My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1382 Tracing (1/2)

Inside Tianjue.

Brother Liu's leg was broken and he knelt on one knee, his body growing older.

He stared at the ground in disbelief, his pupils trembling.

The strength in his body felt as if it had been taken away from him. One moment it was like a turbulent sea, but it quickly faded away at this moment.

Qiu Yin's ferocious smile rang in his ears.

With endless ridicule and contempt.

In the eyes of outsiders, Qiu Yin was still the same monster squatting on the planet, motionless and never raising his head at all.


Everyone on the Tianjue ship clearly felt that the causal weapon Brother Liu encountered this time was extremely powerful, and the tragic situation made people dare not look directly at it.

All the members looked unbearable and stepped forward to help Brother Liu.

But it was Brother Liu who raised his remaining right arm with difficulty to stop everyone.

"It doesn't matter."

Brother Liu said these two words with his chapped lips.

The next moment, his arm also disappeared, turning into another hideous dark red wound that had already healed.


Brother Liu fell face down and fell down!


Everyone's mentality is shattered!

What's going on? Why hasn't he recovered?


The huge monster that did not move in the eyes of countless starships, like light and shadow overlapping, raised its mountain-like palms with five sharp claws, and directly grabbed the Tianjue. During the roar, once the claws were grasped and closed, Tianjue The number will also be broken!

But he saw Brother Liu lying on the ground with his face down, and his right eye slowly closed!

This moment.

Behind the Tianjue, a vertical silver thread appeared, splitting, forming a silver door!

During the flash of silver light, an attraction from space instantly sucked the Tianjue into it, and then a silver cone appeared between the sky and the earth. One end was where the Tianjue was, and the other was the inside of the Milky Way!

Tianjue's light flashed.

Disappear directly!

Prisoner grabbed the air with one claw, his expression paused slightly, and a hint of anger emerged.

"Staying behind? With the help of a technological wormhole, you retreated to the Milky Way?!"

"It's a bit prescient, but so what?!"

"Hide back to your ant nest, and never step out of the Milky Way again in this life. All your cause and effect will stop, and your future will be ruined!"

"You can't change anything!"

"But my plan will eventually be achieved!"

Qiu Yin squatted on the huge planet, roaring to the sky, and the color of the world changed.

But in the eyes of countless fleets, it remained motionless, squatting there as if sleeping.

"The little spaceship escaped?"

"You just took a close look at the monster, then activated the star gate and ran away?"

"Weren't you still very brave before?"

"They are indeed a group of weaklings!"

"Galactic civilization? Not worth mentioning!"

At this moment.

Inside the Milky Way's Edge.

The Tianjue appeared from the star gate.

Everyone rushed in front of Brother Liu.

But he saw Liu Di, who was as old as a hundred years old, with all the bones in his body broken and his arms cut off, with his eyes closed tightly.

Brother Liu was drowsy, and the voice of the little ghost echoed in his head - if you just look for the cause of prison, you will die.

Brother Liu felt regret in his heart.

I have been fighting for a long time, defeated countless enemies, and never failed.

But he also unconsciously formed a proud mindset.

This is terrible.

The high-dimensional creatures in the universe are far from being as simple as one thinks.

It is simply not something that a creature like me, who comes from the earth and lives in the three-dimensional world, can guess.

myself this time.

The courage of an ordinary man.

"Brother Liu!"

"The Three Strong Emperors!"

"Violent bear!"

"Are you OK!"

In Di Liu's ears, he heard the shouts of his companions, but his senses were extremely old. These sounds were like shouts from the distant mountainside.

Brother Liu's heart has also reached its life limit.

The intensity of the beating is getting weaker and weaker.




Liu Di clearly heard the echo of his heart, but finally at this moment, the heart could no longer contract or release.

The blood stops and the heart stops.

Brother Liu's brows relaxed in an instant, and his life ended.

"Brother Liu!!!"

The cries of grief from the companions echoed through the deep space.


Two years ago.

Europe, Petersburg Medical College, Hercules Human Transformation Base.

Liu Di and Lisa Fei came here based on clues about abducted children.

In the base 200 meters underground, I met the imprisoned little boy.

In the raging fire.

After Brother Liu played a game of chess with the little boy.

The man in the white shirt was very free and easy. He picked up the little boy, moved the surrounding steel plates with his bare hands, protected the woman and child in the red dress, and rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire to the ground.

This is also the time.

After they left, the reformed man, who was all dry and dirty, opened his eyes.

He is the black and white Joker, who has the ability to infinitely regenerate his body.

The black and white Joker, who looks more like a ferocious beast, has cold eyes, clasps his hands into the wall, and climbs up along the deep tunnel!

The fire turned the tunnel into another barrel-shaped furnace.

If used for grilling meat, it can also ensure that the meat juice will not be lost.

The black and white Joker's skin is constantly being dried out and turned into charcoal, but it completely ignores it, and its body will recover in just a breath!


But he was the man who wanted to 'send' DNA to Brother Liu.

The black and white Joker smiled evilly.

After more than ten years, he finally escaped!

With his unique ability, the world is at his fingertips!

At this moment.

The black and white Joker in mid-air grabbed the wall in front of him, and suddenly there was a harsh metal friction sound!

His nails were bleeding!

A transparent barrier appeared in front of him!

The black and white Joker suddenly changed color, his throat was hoarse, and his ability to speak had not yet fully recovered, "This... is... what's going on!"

He grabbed forward frantically.

The harsh sound continued to come, and even if its nails were broken and its finger bones were broken, it could not tear the transparent barrier apart!

It began to panic.

It was like a god had imprisoned itself!

He turned around and looked at the dark tunnel, and a ball of white flames burst up!

The temperature of the flame suddenly soared, far exceeding that of ordinary flames!

"This... is... what's going on!"

In the white flames, the body of the black and white Joker could no longer resist and turned into ashes!

Only the wrist with the clown tattoo fell into the endless abyss!


"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"What's going on!"

"Brother Liu, wake up!"

Inside the Tianjue, Kun Sang burst into tears and shook Brother Liu's shoulders. At this time, Brother Liu was already an old man who had passed away and was no longer breathing!

No one expected it.

The invincible Brother Liu died suddenly!

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