My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1395 Energy Transition (1/2)

King Titanium Heng was not far behind Brother Liu.

He couldn't imagine what Brother Liu was going through.

Only gamma ray bursts of infinite energy can be detected.

And Brother Liu's life characteristics are infinitely close to zero!

"not good."

"It's reached its limit."

But Liu Di, who was in the center of the black umbrella, could no longer heal as fast as the gamma ray burst!

Liu Di's body began to fester at a speed visible to the naked eye, starting from the face and then to the chest. Then the flesh and blood exploded and shattered as if a detonator was buried in it. The pieces of flesh were carried away by the electron flow and turned into fly ash in mid-air!

The scene was extremely horrific.

The bones on Brother Liu's chest and his beating heart were exposed!

"I still can't control such a huge energy!"

Brother Liu watched as another wave of gamma ray bursts rushed over like a huge amount!

At this moment, the voice of the devil boy came: "In the past few moments, your body has shown a special state trend. We have seen this state before!"

"What is it?"

Brother Liu's voice seemed to come from the edge of destruction.

"Remember that forgotten astronaut?"

"His body is like mud, which is the product of a slight gamma ray burst. In other words, with such a physique, it is very likely that he can adapt to a gamma ray burst!"

"Astronaut DNA is merging!"

This is exactly the kind of useless skill that Liu Di once thought would only turn himself into a mess!

At this moment, Brother Liu seemed to have grasped a straw in the torrent. Although it was inconspicuous, it was extremely strong!

His body began to change.

The blood and bones seemed to have given up resistance and began to soften. Under the impact of the gamma ray burst, Liu Di's body began to 'spread' like mud!

As the high-energy rays attack more and more fiercely.

The mud state also began to spread.

Brother Liu changed from fluid to gray smoke and lost his form!

But the super gamma ray burst has not stopped, the huge black umbrella is still there, and the boundless energy is still gathering into the gray smoke!

King Ti Heng moved his ears, "Zhinao, why can't I feel Brother Liu's presence? What happened?!"

"Liu Di, the living organism, was first turned into a pulp by the gamma ray burst."

"Then it was dispersed into smoke."

"I guess that's what it means to be out of your mind."

"The good news is that the energy of gamma-ray bursts is rapidly disappearing."

Zhinao replied.




King Ti Heng paused and said in shock: "Zhi Nao, did you have a program bug?"

"not at all."

"I also detected that the visible light coming from the space in front of you is undergoing numerous faults. Every three seconds, the visible light is refreshed from the beginning!"

King Titanium Heng was stunned, "The visible light is intermittent, which means that the time there is being reset, once every three seconds?!"


Titanium Heng Wang Zhinao calmly analyzed: "There have been nearly 100 million resets so far. From our perspective, all this is just a short moment, but the living organism Liu Di may have spent several years. time."

This time King Titanium Heng's brain was not confused.

On the contrary, it is extremely clear.

Brother Liu is not three-dimensional!

He actually has the ability to constantly refresh time?

In other words, he was spending countless three seconds absorbing the boundless super gamma ray burst? !

No wonder.

The power of gamma ray bursts disappears so quickly!

This method is unimaginable!

Thief Brother Liu can really absorb nuclear radiation!


King Titanium Heng was stunned again.


Where did he absorb all that energy? !

He has turned to ashes!

"4.4 billion time breaks!"

"Your Majesty, Brother Liu, the biological body, has been missing for 410 years!"

Everything happens in an instant.

King Ti Heng looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

Super gamma ray bursts are like rushing into the sea. They enter silently and cruelly from the front section, then reach the massive and explosive middle section, and then reach the back section with surging undercurrents and dangers.

And at this moment.

Only an extremely thin tail flame remained.

The entire super gamma ray burst crashed into the black umbrella and disappeared like a mud cow into the sea, never to return!

King Ti Heng, who was standing behind the black umbrella, was sweating profusely on his forehead, "What the hell... was it actually resolved like this?"

But the huge black umbrella in the sky began to shrink, revealing the three-wheeled sun in the distance.

Countless neighbors kowtowed and said: "Ah... the miracle has disappeared. It is our honor to witness it with our own eyes!"

King Ti Heng raised his head in surprise.

Zhinao told him the scene in front of him - there was only a small amount of energy aftermath in the vacuum, everything was calm as if nothing had happened, the biological body Liu Di did not appear, and there was a layer of light gray mist floating in the sun, that should It's his dead soul.


