My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1404 Why Now (1/2)

Milky Way Sun.

Extremely restless today.

The second largest flare in observational history occurred.

Of course, this is not enough to affect normal human life.

People cannot observe that behind the sun, there is a huge black mecha that is injecting antimatter energy into the sun, which accelerates the sun's activity.

If Mo Yu were still alive, he would be able to recognize at a glance that this mecha is his dream demon.

But because of this distant magnetic field change.

The earth's magnetic field is also linked.

Accelerating the flow of the molten iron layer under the earth's mantle.

The earth's magnetic field at the north and south poles is not eternal, but changes every 200,000 to 300,000 years. It has been replaced 5 to 6 times in history.


The speed of the Earth's magnetic field exchange between the North and South Pole is 1.6 years ahead of schedule.

causing temperatures to rise across the far north.

While scientists were terrified that the earth was about to be submerged, Liu Entropy, who was in an underground ice cave in the far north, woke up from the ice and held his own time halberd.

Then all the surrounding ice collapsed.

He walked out slowly.

Liu Entropy didn't understand what kind of ice could seal him.

And what kind of ability can make the temperature of the entire Far North rise out of thin air.

At this time, he was just staring blankly into the sky.

But what surprised scientists was that after a large area of ​​heat absorption and melting in the far north, there was a large area of ​​heat release.

In the huge arctic areas, the ice has become more stable.

The global submergence disaster caused by the greenhouse effect has been postponed for at least 1,500 years.

People lament that this comes from the regulation of nature itself!

Even if we don't take good care of it, it hasn't abandoned us.

It's not heartless!


The Tianjue has been flying in the wormhole for nearly two hours.

Even though Liu Di has gained a 'shortcut' outside the galaxy due to the return of the third time halberd, some roads are still far away.

At this time, Spann was waving his fingers slightly, looking a little nervous.

The light at the end of the impulse has already lit up ahead.

The colorful light originally reflected by the wormhole on Spann's face suddenly receded.

Then it was illuminated by a golden light.

Her dark blue eyes reflected a piece of golden brilliance, as well as a void city in the center of the brilliance.

Her expression suddenly relaxed, and then a hint of excitement emerged, and her eyes were full of hope.

"My home is safe."

"They're fine."

Spann's voice trembled slightly.

Brother Liu was slightly moved.

The space city of the Mayan civilization is magnificent and amazing when viewed from a distance.


He actually couldn't see the cause and effect of this city, as if there was a twisted force covering it.

But Spann suddenly turned around, his eyes flashing and said: "I want to drive the LS9 back home. They will recognize the appearance of the LS9, and they will know that it is me who is back."


Brother Liu hesitated slightly.

Spann was referring to the Silver Shuttle, the tool she piloted when she landed on Earth.

But some time ago, it was borrowed by Brother Liu.


Span put down the anxiety in his heart and said with a smile: "I, Span, also represent the space Mayan civilization, and welcome everyone to our void city."

The Tianjue is hovering 14,000 kilometers away from the void city.

Everyone walked towards the silver shuttle that had been docked in the Tianjue.

The moment Spann and Liu Di stepped in, the entire internal system of the Silver Shuttle lit up with a gorgeous light.

No one wanted to find out whether it was to welcome Spann or to welcome Brother Liu.

Brother Liu glanced at the silver shuttle, which was as clean as silver space, feeling slightly disappointed.

What you borrow must be repaid.

The Silver Shuttle passed through a ray of silver light, leaving Tianjue and heading to the Void City!


"Many of my people are standing on the edge of the city?"

Spann's blue eyes flashed, "What are they waiting for? Did they observe me?"

There was an obvious hint of joy in her voice.


There is no one on duty in front of the space monitoring system of the Void City.

Standing next to Grandpa Luo Bao, the scholar wearing glasses lowered his head slightly and looked at the terminal device on his arm.

He said in a low voice: "Elder Luo, through the positioning devices left by those high-dimensional civilizations, I have been able to determine that the other party is simply not a force that we can contend with."

"The universe has always been like this."

"The weak eat the strong."

"I think our destruction has become a certainty. Not involving others is our only salvation now."

As he spoke, the young scholar slowly touched the device on his arm.

Grandpa Luo Bao gritted his teeth, his expression was very painful, but he still held down the young scholar's arm calmly.

The old man didn't know why he did this or what the meaning was.

But he just didn't want to see this scene.

But I heard that the young scholar smiled and said: "Dare to be the first is an idea left by our ancestors. The end is death anyway, I might as well be more free and easy."

Right now.

Everyone saw a little silver light in the distance.

Everyone trembled at first, thinking that the high-dimensional civilization had arrived early.

But Grandpa Luo Bao narrowed his eyes slightly, "That's..."

"That's our aircraft!"

"That's LS9!"

"It is the vehicle of the thirteenth void warrior!"

"Is she back?!"

A glimmer of hope ignited in everyone's heart, but it was as fragile as a candle flame and extinguished in an instant!


Why did she come back at this time!

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