My right eye is a god-level computer

136. A competition without any suspense


It is a day worth celebrating for hundreds of millions of music lovers in China.

The music section of Gemini app will be updated soon.

The old music platform Penguin Music is also under pressure and chooses to be free on all platforms.

It can be called a musical feast.

When the time came, users hesitated.

I looked at the Gemini icon, and then at the Penguin Music icon.

In everyone's eyes, Gemini is like a plate of delicacies, too perfect to be true.

There is always a feeling of being reluctant to open it, wanting to save it to surprise myself one day in the future.

Think again and again.

Many netizens have come up with an answer: go to Penguin Music to sign in first? If you remember http:// for one second, you might be able to win a bonus of 100 yuan? Click on Penguin Music.

Network connection... Failed to connect to server... 404... Huh? I go! Penguin Music can’t be uploaded? what happened? Didn't we agree to draw 10 million yuan? Didn't we agree to have interviews with celebrities? What do you mean you can't log in? Escaped from battle? No, as for that? After countless people logged out and logged in again and again.

They were determined.

Penguin is down! All apps are disconnected! Depend on! Penguin is really useless! I'm really convinced. Are you scared to death? It’s better to log in to my big twin! Just like that, all users flocked to the Gemini app! Just opened.

Colorful music score icons fill the screen! A small gorgeous special effect means that Gemini Music is now online! Of course, people still couldn't help but click on their own twin stages.

He looked at his message eagerly.

A reply filled with emotion.

Every netizen who feels the same as me.

Let all users feel at ease instantly.

Inexplicably, different pieces of music gently sounded in different mobile phones with each step.

A middle-aged man who just posted a photo with his deceased wife.

Netizens' comments are being read, and all of them are heartwarming and comforting.

A piece of music sounded faintly.

'It is said that people who miss the past are like scavengers, digging around in rags. But why are there so many scavengers in the world? Because he found a rusty ring one day, he held it and fell into deep thought. This was his world at this time. Behind every relaxed smile was a gritted soul, a kind of tenacity that must not be understood by outsiders, because there are not many serious people in this materialistic age. The song was played quietly, and the middle-aged people praised it. Holding on to the phone, tears of gratitude! Once a song with a melody matches the state of mind, it is ten times more powerful than words.

The song ended and he clicked on the song details.

Song: "Serious Person", singer: bar singer Bei Feng.

The tears that the man had been holding back for a long time finally fell from his eyes.

Why didn't I discover this song earlier.

It sounds really good.

Like a kind of elixir, slowly healing my heart.

...a long distance away.

A candidate who has just received an admission notice from a foreign university.

Sitting on the bus.

I felt a little confused. After all, I had to leave my hometown where I had raised myself for more than ten years.

He put on his headphones, turned on the Gemini, and light music came from his phone.

'When you are on a road, you try to take three or four steps forward, and then you start to think about whether to go on or not. You look down at your feet and decide not to go on. When you return to the road, it turns out that everything is a waste of worry because you find that you can't go back long ago. After you have gone, you can only move forward bravely. I will wait for you to return to your hometown." After listening to the song, college students felt extremely sad! Gemini Music seems to have a soul and is answering my questions! When he came back to his senses, he suddenly realized. took 4 stops! These are just one or two microcosms among hundreds of millions of users! Countless people are immersed in the ocean of Gemini music! Finish listening to the moving songs.

Only then did they realize that Gemini had to pay a fee. They all clicked on the official channel of Gemini Music.

But I saw a heart-warming slogan: The music that suits you best is priceless! Countless people were moved.

Gemini has attitude and taste! I back you up! I won’t say anything else, where is the paid entrance? I must get this membership! ...Office of the Founder.

More than 400 people clenched their fists and stared at the large data screen in front of them.

1 paying customer.

2...3...1,000...10,000...Many people covered their eyes.

When he couldn't help it any longer, his fingers spread a gap.

My heart tightened! 150 million...160 million! The number of paying users is like a volcano erupting! Unstoppable! Ah Jia's mouth was also dry and his eyes were glued to the screen.

This is definitely a profit! And, the amount is staggering! "It's amazing. Users didn't go to Penguin, but they all came?" someone shouted excitedly.

"Everyone, ignore Penguin!" A programmer looked at the phone and shouted in disbelief: "I just got internal news that the Penguin headquarters lost power, the main server shut down, and is now paralyzed!" "How could this happen? ?" a group of people exclaimed.

The programmer who got the news was also a little confused. He scratched his head and said, "I heard from my senior brother that someone set off a firework internally? Did it explode?" "Haha.

Liu Di, who had remained unmoved, chuckled, "There are no fireworks, it's because they have evil intentions, and they will be killed if they do many unjust things!" "Of course others don't know.

It was Liu Di who discovered the commercial spy in advance and deliberately let him take away the Gemini 'Core Algorithm'.

And he used some tricks in that algorithm to give the penguin a small gift at the right time! 1 hour later.

The employees of the creator opened the champagne prepared in advance! Let's celebrate! Because the number of paying users of Gemini Music has exceeded 500 million! Another amazing data in the history of the Internet! There is no way! The music quality of Gemini is too good! The algorithm is too powerful! And Penguin can't be used normally until now! ...Penguin Group.


Chaos! "What's going on? The power suddenly went out!" "Repair it quickly!" Li Tianwang, one of the four major music kings in the Chinese music scene, sat in a dark corner with a helpless look on his face.

This is the funniest performance he has ever experienced! "Oh my god, how did Limen Penguin die of obesity!" "There was a power outage..." "What's going on? How can I explain it to my fans!" "Can I still be in love with Luan Cheng? It's unreliable..." "I'm leaving first!"

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