My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1383 Entropy Increase (1/2)

"This is how to do ah!"

"Brother Liu, don't leave us!"

“We still have a lot to do!

Kun Sang wails!

Tears flashed in Xiao Bo Gai's eyes, and he called out plant roots, hoping to revive Brother Liu.

The purple light on Liu Xiaodi's chest flashed, "Utah Array, can you upload the consciousness of the violent bear!"

But it's all in vain.

Brother Liu's body was damaged from the inside out, coupled with the aging and failure of his organs, his whole body was in a state of death.

Qiu Yin's thoughts moved slightly, "Huh? He's even more fragile than I thought, and he's actually dead? Haha, this time the Karma weapon exceeded my expectations, surprise!"

But it was in the Hercules Cyborg base 200 meters underground.

The black and white Joker's wrist was lying quietly on the ground. The extremely hot white flame could have burned everything, but the clown tattoo on the arm flickered in the firelight.


In the darkness not far away, a golden light flashed.

A well-proportioned male figure walked out slowly.

His slightly long hair was fluttering, but the white flames were unable to shake him at all.

He walked calmly, slowly bent down, exposed his white arms, picked up the broken arm of the black and white Joker, pondered for a moment, flashed his body, crossed the invisible barrier, and came directly to the top of the tunnel.

At this moment.

The wrist grew into a wild beast's claws, clinging tightly to the wall.

The figure watched quietly.

However, the sharp claws grew rapidly and turned into a complete black and white Joker. Then the beast climbed out of the ground with a fierce look on its face!

But that black figure seemed to be in another world than him. Even though it was close at hand, he turned a blind eye.


Deep in the universe.

On a planet with level 9 civilization.

There is a pure white space in the building as white as a goose egg.

A group of alien life children gathered in front of their teacher, absorbing the knowledge attentively.

Their teacher is an old man wearing a white robe, with a profound temperament in his every move.


The white-robed teacher looked at the empty screen behind him and paused slightly.

The screen flickered for a while, and finally the perspective was locked on a blue planet in the solar system.

For them, the code name of this planet is Blue 15-0.7, which is the earth on which humans live.

At this time, on the earth, a red light fluctuated slightly.

The old man in white robe smiled and said, "Students, this is really an excellent example, which can be used to explain the way our civilization observes the entire universe."

The children suddenly became energetic because in their understanding, their own civilization is the most powerful existence in the universe. With its own technology, it can observe every corner of the universe.

The old man in white robe smiled.

"Coincidentally, the creatures living on this blue 15-0.7 planet have also given birth to a cognitive bud, which is similar to my technology."

“They call this the second law of thermodynamics, also called the law of entropy—the law of entropy growth.”

"And this proposer..."

The old man raised his head slightly, "His earth name is...Clausius? A creature with a weak body but a powerful mind."

The alien children looked at the picture of the bearded man curiously and thought it looked really strange.

"The law of entropy increase..."

The old man lengthened his tone: "The premise is that everything in the universe will eventually be destroyed. Nothing can exist forever. For example, the lifespan of all races, although they vary in length, will one day return to dust."

"The same goes for items, such as our hovercraft. Its final outcome will be a piece of useless scrap metal."

"Like our clothes, one day they will become worn out and then be recycled and burned."

"Even if it is as big as the universe, the energy of all the stars in it will one day be exhausted."

"Or maybe the black hole grows disorderly and swallows everything."

A group of children were suddenly afraid, "Can't anything escape destruction? Teacher... We are afraid of that day coming."

The white-robed old man said calmly: "The speed of destruction depends on entropy. Entropy... is a numerical value that represents the degree of chaos of things. Entropy is increasing every moment and will not stop."

"It's like... every time you clean up your room, it gets messier and messier. That's not your fault, that's the law of the universe."

Suddenly, an alien child raised his hand and said: "Teacher, I will not allow entropy to increase. I will clean the room every day and maintain my aircraft seriously. I will not let it be damaged!"

The old man in white robe smiled, "The entropy value of the aircraft is the loss of parts. When you repair a part, the entropy value is slowed down. This seems to restore order, but you may not know that this aircraft has another The entropy value of the corner will suddenly increase."

"Entropy in the universe is always increasing."

“Perhaps the life of the aircraft will be extended and it will accompany you for a long time, but as time goes by and the technology is iterated, you may be attracted to new aircraft and give the old one away, but the new owner may not treat it as well as you do. ”

"Even if you put this aircraft in a museum, it will be treasured forever."

"This museum may also be blown up during a war... along with your bedroom. This kind of thing has happened countless times in the history of any civilization."

The children suddenly fell silent, their faces pale.

The old man in white robes cleared his throat and said in a gentle voice: "The opposite of entropy is order. Every time you finish a book or a piece of knowledge, your thinking will become more and more orderly, and the entropy value will become lower and lower."

The old man in white robes blinked, "This will at least keep you safe for the time being."

The children pouted.

Why do I feel like I have fallen into the teacher's routine?

You said that you would use the example of the blue 15-0.7 planet to explain the observation technology of our civilization.

How come it has become...if you don't study, you will die.


The white-robed teacher coughed, "Everything in the universe will always change from order to disorder. Order is a low entropy state, and disorder is a high entropy state."

"And the extraordinary means of our civilization is to observe the entropy value of the entire universe, and through this method, infer the other party's progress and the birth of new things."

The teacher looked at the blue planet in the projection, and the red ripples gradually dissipated.

He said, "On that planet, some creatures have just ended an unprecedented disaster and restored a kind of order. The entropy of this planet, which was close to the critical value, is rapidly decreasing."

The children widened their eyes, "So that's the case. Did a superhero appear and save everyone?"

"Someone has indeed reversed the entropy."


The old man in white robe shook his head and said, "The total entropy of the universe can only increase, not decrease. That means that if the entropy of a certain place decreases rapidly, it also means that in another place deep in the universe, there must be a place where the entropy is rapidly increasing."


The picture on the projection screen changed and focused on a corner of the edge of the Milky Way. A biological spaceship was floating alone in the void.

The red ripples representing the entropy value spread out with the spaceship as the center.

"There, something that shouldn't have happened happened, and the level of chaos increased significantly."

"For example, things that should have been destroyed were not destroyed, and people who should have died did not die."

The children were curious when they heard this, "What will change?"

"Entropy itself is also a kind of energy."

"It contains huge power, cause and effect, destruction and rebirth."

"It just appeared out of thin air in the void."

The old man in white robe was a little absent-minded, "If the universe has an unprecedented increase in entropy in a small area on an extremely short time scale, the degree of order has dropped rapidly, and the degree of disorder has increased rapidly, then it means that a force against the sky is about to appear."

The old man in white robe stared at the biological starship, "This time the entropy value is highly condensed, not a galaxy, not a nebula, nor a planet... It is very likely that the root of all this is just a single life form."

"After it revives, it will gain energy beyond our cognitive scope."

"I don't know what it will change, and what kind of catastrophe it will bring."

"But in our understanding of civilization, there is only one existence that can match this phenomenon."

"That is the birth of the cosmic god."

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