My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1403 Descendants of Civilization (1/2)

Void City.

The citizens here are quiet and peaceful.

A year ago, they were invaded and threatened by a high-dimensional civilization, and they were extremely panicked and desperate.

But gradually, they became calm.

Because all the residents here have the integrity of their ancestors.

That is fearlessness.

Just like 510 years ago, in the 16th century AD on Earth.

One hundred thousand warriors of the Mayan civilization looked up at the stars and made a decision - to explore the void.

This team was led by the Mayan king Bagal II at the time.

'Technological atavism' is real.

The so-called 'atavism' phenomenon is often used by people on some organisms, such as the appearance of a hairy boy with hair all over his body, similar to a gorilla.

People believe that he has returned to the appearance of his ancestors.

But few people realize a problem - is technology really developing in an upward linear trend?

That is, as time goes by, human technology will become more and more powerful, and will always surpass their ancestors.

This answer is not certain.

But the 'information gap' is certain.

There is no technology or a certain creature's brain that can pass on all the information from generation to generation. What is lost will always be more than what is passed on.

The Mayan civilization is such a race.

500 years ago, they mastered the technology of flying into space.

These technologies come from their unshakable belief in "God".

They wisely believe that the existence of "God" comes from the "divine creature" mastering some technologies that they cannot understand.

For example, the Mayan ancestors saw a god in white clothes at an election ceremony in 2500 BC. He appeared on the high platform and then disappeared out of thin air.

They believed that it was the god "Kanchikna".

This strengthened their exploration of God, and because they saw it with their own eyes, they gained a strong belief.

They began to develop technology.

From charcoal energy to mineral energy.

From bird wings to wooden Yinruo aircraft.

Finally, an interstellar spacecraft called "Solar Wing" was developed.

It was 520 years ahead of modern people.

Before Mayan King Pakal II led 100,000 warriors to ascend the void, he left a message: Humans should not be limited to the blue planet under their feet, but should explore fearlessly.

He left an empty coffin and never returned.

This coffin was discovered by later generations, and the pattern carved on it, "Maya King Pakal II wearing a space suit, driving at the control panel of the spacecraft", is puzzling.

But it was also because of this exploration.

The elite forces of the ancient Mayan civilization and advanced machinery were almost all taken away, causing the Mayan civilization to lose its core, begin to fall apart, and eventually disappear gradually.

When the descendants of the Maya with complicated branches and branches mentioned the glorious achievements of their ancestors, modern people always regarded it as a strange story and laughed it off.

Mayan King Pakal II was not sure whether he could reach the other side, or whether he would become nameless cosmic dust during the voyage.

This exploration.

Made the Mayan civilization on Earth lonely.

But in the depths of the universe, a magnificent void city was built.

They chose the NGC4013 galaxy, which is shaped like a magnifying glass, to settle down because they felt that it had a beautiful meaning and could "look back" at their homeland anytime and anywhere.

Now it is 500 years later.

The Mayan king Bagal II has passed away, and his descendants carved a huge statue for him, which stands in the center of the city.

The first batch of warriors who explored the interstellar have also passed away.

The remaining descendants have never returned to their homes.

Only in the past few years, a plan called "Hunter" was formulated, and more than a dozen warriors were sent back to Earth, but there was no news.

But the spirit of daring to face everything in their hearts has been passed down from generation to generation.

What about the intimidation of high-dimensional civilizations?

If I can fight, I will fight. If I can't fight, I can die, but I can't surrender.

The moment my ancestors stepped out of the earth, I was destined not to be afraid of any unknown!

At this moment.

Located on the side of the statue of Mayan king Bagal II, the huge locator left by the high-dimensional civilization suddenly started.

A low voice from the leader of a high-level civilization came from it: "My fleet has been repaired for a year and has now returned to its peak. You should also be fully prepared to hand in all the lists and corresponding materials, and lead me back to your home planet."

"I will be here in 12 hours."

The residents of the Void City walked out of the building one after another.

He glanced at Shen Yu silently, then slowly turned back and stared at the huge statue of Bagal II and the ugly locator next to the statue.

The fleet claiming to be a high-dimensional civilization threw this thing away before leaving.

Everyone was trying their best to hide the despair in their eyes.

They did not let this locator defile their city.

In the past year, they had organized forces to dismantle this ugly thing.

But the result made them feel deeply powerless.

The locator was actually "illusory". People could see it but could not touch it, and it had been functioning normally.

The Mayan civilization had tried various technical means, such as particle bombardment, force field interference, etc., but all were in vain. It just stood there, unshakable.

At this time.

All the residents of the Mayan civilization silently looked down at the special devices on their arms. These devices were uniformly distributed by the National Academy 2 months ago, and green liquid slowly flowed in them.

If it is absolutely necessary, only a simple operation is needed.

These liquids will be injected into the artery.

The host will die within 3 seconds without any pain.

People spontaneously walked to the edge of the void city, lined up in a row, and looked into the distance.

This is like reaching the limit of their living territory, and also like being on the edge of a deep abyss.

Xiao Luobao stood beside his grandfather, holding the blueprint of the engine in his hand.

Even though he was only ten years old, he still looked fearless.

He knew very well what the concept of "death" was.

But so what.

I am a descendant of the Mayan civilization like everyone else.

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