and his eyes were a little nervous.

Brother Liu tried his best to smile as calmly as possible: "Well, little Luo Bao, do you have anything to tell me?"


"I have nothing to tell you."

Brother Liu paused. This kid was uneasy about playing tricks.

But Luo Bao whispered again: "I have something to say to the thirteenth void warrior. Can you...can you help me convey it to her?"


Brother Liu smiled again, "Okay, you tell me."

"I want to tell her..."

At the same time as the clear voice of the little boy came, he stepped out from the corner, seeming to have mustered up a lot of courage.

"I want to ask her to save our home. Our home is too dangerous now. Grandpa doesn't want to drag you down, so he won't say anything. I believe that the void warriors are invincible, because our ancestral precepts say so. "


Luo Bao lowered his head slightly, pinched the corner of his clothes and said: "I will also help Sister Span, because I have developed a powerful weapon. I will not back down. I will fight the enemy with her."

Brother Liu pursed his lips slightly.

The gaze he stared at the little boy softened a little, and he felt a little moved in his heart.

"By the time."

The little boy Luo Bao raised his head, his eyes full of determination, "I will activate the paradox engine, carry the paradox weapon, and stand next to Sister Spann."


Liu Di paused, his eyes full of surprise, "Paradox engine?!"

Luo Bao looked at Brother Liu, "I know you may not understand. Paradox and seven-dimensional cause and effect are mutually exclusive. Ordinary people don't even understand cause and effect, so they don't understand what a paradox is. In short, I have developed a way to create paradoxes. On the machine.”

"Brother, I won't explain it to you."

"Because it's complicated."

Liu Di leaned back slightly and asked eagerly: "Luo Bao, have you ever verified your paradox engine?"


There was a surge of confidence in Xiao Luo Bao's eyebrows, "I fired the paradox weapon more than once. Although 99.99% of the results were fruitless, I still used the paradox weapon to plant small persimmons, and the seeds did not germinate!"


Luo Bao dug in his pocket for a long time and took out the important achievements he carried with him, a persimmon seed in his left hand and a small persimmon in his right hand.

Brother Liu stared.

For some reason, the seven-dimensional ability worked at this moment. He saw the seeds in the child's left hand sprouting and bearing fruit, forming the fruit on the right. Then he looked back at the child's left hand, and the seeds remained intact.


Brother Liu inhaled slightly.

Persimmon's life form and causal chain are very simple.

I saw it... This is directly tearing apart cause and effect!

"Brother, you are welcome to come here. I'll give you a little persimmon to eat."

Brother Liu was a little stunned. He slowly picked up the small persimmon, put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly. Then his eyes flashed and said: "Luo Bao, I believe in your paradox device! Because...actually, brother, I am a seven-dimensional Life! Um... do you believe me?"

Luo Bao's pupils trembled, he slowly raised his head, stared at Brother Liu closely, and said seriously: "How could I believe it?"

Liu Di swallowed the sweet little persimmon and looked at the beautiful little boy, "Luo Bao, can you take me to see your paradox engine?"


Luo Bao's eyes flashed with joy.

The eldest brother is still the first person willing to visit his masterpiece!

But Liu Di stood up and called everyone, "Little brother, Kun Sang, let's go!"

Liu Di asked from a distance: "What's the matter?"

"Let's go study!"

Liu Di stood up and followed Luo Bao in a few steps.

Liu Di was puzzled, "With whom?"

Liu Di looked up, "That kid."

Liu Di was stunned, "No way, knowing that the enemy is the Eighth Dimension, your confidence collapsed like this?!"

Little Luo Bao led everyone.

Came to the inconspicuous low house, lifted the floor, climbed into the underground tunnel, then climbed over the drainage system and climbed the ladder again.

Finally arrived at the super secret laboratory.

Liu Di and a few others stood at the only place where they could step at the door.

Looking at the piles of circuit instruments that were dismantled and fragmented, as well as countless experimental draft papers.

Luo Bao.

Really a hidden little genius.

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