My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1402 The Missing Puzzle (1/2)


"The vast universe is a combination of countless cause-and-effect chains."


Liu Di hesitated slightly. In this boundless grid, in addition to countless natural landscapes and countless three-dimensional life situations, there are still many gray areas.

The entire universe is a precise and complete puzzle.

But unfortunately, a naughty child lost millions of pieces.

And these lost puzzles.

Contains the location of the brain world, the location of the quantum body, the true body of the spectator, the true body of Eshi, the origin of the frozen city of Uranus, the location of the god of death, the identity of the ancestor of the four-dimensional village, the behavior of Emperor Jiu, the future of the younger brother, the trajectory of Bo Lin, the whereabouts of Liu Zhengqing, the location of Gu Fan, and the end of the entire universe.

And Liu Di's own destiny.

There are also some "puzzles" that Liu Di doesn't know what they are.

All of this is invisible.

The man in the white shirt pursed his lips.

Although these secrets are insignificant compared to the vast universe and are not enough to affect the overall situation.

But for me, it is a feeling of uncertainty.

Why is this?

Liu Di began to think.

The true body of the spectator, Eshi...

And the ancestors of the Four-Dimensional Village who are called "Four-Dimensional" but are actually genuine high-dimensional life.

Gu Fan who went to the Supreme.

And my father Liu Zhengqing, who has long been an existence that I cannot understand.


They should all be higher dimensions than me.

The God of Death also obeys the Supreme.

Is the frozen city also caused by high-dimensional creatures?

Liu Di suddenly understood.

Below the seventh dimension, I can peek, but above, it is not possible, this is a barrier.

All their actions are the puzzle pieces I lost.


Why can't I see the fate of the brain world?

According to Gugugugu, the brain world should be five-dimensional.

It should be two levels lower than me.

Also, I can't see the adult Liu Xiaodi.

Liu Di was a little puzzled.

Everything related to himself is a little gloomy.

Then he fixed his eyes on the position of the missing puzzle pieces.

Unknown, that is, opportunity.

But then again, even if I lost a million ‘puzzle pieces’, I still mastered 99.9999% of the cause and effect of the universe.

Like a god.

This feeling is really good.

Liu Di, who was in the void, flickered his right eye, and the grid in it enlarged again, locking onto a planet on the edge of the Milky Way.

On the surface of that planet, stood a silent man in a white shirt.

The entire cosmic grid, along with Liu Di in the void, shrank into the slightly flickering right eye of the man in the white shirt.

He returned to his body.

The tens of thousands of cosmic journeys before only happened in an instant.

At this time.

Liu Di, who was still standing on the planet of the Prophet Civilization, moved his eyes and turned on the exhaust system on the Tianjue.

He picked up a piece of gravel casually, waved his hand, and threw it out of the atmosphere.

He asked Xiao Pinggai for a handful of seeds and sprinkled them on the land in the distance.

Everyone didn't understand what Liu Di was doing with this series of actions.

But it was the next moment.

A roar broke out in the distance

"I can't stand these so-called prophets anymore!"

"You are all pretending to be great, thinking you are the boss!"

"You didn't say anything when I asked you before, but now you tell me that you don't have any prophets at all?!"

"Do you think I am a softie and want to be bullied at will?!"

But an alien civilization wearing bright gems all over his body was furious, "I am a gem civilization, I am not a vegetarian! You don't want to speak, right? Then destroy me!"


It gently touched the red gem on its chest, which seemed to be its command system, which could control its own interstellar forces.

More than a dozen light years away, a huge fleet received its order, started the engine, and was about to approach.

At this moment.

A black shadow flashed by.


"Where is my ruby?"

The creature of the gem civilization was stunned, but saw that there was only a big hole left on the chest of his combat uniform.


"Where's my emerald?"


"Where's my sapphire?!"


"Where's all my gems!"

"Without gems, I have no command system!"

Liu Di's expression was calm.

When he opened the Tianjue vent before, he released an MVP in advance.

Gem civilization?

An existence in the universe that made Touba very happy.

But it was at this moment.

The piece of rubble that Liu Di had just thrown out of the atmosphere happened to hit a laser guidance locator.

The guidance signal was suddenly skewed by 0.0002 degrees.

Another fleet that was angry and ready to launch weapons in outer space to sanction the Prophet civilization, all its weapon systems suddenly deviated by 65 degrees.

In an instant, it destroyed another approaching fleet.

The Prophet Planet was unharmed.

The violent explosion in space was barely detectable.

No one knew what happened at all.

But I heard Brother Liu say: "Although this prophet civilization has become an ordinary creature now, it actually hides a huge opportunity. They breathe on silane and are now on the edge of carbon-based creatures. After thousands of years, they will evolve into silicon-based life."

"At that time, they will invade the earth."

"So I give them the most basic glycogen. After they take it, their bodies will rely on carbohydrates and stabilize the carbon base in their bodies."

"Thousands of years later, the fierce silicon-based civilization will not be born."

But see this moment.

A bunch of aliens, including the old prisoner, surrounded the seeds scattered by Liu Di, full of curiosity.

The small bottle cap changed the structure of those seeds and quickly grew mutant wheat.

The aliens took the fruit and put it in their mouths. The sweet taste made their eyes bright.

The old alien elder immediately ordered, "This is our future food!"

Liu Di's eyes sparkled, and he said calmly: "Seven-dimensional cause and effect, killing people invisibly, I cut off your way forward, but also left you a way to live. You should be glad that I am a kind high-dimensional."

A handful of seeds wiped out a silicon-based civilization.

But at this moment.

The Mayan female warrior Span, who has been quite quiet recently, came forward.

She bit her red lips and hesitated for a long time.

It was Brother Liu who spoke first, "You want me to change my route and go to the home of your Mayan civilization in space first."

Span paused, "How do you know?!"

Brother Liu looked into the distance, "Everyone heard the words of the little ghost in their ears before, and those words were everyone's inner demons, but you heard a disaster, which was the roar of your people's grief and indignation, but powerlessness."

"You didn't want to admit it at first."

"But recently, the feeling of uneasiness in your heart has become stronger and stronger."

Span was completely frozen, her long hair fluttering slightly in the air. She didn't understand at all how Brother Liu knew all these words buried in her heart, as if she had listened to them.

But seeing Brother Liu, there was no expression at all.

Span lowered his head slightly, holding the hilt of his sword tightly, with a little sparkle in his eyes, "I know you are here to find a girl, and the disaster of our race is just a vain thought in my mind, so are you willing to waste some time?"

"What are you talking about?"

"If I don't help my companions, even Gu Fan will be angry."

Span, who was lowering his head, felt that Liu Di's two words were a little far away. When he raised his head again, he saw Liu Di, Liu Xiaodi, Kun Sang and others, who were already standing in front of the cabin door of Tianjue.

Touta was also sitting in a deeper position.

Holding a large pile of colorful gems.

Just waiting for her.

Liu Di shouted from a distance: "Span, the thirteenth Mayan void warrior, can you be faster?"

The female warrior was moved.

The man in the white shirt smiled.

About Span's space home.

The NGC4013 galaxy that shines on the earth from a distance like a magnifying glass.

It is actually a missing 'puzzle'.

Liu Di found that there was an energy that distorted the long river of time, and the range was extremely wide, covering the entire Milky Way.

Liu Di felt that at that moment, the cause and effect chain that crisscrossed the Milky Way was broken a lot!

Liu Di could see Span's fate clearly.

But he couldn't see the situation of NGC4013 clearly.

Moreover, his partners were deeply worried, and the Mayan civilization was of the same bloodline as himself.

There was no reason not to go.

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