King Titanium Heng scratched in the void, and then trembled slightly.

The next moment, he was extremely lonely.

The crisis of super gamma ray bursts is over.

I don’t know if Qiu Yin has been defeated.

But Brother Liu gave his life.

And I, King Ti Heng, can only hide behind him.

From now on, I'm afraid I can only leave it to fate.

The intelligent brain suddenly said: "Your Majesty, ten meters in front of you, there is a quarter-sized metal mask floating, with a purple eye inside."


The Titanium King asked in confusion.

But the fog in the sky condensed, first turning into a mud-like substance, and then forming a human body behind the purple mask.

"His face is very similar to the biological Liu Di, and he is naked."

"Some liquid metal emerged from his chest, forming a kind of precise electronic tattoo all over his body."

"He took out a set of clothes from the pendant on his chest, and the upper body was a white shirt."

The intelligent brain could not understand the scene in front of it for the time being.

It could only temporarily understand that the life contained indescribable huge energy, which was so strong that I could change its own molecular structure, thereby realizing the change of form.

And at this time, the Titanium King.

Can clearly feel the return of Liu Di!

But at the same time, he had a creepy feeling, a feeling like he once tried to kill himself by driving a starship at the extreme distance of 43,000 kilometers to observe a black hole up close!

That black light.

It was like a sleeping demon, and if you were not careful, it would tear you apart and devour you.

Liu Di turned slightly.

At this time, he had not yet fully adapted to his new body, causing the surrounding space to distort and the sound of shattering to come.

Titanium King subconsciously took a step back.

But Liu Di stared at the Titanium King whose skin was festering and whose eyeballs were burned and melted, "If you hadn't created a 3-second delay in this battle, I would have been helpless.

"You, Titanium King... are the key to breaking the prisoner, and Proxima B has been rewarded for your help."

The intelligent brain beside Titanium King's ear was still narrating, "Biological Brother Liu said that you are the key to this battle, and your every move..."

But the already stunned Titanium King slowly stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Don't repeat it, I can hear it."

"Thank you. "

Liu Di's voice came again.

King Titanium Heng raised his head.

He had no eyeballs and no tear glands, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eye sockets.

But the heavy burden in his heart was put down in an instant.

I heard Liu Di say again: "After all, I didn't stop all the gamma-ray bursts. About 0.002% of the radiation rushed to the earth. "

King Titanium Heng turned around, seemed to have ignited confidence, and said loudly: "There are still 4.2 years, and I will deal with the remaining residual rays. "

"You can't. "

Liu Di's body flashed for a moment in microseconds.

He went to the Earth 4.2 years later.

But he saw the remaining gamma-ray bursts, just entering the solar system.

He was blocked by a gray planet.

It was the forgotten astronaut.

Decades ago, he was irradiated by the prelude of this hyper-gamma-ray burst and mutated into a living planet.

He hated people's abandonment. He knew that the Earth would encounter a crisis, but he just kept silent.

But after meeting Liu Di.

Liu Di used the two-way twin metaverse to project the scene of the Earth onto the living planet, allowing astronaut Krikalev to see his family "living" around him and his real hometown.

In the following time, astronaut Krikalev was melted by love and was influenced by Liu Di.

At this moment.

He stood up.

Abandoning the resentment in his heart, he decided to be a hero for his homeland for the last time.

Hyper-gamma rays The aftermath of the explosion was completely absorbed by it.

Liu Di watched quietly throughout the whole process.

Because he knew that astronaut Krikalev would not die.

Instead, it underwent a secondary mutation, and its diameter increased by nearly 100,000 kilometers.

After everything was over.

He returned to the orbit behind Pluto again, hiding at the edge of the solar system, enjoying the "family happiness" accompanied by countless family members.

A month later, astronomers on Earth still observed this suddenly appeared planet.

It was found that its diameter, mass, and exclusive orbit were comparable to Saturn.

The entire astronomical community was shocked.

It was so hard to find it!

It deserves the name of the ninth largest planet in the solar system!

But, what name should be given to it?

Lost Star?

Star of Hope?

At this time.

The Gemini Metaverse, which had already dominated the astronomical community at that time, spoke up.

- Why not use it to praise the space hero of the friendly country and call it Krikalev.

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