My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1396 I am a prophet (1/2)

"What do you mean I can't do it?"

The Titanium King grabbed forward with both hands, frowning and saying, "Where's the Prisoner! Did you kill it?"

Looking at the injury of the Titanium King, Liu Di showed a trace of pity on his face, and slowly exhaled, "I'll go now."

After that, he disappeared out of thin air.




"In front of me, you can only show off your quick words!"

"Your body is too bad!"

But the huge black beast was seen waving its fist desperately in the air!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of violent collision came, and Liu Di was like a leaf swaying in the wind and rain.

At this moment.

Prisoner quickly penetrated the time point, appearing in a new position every 10 seconds, and then punched Liu Di fiercely!

This scene dazzled the millions of starships watching.

It seemed that there were more than a dozen double images, attacking the white creature at the same time!

"Is that beast also a high-dimensional life?!"

Everyone was afraid.

"Fortunately, I didn't attack easily before!"

"But that tiny high-dimensional seems to have no power to fight back at all!"

"Are there also differences in physical strength among high-dimensional creatures?"

"This kind of situation is not something we can handle, prepare to retreat!"

Millions of starships began to slowly retreat. What kind of show of strength to eliminate evil and make friends with high-dimensional creatures?

That high-dimensional creature was almost beaten to death by another one!

But at this moment.

Liu Di was knocked away by Qiu Yin's punch!

Qiu Yin knew Liu Di's self-healing ability very well, and kept hitting him hard just out of a playful mentality!

But it was just this moment.

Liu Di's second time halberd returned, bringing back a memory and a brand new result. The things that happened in two different timelines were finally merged together.

"Qiu Yin's precise causal control only had 3 seconds of negligence..."

"But, my second time halberd was successful."

It seemed that a layer of dust fell off Liu Di's body as he leaned back.

While floating.

Liu Di clenched his fist and felt his own strength.

He still maintained the posture of being knocked away by Qiu Yin, lying on his back with his eyes closed, but the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.


There is no power at all.

This feeling is really strange.

It's like being able to crush the entire universe into a speck of dust!

Liu Di's body suddenly stopped, and then his body turned slightly and stood in the void.

"Is your will not collapsed yet?"

But Qiu Yin cut through the void, and his huge fist smashed down from the top of Liu Di's head, "What the hell are these two time halberds? I didn't see any power at all. Today I will torture you to collapse!"

Liu Di raised his head and felt that Qiu Yin's fist fell from the sky like a planet.

At this moment.

Liu Di clenched his fist, without gritting his teeth or frowning, and even without mobilizing all his strength, he just soared into the air, punched straight, and hit back upwards.

There was a loud bang.

Qiu Yin's fist broke into pieces, and his muscles and bones shattered and splashed.

Liu Di's body did not stop, and continued to rise along Qiu Yin's arm.

The bones of Qiu Yin's right arm were broken and the muscles were rolled back.

It was slow, but at this moment, Liu Di's fist had reached Qiu Yin's jaw.


Liu Di's punch smashed half of the head of this huge beast!

Blood, flesh and bones were like red bouquets, splashing thousands of kilometers.

Qiu Yin, who only had half of his face left, had not reacted at all. He stared at his only remaining scarlet eye, his eyes full of disbelief.

But it was also at this moment.

While Qiu Yin was shocked, the sharp claws of his left arm opened subconsciously and slashed towards Liu Di!

But Liu Di slightly side-eyed.

The liquid metal formed a vertical line as thick as a thumb, blocking his side.


Qiu Yin's huge claws collided with the slender liquid metal, sparks flew!

I saw that the giant claw was completely blocked by the liquid metal!

I only heard Brother Liu say: "The hardness of the liquid metal will gradually increase with my control ability. From now on, it will be something you cannot shake."

But a black light flashed.

The liquid metal suddenly rotated 360 degrees, and Qiu Yin's left claw was cut off, and the wound was straight and smooth!



"No one can... hurt me..."

Qiu Yin seemed to be completely shocked, and at the same time lost control of himself, slowly falling towards Shen Yu.


"You are pretending very well."

"Want to run?"

Liu Di's body sank down, and his body flashed hundreds of kilometers away. At this time, Qiu Yin also appeared from the flash, and in just one second, his body was actually restored!

"You probably traveled back in time and waited for hundreds of years for your body to heal itself."

"And you returned to the Milky Way at this time just to change the cause and effect of my absorption of the gamma-ray burst, right?"

Liu Di pinched the huge claws of Qiu Yin, and his body suddenly jumped up, causing Qiu Yin's joints to snap. Then Liu Di jumped onto Qiu Yin's huge back, holding the claws in his hand, and stomped his foot suddenly, and Qiu Yin wailed!

Millions of besieging starships had not had time to leave.

They watched this amazing reversal with their own eyes.

Liu Di was such a tiny creature, but he grabbed one arm of the strange beast and stepped on its back!

I only heard Qiu Yin roaring: "You can't kill me! I am a prophet! I am the Seventh Dimension! The delay of your thought is enough for me to escape countless times!"

But the next moment, Qiuyin's body disappeared out of thin air and appeared in front of Liu Di, and his body recovered again!

It said fiercely: "I underestimated you. Everything just now was just a game between me and you. From now on, I will hide in the deep universe. One day, you will have a loophole, and I will completely eliminate your threat!"

"What a coincidence."

"Just now, I was just playing a game."

Liu Di looked at Qiuyin, "Remember the time halberd? Just now, my third one... also returned!"


4000 years ago.

The prophet civilization planet, the moment Qiuyin was just born.

The previous prophet dragged his dying body to the stone house of Qiuyin's mother.

It pushed open the door, stared at the newborn baby for a moment, and suddenly took off the crystal on his chest!

But when it raised its head.

It saw a strange creature in white clothes, standing in front of the newborn baby at some point.

The previous prophet was already exhausted, and with this shock, he ran out of breath, and uttered the last question from his dry throat, "You are..."

Liu Di looked at the old man, mourned for a moment, and slowly took the diamond crystal from the prophet's hand.

Then he bent down.

He leaned over the ear of the newborn baby and whispered, "You are not a prophet."

Then, these words full of low power echoed in the baby prisoner's heart ten thousand times.

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