My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1397 Backhand (1/2)

Liu Di held a diamond-shaped crystal in his hand.

He walked out of the stone house slowly.

Outside the stone house, countless creatures of the prophet civilization knelt on the ground, preparing to welcome the birth of a new prophet.

At this time, these creatures stared at each other.

Liu Di stared at them for a moment, and his body disappeared.

At this moment.

An old man in the corner of the prophet civilization sighed and said: "The first prophet once predicted that the prophet of our race would end in the hands of such a creature. Very good, unload the mission and return to peace."


"Why is there another one?!"


Liu Di returned to the outer side of the Milky Way, where he fought with the prisoner.

He held the scattered crystal, the surface was like a diamond cut, hundreds of millions of tiny surfaces, reflecting hundreds of millions of rays of light.

The demon boy soon found the pattern in these seemingly chaotic rays.

This is a four-bit code, translated into a language that humans can understand, it is a formula.

And the result of the equation is called fate.

Liu Di's face was calm.

It turned out that this was the fifth part of the cosmic equation.

Mo Tong entered this equation into the program, and then combined the first four parts with the sixth part created by Liu Di, "The Sound of All Things".

Liu Di could clearly see that in Mo Tong's program, a blue storm rolled up, covering the sky and the earth, and all the orderly codes were disrupted and then reorganized.

"The seventh sequence of strong artificial intelligence is being upgraded, progress: 0.1%...0.2%..."

Mo Tong's voice fell into emptiness.

Liu Di's face was still calm.

Because all this was within his seven-dimensional monitoring range and within his expectations.

Liu Di, who understood the cause and effect, was calm.

Then, the man in the white shirt slowly raised his head and frowned tightly.

No longer calm.

In front of him, the huge body of the prisoner turned into nothingness and disappeared a second before Liu Di returned.

The inheritance of the prophet civilization is the crystal on the chest. The crystal condenses a cosmic equation called "destiny". The fragment of this equation is very strong, so strong that it can shape a seven-dimensional universe.

Now, after the birth of Qiu Yin, he did not obtain the crystal.

Then Qiu Yin would not have such a huge body, would not have the ability to travel through the stars, and would not appear here.

Even, there might not be a creature called Qiu Yin in the world.

So it disappeared.

Causal weapon.

Remove the firewood from the bottom of the cauldron.

This is normal.


Liu Di's perspective turned slightly.

Millions of besieging starships are still floating in the deep universe, and the civilized creatures in them are still looking at everything in shock.

"Why did that strange beast suddenly disappear?"

"Destroyed both its body and soul?

"Is this a battle between high dimensions?"

"That high-dimensional life from the Milky Way has been hiding it all along?"

"It resolved the battle instantly?"

"So terrifying! "

Liu Di frowned slightly, ignored these creatures, and continued to move his sight.

But he saw that at the edge of the distant Milky Way, the 60-kilometer-long Tianjue was still floating quietly.

Liu Xiaodi, Kunsang and others also looked in the direction of Liu Di in confusion.

Liu Di clearly "saw" that the Utah Array on Liu Xiaodi's chest was still flashing a faint purple light.

Only when the ancestors of Proxima b died, the younger brother would obtain the Utah Array.

And the 60-kilometer length of Tianjue was also evolved from the Proxima b Devouring Beast.

Searching in the mind, Liu Di's exclusive mechanical civilization built by Tianlao III technology still exists, and the construction speed has made a qualitative leap.

These should not exist.

Including those onlookers , they shouldn't exist.

This is beyond Liu Di's control.

Erasing the prophet Qiu Yin from the root will inevitably trigger a series of causal changes.

But this is also the only way to kill Qiu Yin.

Liu Di originally wanted to make countless corrections through the timeline after returning.

Diligence can make up for shortcomings, Liu Di is confident that everything can run as usual.

But now.

Qiu Yin disappeared, but nothing else changed!

The man in the white shirt stood quietly, and a huge storm was set off in his mind.

But at this time.

Behind the people on the Tianjue, a huge figure slowly stood up, hideous and terrifying, with strange bones.

This monster formed a shadow, covering Liu Xiaodi.

The little boy turned his head suddenly, and then his face was happy, "Strange Beast Aviva? You are not dead? That's great!"

The huge shadow that slowly rose up was the biological mother of Qiu Yin who died because the crystal on his chest was broken.

But it was the low roar from the mouth of the strange beast Aviva, "Who are you? Where is this? Why am I here! "

Liu Di frowned.

The scene of Proxima B and Tianlao III collected by the nanoworms flashed through his mind.

Proxima B was still the planet with a great technological regression.

King Titanium Heng had a white cloth wrapped around his eyes, sitting at the end of the field, looking at the sky.

And the Tianlao III area, which had completely exploded, was only a dust and rubble belt.

Neither civilization was resurrected.

But the alien beast Aviva is alive!

Liu Di's figure flashed and returned to Tianjue.

The millions of siege fleets behind him followed, sending out various patterns of electromagnetic signals in the void - Dear advanced beings, hello, may I ask, is there anything we can do for you?

Liu Di, who returned to Tianjue, stared at the frightened alien beast Aviva for a moment, and whispered: "Don't worry, we will send you home."


Tianjue returned straight to the planet of the prophet civilization.

The moment of landing.

Liu Di saw an even more unbelievable scene.

But he saw that the entire prophet civilization was completely revived. They threw away their cloaks one after another, exposing the bodies of the alien beasts, and walked back and forth in the sun.

Not far away, another licking dog creature wondered: "The prophets are really strange. They just fell asleep together, and threw away their cloaks when they woke up, and it seemed that they had changed their personalities!"

Another prophet civilization alien beast was annoyed by the licking dog, and roared: "Please don't bother us anymore, there are no prophets on our planet!"

Liu Di became cautious in an instant, narrowed his eyes, and scanned everything vigilantly.

He took the little boy who was about to run around behind him, "Everyone, don't walk around, just stand by me!"

Because at this time, Liu Di's heart was rolling with huge waves.


Didn't it die?

What kind of back-up plan did it have?

It was after the alien beast Aviva got off the Tianjue.

Then it quickly ran to the eaves of a stone house.

Everyone then realized that the alien beast Aviva seemed older than before, and when she walked, she had the staggering feeling of an old woman on Earth.

But the alien beast Aviva shouted to the five alien beasts squatting in a row under the eaves: "My children, are you all right?!"

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