The residents of the entire Void City were shocked.

The rumored high-dimensional creatures!

Using cause and effect, they wiped out our defensive weapons!


The leader of the high-dimensional civilization continued to broadcast: "In one year, count all your resources, all your labor, all your scientific and technological achievements, and then submit to me."


"Lead my civilization to your home planet."

"I will make full use of that planet and let it make its due contribution."

The leader said.

The fleet belonging to the high-dimensional civilization once again carried out a round of inhumane bombing.

No matter what defense force the Void City sent, it would be instantly wiped out by the high-dimensional leader!

This is like an enemy with hot weapons, shooting at unarmed prisoners!

Hateful, disgusting, and infuriating!

In the Void City, countless residents died and countless gorgeous buildings collapsed.

In just 10 minutes, the death toll reached hundreds of thousands.

Among them were Luo Bao's good friends, teachers, father and mother.

Finally, the high-dimensional civilization dropped a huge positioning system, took root in the ground of the void city, and then left.

One year later, they will come back again.

At this time, little Luo Bao was lying on his grandfather's legs, with tears in his eyes.

Seven-dimensional creatures are very powerful, cruel, and vicious.

They took away my parents, leaving only me and my grandfather.

Seven-dimensional cause and effect...

Then I, Luo Bao, will create a weapon to defeat them.

You are cause and effect, and I am the paradox!

At this time.

The elderly grandfather looked up at the sky, trying to see the vast universe clearly.

Like the other four elders of the National Academy, he has been thinking about a problem for a year.

But this problem is not how to defeat the high-dimensional civilization.

Because in their minds, the seven dimensions are far beyond the existence of all three-dimensional creatures in the universe, and they cannot be defeated.

What the elderly grandfather is thinking about is where his void city will go.


He doesn't want to betray his home, his mother planet.

He doesn't want to lead the cruel high-dimensional civilization to his mother planet.

Perhaps, in the near future, when the high-dimensional civilization returns, there will be another brutal killing.

There will also be tribesmen who can't stand the torture and finally compromise.

The old grandfather turned his head slightly and glanced at the northern deep space.

His hometown...

Is it as rich in resources and powerful in technology as those high-dimensional civilizations think?


It is not.

It is still very backward. Compared with other planets, the resources are pitifully few and the technology is not worth mentioning.


It is the most beautiful dream of himself and thousands of tribesmen, and it is lingering in his soul.

All the children have heard the description of the elders and have the beautiful dream of returning to their hometown to play one day.

If the high-dimensional civilization really goes there, it can only be disappointed and angry, and then the earth will be stained with blood.

The old man gritted his teeth slightly.

Just two months ago, he and Congress made a forced decision. When it really came to the last resort, the entire void city could only... start the self-destruction system.

Never compromise, never betray.

And never accept humiliation!


The people of the whole city were enjoying the last comfort, and they were not afraid!

The old man moved his grandson Luo Bao's laboratory 100 meters underground.

But he knew in his heart that this was actually useless.


This little guy is quite competitive. He actually developed a 'paradox engine'?



There is no paradox weapon in the world. There can only be one result.

At this time, little Luo Bao looked up and said: "Grandpa, I never thought that those high-dimensional civilizations are invincible. If they are really seven-dimensional, why do they drive such a broken starship?"


"If they can really trace the cause and effect, why do they let us lead them back..."

Luo Bao said here.

His grandfather covered his mouth.

Grandpa stretched out a finger and hissed: "Don't mention the name of our homeland. What if they hear it? Luo Bao, you must remember that even if we die, we will not reveal our identity."

Luo Bao pursed his lips and held back his words.

Grandpa sighed, "Our defensive weapons and the twelve void warriors... are gone. We have no ability to resist them now. Whether they are seven-dimensional or not is not the most important thing."

"If they are really seven-dimensional creatures."

"My paradox engine will definitely defeat them!"


Luo Bao frowned, "There are thirteen void warriors in total! My laboratory still has their posters posted!"

The elderly grandfather still sighed, "I hope that the thirteenth warrior will never come back. Only in this way can we guarantee..."

The grandfather and grandson suddenly fell silent.

They didn't say anything, but a slogan that once resounded throughout the void city but no one mentioned it anymore echoed in their hearts.

-The fire of Mayan civilization will never go out.


"Progress of upgrading the seventh sequence of strong artificial intelligence, 99.5%.6%..."

Liu Di stood on the planet of the prophet civilization with a calm expression.

No one noticed that the purple light in his right eye had been extinguished for a long time.

"Progress: 100%."

At this moment, the six sets of cosmic equations in the Demon Child's program disappeared.

And Brother Liu's right eye suddenly burst into purple light.

Then the purple light slowly expanded, covering the entire pupil.

If you could magnify this piece of purple light hundreds of millions of times, you would be able to see that it is actually a vertical and staggered purple grid.

If it were magnified by trillions of times.

You will find that there are countless dazzling nebulae scattered in this grid.

And between the nebulae, there is the vacuum universe.

Then zoom in on the nebula.

You will see tens of millions of galaxies among them.

If you zoom in on the galaxy, you will see billions of stars and countless planets orbiting it.

As for interstellar dust and interstellar rubble, they are even more numerous.

Pick one of the gray asteroids.

The sight was enlarged again, and after penetrating the thin atmosphere, there was a man in a white shirt walking slowly on the dry and red land.

With every step he took, a small whirlwind rolled up around his feet.

He has traveled around the planet.

The entire interstellar grid suddenly shrank.

He came to another asteroid 1,200 light-years away.

He watched a meteorite hit the ground, causing a huge uproar, but his body was like an illusion and was not affected at all.

The man in white is both real and illusory, not in the three-dimensional world.

The man in the white shirt knew that this meteorite had brought 24 new elements. Hundreds of millions of years later, life would evolve on this barren planet.


The cosmic grid is shrinking again.

Positioned in a bright location.

The man in the white shirt stood in the void, watching the Geminid meteor shower from two years ago at close range.

He sighed inwardly, this is very grand and I am very lucky.


The man in the white shirt arrives at a spindle galaxy.

Staring at an asteroid named KEN23 by humans.

This asteroid has experienced huge gravitational pressure, and the carbon elements in it are highly condensed.

A ray of sunlight comes from 1.2 light-years away.

KEN23 emits dazzling light.

This asteroid is actually a diamond weighing 1.253 million meters.


The man in the white shirt nodded. After finding Gu Fan, I dragged the planet in front of her.

This is much more powerful than the three-sack diamond ring.

Let’s see if you haven’t fallen yet.


The man in the white shirt turned around and scanned the entire universe.

After entering the complete version of the universe equation, the devil boy constructed everything, and the long river of time in his mind has no end.

The territory extends from the earth to the deep universe.

A vast grid, 13.7 billion years in and out, for you to walk on.

The 7-sequence of strong artificial intelligence of the demon boy is Liu Di’s 7-dimensional.

"The product of the 7-sequence, the super small grid of the universe!"

"Demon boy, can you change your name to something more domineering?"

"Super domineering cosmic grid!"


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