My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1405 Opponent (1/2)

LS9 slowly landed in the void city.

The air flow surged, and everyone watched with complicated expressions.

But I saw the cabin door slowly opening.

A tall, exquisite and attractive female warrior wearing gold armor, with a sword at her waist, long silver hair flowing, slowly walked out of the hatch.

She is not wearing a mechanical mask.

With white cheeks, a high bridge of nose, and a pair of beautiful blue narrow eyes, he scanned his clan members.

Under the light.

She has outstanding grace and impressive momentum.

People can't help but look up to him.

Spann glanced at the clan members, feeling touched by the reunion after a long absence.

I saw her in the wrong body again.

A handsome man in a white shirt slowly walked out from behind. He had one hand behind his back and a smile on his face.

The Mayan civilization was suddenly in a trance.

He seemed easy-going, like any ordinary human being.

But there is a mysterious temperament hidden in him, as if he can transcend everything.

"Span, the thirteenth void warrior, brought back an...Earthling?!"

The Mayan residents were a little surprised.

But at this moment, on both sides of Brother Liu, three children and a man in black sportswear who looked a bit naive emerged.


"The air here is exactly the same as home!"

"It seems a bit fresher!"

"Hello, fam!"

Kunsang put his hands on his hips.

This is...

Spann, did she bring back a family?

However, Grandpa Luo Bao's expression changed several times, and he finally pressed down the arm of the young scholar next to him who was about to initiate the suicide procedure.

He walked forward slowly, showing a kind smile, "Span, welcome home."

Span walked down the silver shuttle in a few steps, hugged Grandpa Luo Bao gently, and said with moist eyes: "Grandpa Luo, how are you doing in health, and how is everything at home?"

Grandpa Luo Bao was also very moved and was about to speak.

But he saw a naive figure showing his head and throwing himself in front of him. He said doubtfully: "Old man, you know Span, and Span has been sleeping on the earth for nearly 40 years. Then you must be almost a hundred years old, you are so tough." you."

Grandpa Luo Bao stared at the man in sportswear in front of him and was suddenly speechless.

At this time, Spann was extremely relaxed and said with a smile: "They are all our partners, accompanying me all the way from the earth to here. Grandpa Luo, let me introduce to you, this..."

Span crossed his arm over Kun Sang, who was in front of him, pointed at the man in the white shirt and said, "His name is Brother Liu..."

"Brother's brother."

Brother Liu added with a bright smile.

Grandpa Luo Bao kept smiling and was silent for a moment, "On behalf of the space Mayan civilization, I welcome you, but... please forgive my offense, you can only stay here for 5 hours at most, not one more minute. "

Immediately, he looked at Spann again, "Where do you come from and where are you going? We... need you to collect more data."

Span paused slightly. Grandpa Luo had a kind personality. Why did he feel a little unkind this time?

"Why should I return to Earth..."

But grandpa Luo Bao raised his hand to stop him, "Don't pronounce that name, as long as you know it."

The next moment.

Grandpa Luo Bao turned back and ordered: "Everyone cheer up, replenish the necessary supplies for them, and then send them away!"

Spann was stunned.

The words of the little ghost suddenly came back to my ears.

‘Thousands of our tribe would rather die than reveal the location of our home planet! ’

‘At this point, we have no other choice! ’

The various voices converged into a complete event in Spann's mind.

The female warrior's brows gradually frowned.

Notice the poison injection system on the tribesman's arm.

At this moment, Span glanced at Brother Liu in horror.

But he saw Brother Liu's eyes scanning the arms of the residents one by one.

Spann's body trembled slightly, countless plans flashed through his mind, and he approached Liu Di and asked in a low voice: "Are you still in control this time?"

Brother Liu shook his head, "Not yet."

Spann's color changed slightly.

At this moment, Grandpa Luo Bao also gritted his teeth secretly, then squeezed out a smile and looked at Brother Liu, "Please forgive me for being rude. It is very inconvenient for us to receive you now. You should return as soon as possible."

But Brother Liu smiled and said, "I can always take some time to appreciate your Void City."

Grandpa Luo Bao hesitated for a moment and nodded slowly.


Brother Liu, the little boy, and Kun Sang were strolling toward the city as if they were sightseeing.

Spann, who stayed in place, frowned more and more. She held the hilt of the sword at her waist and stood there like a god of war.

