King Titanium Heng with his eyes destroyed.

Naturally, he could no longer see the scene in front of him.

I had no idea how spectacular the scene in front of me was.

But in front of his battered body, there was a huge arc floating out of thin air, running through one hundred thousand kilometers.

Smooth, black matte finish.

It's like a shield of heaven and earth, but it points the concave direction towards the green death light.

And a man in a white shirt stood in the center of the depression.

But the arc was too huge, and the figure of the man in the white shirt was just a drop in the black world.


The huge black shield emitted a solemn roar, like a horn charging to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

This sound is not caused by airflow, but is caused by the particle flow at the front of the gamma ray burst colliding with the shield.

The people from Proxima B were still kneeling on the ground.

In just a short moment, a green miracle first appeared in the sky, and then hundreds of millions of star gates like stars appeared. At this moment, another black shield of heaven and earth appeared.

"It must be the appearance of the ancestors!"

They had never seen such a grand scene in their 'life', and the speed of kowtowing was even more crazy.

But I saw that the shield of heaven and earth was still growing!

The man in the white shirt frowned and used all the liquid metal to make the liquid metal extremely thin!

Thousands of kilometers of black shield!

Covering the heavens and the earth, the end cannot be seen with the naked eye!

The thickness of the liquid metal at this time is not much wider than a row of atoms!

The essence of gamma ray burst is similar to electromagnetic energy, not physical kinetic energy. Liu Di does not have to worry about the thin liquid metal being smashed, it has only one purpose!

At this moment, King Ti Heng muttered: "You want to stop this gamma ray burst? I don't know what you did. Even if you can do it technically, this huge energy will not disappear after blocking it. Just like you carry a bag of water, there must be a place to dump it.”

A cold voice came from in front of King Titanium Heng, "My partner once said that gamma ray bursts are the means of the master of the universe to destroy low-level civilizations and assist the evolution of high-level civilizations. I grew up absorbing radiation since I was a child. This gamma ray burst Mar-ray burst is a gamma particle flow, a type of nuclear radiation! I have never tried this kind of energy! If you say dump it... then let it be absorbed by all rivers and belong to me!"

Open to all rivers?


King Ti Heng smiled helplessly, but he also heard the meaning of success or failure from Liu Di's tone.

"Do not make jokes."

"You actually have to absorb a gamma ray burst."

King Ti Heng just said this, his expression suddenly froze.

I just felt that the roaring gamma ray burst hit the giant black umbrella!

The black umbrella with Liu Di as the center seems to have a very strange material. It can hinder the penetration of gamma ray bursts and concentrate the huge gamma ray energy through the arc to the center of the entire 'big umbrella'!

And that's where Brother Liu is!

King Titanium Heng is extremely terrifying.

You really have to absorb it all!

It is simply unrealistic for such energy to be concentrated into a living organism!

This moment.

Liu Di only felt that there were countless invisible and tiny spiral awls drilling into his body from all directions, seeming to puncture every cell in his body at a microscopic level, with a severe burning sensation!

Brother Liu gritted his teeth.

The turquoise light of death in front of him was reflected in his pupils!

His reliance.

This is the second level of New Humanity - Restricted Liberation.

After breaking through this stage, there is no upper limit to your power.

But this does not mean that you can obtain endless power at the moment of breakthrough, but it means that there is no such thing as an 'upper limit'!

The key to Brother Liu's strength has always been to absorb nuclear radiation.

He once absorbed nuclear elements in the experimental cemetery, absorbed dozens of nuclear bombs in the Mariana Trench, and absorbed nuclear power reactor cores in Cherro, all of which gave Liu Di a sudden increase in strength.

But the earth can no longer satisfy him.

At this moment, the energy released by the death of the seven stars is Liu Di's promotion opportunity!

Brother Liu didn't know what the upper limit of the amount of radiation he could absorb was.

But this method is also the only chance to resolve this super gamma ray burst!

King Ti Heng was completely shocked.

Intelligent Brain is providing him with real-time data.

The violent gamma ray burst, which is enough to subvert one's cognition, is converging on Liu Di's tiny body!

"Energy value - 10 to the power of 28 megajoules per microsecond. This is enough for hundreds of starships to make space jumps. That little organism actually converted it?"

King Titanium Heng’s brain also suffered from logic breakdown.

"What's going on with his body?"

King Titanium Heng's body trembled slightly.

Although he is blind.

But I can feel the heat coming from the front.

The liquid metal began to heat up, and then turned red like a soldering iron.

There was an inexplicable sound of small metal friction in the vacuum. It was the collision between atomic structures!

At this time, the large liquid metal umbrella, already tens of millions of kilometers long, is still expanding rapidly. Currently, it only faces the front part of the super gamma ray burst, and it only covers one-twentieth of its area.

But he saw Liu Di, who was in the energy center, with protruding blood vessels all over his body, winding like earthworms throughout his body.

Then the blood in the blood vessels turned green, like poisonous snakes coiled around Liu Di's body.

10 seconds later.

A small explosion sound was heard, and the blood vessels in Liu Di's body burst, and green blood spread all over his body.

But it was only a moment, and the blood was baked into a dry and shocking mark by the high temperature around.

But King Titanium knew clearly that Brother Liu was still holding on, and his body absorbed countless energy!


The invisible energy ripples spread, and the liquid metal met the middle of the gamma ray burst!

The shape of the big umbrella gathered all the energy to the center.

At this time, just because of the conduction of basic energy, the temperature around it increased by a thousand degrees.

Brother Liu luxuriously mobilized the palm-sized liquid metal to form a small mask to protect the demon boy.


Brother Liu's body continued to explode, his blood dried up, and his flesh festered.

At the same time, the DNA of the black and white Joker was constantly taking effect, and his body continued to regenerate.

But just when it reached the new cell level, those cells were instantly killed by gamma rays.

Brother Liu knew.

Every new cell is stronger than before, and the toughness is doubled.

The super gamma-ray burst hit like a torrent.

Liu Di was also thinking about one thing at the same time, whether the liquid metal could cover the entire range of the gamma-ray burst?

He had no data in this regard.

He could only desperately dilute the liquid metal and continuously expand the range of the black umbrella.

The liquid metal was already as thin as a hair and began to tremble.

The strongest part of the super gamma-ray burst had also arrived!

Liu Di's self-healing speed gradually fell behind, and a painful roar came from his burned throat!

He was constantly breaking through the limit!

The range limit of the liquid metal, the limit of the body's endurance!

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