My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1384 Above the Sky (1/2)

Outside the observable universe.

On the red quasar, two blurred figures pulled by silk threads quietly watched the classroom of the old man in white robe.

Only to hear the old man in white robe say again: "But the entropy value of this newborn... is a bit too huge, so huge that it will interfere with the process of the universe."

"Although the entropy value will fluctuate in different worlds, some of the highest..."

When the old man said this, he pointed to the sky and hissed: "Life that is much more advanced than us wants to control the entire world into a calm lake. If the "lake water" fluctuates too much, it is likely to accelerate the destruction of the world, and may affect the plans of the top life and interfere with their rule."

At this time.

The figures pulled by the two silk threads paused slightly.

"This level 9 civilization has come up with so many random ideas?"


"The birth of the universe's gods?"

"It's just farting."

"It makes me feel disgusted."

Another figure said: "You hate it because they are right."

"A joke."

"A little brother Liu will interfere with our rule?"

"This time, he gained power, so what?"

"How could he be the cause of the world's turmoil?"

"He is just a clown for our entertainment, I can wipe him out at any time."

Another figure said: "Who knows, he may be the reason for saving the whole world?"

"Wake up."

"It's all too late, it's meaningless."

Another figure fell silent.

But when these two figures looked at the classroom of the level 9 civilization, there was a kind of disgust in their eyes.


One of the figures waved his hand slightly.

The level 9 civilization planet in the Horsehead Galaxy suddenly exploded, and then countless fragments condensed into a tiny light spot, and finally dissipated.

The old man in white robes, a group of children and students, and the countless creatures and technologies on the planet were all destroyed. The splendor was fleeting. No matter how many stories there were, it was as if they had never existed.


Earth, under the Hercules Transformer Base.

The figure who had just saved the black and white Joker jumped and came to the ground.

The surface of this transformation base is the Petersburg Medical College of Europe.

At this time, the staff of FIC had arrived and surrounded the entrance to the sea of ​​fire. The staff was in a mess.

But no one could see the walking figure, he seemed to be in another timeline.

He was wearing linen clothes, barefoot, and carrying a golden halberd on his back.

He looked through the crowd.

He saw the black and white Joker gnashing his teeth in the grass, looking at the red skirt figure fiercely, "My goddess... I will get you..."

The barefoot man turned back again.

Seeing Liu Di put the little boy on the helicopter, a group of staff were helping the little boy check his physical condition.

The barefoot man sighed slightly, "I never thought that the mission of this time's team was to save you."


At this moment.

Everyone on the Tianjue was in great grief.

In this room, there were two couches placed side by side.

Mo Yu had been lying on one of them for a long time.

In the eyes of everyone, Mo Yu was no different from being dead.

And on the other couch, Liu Di, who was old and shriveled, was lying. His body was broken and he was no longer breathing.

The scene was echoed with low sobs.

Touta also appeared, standing in the corner, tears rolling.

The little boy turned his back, tears flowing silently, and he couldn't believe this scene.

Span's expression was endless grief and fear.

Taozi turned black hair, said nothing, and had no expression.

Tears rolled in Xiaopinggai's eyes. She began to doubt herself this time. Can death and rebirth really be transformed?

Kunsang tore off the lining of his sportswear and tied a white cloth strip on his forehead.

He knew that in China, this was called wearing mourning clothes, which might be related to some generation, but that was not important.


Kunsang was really sad, very sad, as if he was suffocating.

He cried loudly.

"Next, we have to send Brother Liu back to Earth!"

"That's his home."

"He has to go home, I want to build a tombstone for him."

Kunsang choked, his voice intermittent, "But... How should I explain to Brother Liu's family... How should I explain to my brothers on Ghost Island... Before I came here, I patted my chest and said that I was very weak... But I would protect Brother Liu!"

Kunsang wiped the tears from his eyes with both hands, "No matter what, I have to face it!"

He looked at everyone, and tears suddenly came out again, as if he had lost all his strength, and leaned decadently in front of Brother Liu's bed.

"We... have to inform Liu Di's family, his mother... what other family members does he have... he seems to have a brother, what's that guy's name?"

But at this moment.

Behind Kun Sang, Liu Di's heart began to beat.

The blood had pressure and began to flow in his shriveled body.

His nerves began to grow, his bones began to grow, and his muscles began to recover.


Liu Di suddenly sat up, the old wrinkles on his face were still fading, but he opened his eyes, and the purple light in his right eye began to beat.

In the quiet space.

Liu Di suddenly said: "His name is Liu Shang."

Kun Sang was startled, slowly turned his head, looked at Liu Di who was half sitting on the bed, and nodded, "Yes, now that you mention it, I suddenly remembered that his name is Liu En, the Entropy of anti-entropy!"


Kun Sang looked at Liu Di who was stiff in front of him, his eyes slowly widened,


The white cloth on Kun Sang's head trembled slightly, and then the whole Tianjue sounded like a pig slaughtering howl.

"The corpse has revived."


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