"Grandpa Luo, I am a member of the clan, and facing the crisis together with everyone is my most basic mission."

Grandpa Luo Bao's eyes were extremely lonely.

He was not disrespecting the thirteenth void warrior in front of him, it was just because the twelve before him didn't even have a chance to take action when facing the seven-dimensional leader.

"As for my companions."

Span looked at Brother Liu and the others who were walking in the distance, "They are not what you think. They are very strong, and they will not stand idly by."

Grandpa Luo Bao hesitated to speak, and finally sighed heavily.

The visitors from Earth's homeland... no matter how strong they are, how can they compare with seven-dimensional creatures?


5 hours and I have to let them go!

Spann will be the last Mayan descendant in the universe!

But at this time, Span suddenly turned around and walked towards the distant street.

Grandpa Luo Bao was slightly stunned, "Span, what are you doing?"

But the back of the female warrior was very sharp, and she said: "Bath, change clothes, and prepare to meet the enemy."


Liu Di and the little boy walked in the middle of the wide road, with golden and magnificent scenery on both sides and clean and tidy ground.

The little boy squinted and said: "Violent Bear, everything is too obvious, anyone can see the problem."

Kun Sang: "What's the problem?"

Liu Di said calmly: "The space Mayan civilization encountered a strong enemy. This is the eve of the war, or... it is not accurate to call it a war, because the space Mayans have obviously lost their fighting spirit and are determined to die."

The little bottle cap looked around and swept his eyes over the new sprouts on the roadside. "There are traces of repairs everywhere. This city must have been destroyed before."

The little boy added: "Such a large space city, there is not even a guard fleet. They are probably wiped out."

At this moment.

Liu Di stopped and looked at the statue of the Mayan king in front of him and the huge locator on the side of the statue.

It was like a rivet, nailed to the ground, causing the surrounding floor to shatter.

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes, very puzzled.

This thing obviously belongs to the hostile forces.

The cosmic grid covers everything, but why is there no information about this void city.

Is there a more powerful creature covering it up?

Is the enemy above the seventh dimension?

But it doesn't seem like it.

A technological locator?

Such a crude method is actually the masterpiece of creatures above the seventh dimension?

It's like a muscular man with a thousand pounds of strength, holding an inflatable sledgehammer to kill the enemy.

Seven-dimensional creatures want to kill people, why do they need to be so cumbersome.

Brother Liu's eyes moved, and he saw the Mayan tribesmen arranged by Elder Luo to follow Brother Liu and others, looking nervously at the timer on his arm.

——'10:03:23. '

Brother Liu remained calm, knowing in his heart that the enemy should arrive in 10 hours.

Elder Luo tried hard to expel his group and locked the time within 5 hours, just because he didn't want everyone to be implicated.

Good intentions will naturally lead to good karma.

Brother Liu took a few steps forward.

But Brother Liu was faster than him. The Utah Array released a light yellow force field, instantly covering the huge locator.

There is nothing in the universe that it can't dismantle.

But at the same moment, Brother Liu was slightly stunned.

At this moment.

Brother Liu also raised his hand to touch the huge locator.

Then, his brows frowned slightly.

Because Brother Liu's fingers penetrated the surface of the huge locator and sank into it.

This thing seems to be a projection? !

Brother Liu clenched his palms slightly, and only felt a soft cool breeze, no physical objects.

This made Brother Liu a little unexpected.

But Brother Liu was extremely puzzled, "It's so strange! There is no projection equipment above, below, left, and right, and there is no current, electronic signals, etc. overflowing! This thing is like it doesn't exist at all!"

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes.

Analyzing this tall locator from the perspective, its welding process and surface metal are very rough, even rotten.

A picture can be imagined in my mind, a greasy man holding a welding gun and piecing together a pile of rags, and finally made it.

If a technological level is given to its maker, it is probably not higher than the earth.

The indicator light flickers slightly.

People can't touch it, but it is still working normally.

Liu Di looked at the ground under the locator again. The cracks on the ground caused by physical impact are very real.

Liu Di's feet can even gently push the debris on the ground.

What on earth is this.

The voice of the demon boy suddenly came, "There is only one theory that can explain the current situation. It... is not in the same space as us."


Liu Di's eyebrows were solemn for a moment, connecting the two key points. His causal observation was covered up, and Professor Tao once said that eight-dimensional creatures can control space.


Could it be an eight-dimensional creature.

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