Founder Company.

Liu Di looked at Ah Jia, who was extremely excited and laughing with all the employees, and smiled slightly.


"Brother Liu called softly.

"Boss Di San, please speak!" After the great success of Twin Music, Ah Jia is now more confident, full of joy, and can walk with wind! Liu Di scratched his head, "When I developed the 'Music Master', I also developed a 'Video Master'.

Ah Jia was suddenly startled and looked concerned, "Video Master, what do you mean?" "It is to be able to distinguish the quality of video content, whether it is exquisite, whether it is compliant, whether it is interesting... and so on.

“And according to the quality of the video, it can be ranked in real time and assigned recommendations.

"This is very suitable for entertainment platforms, such as live broadcasts and so on."

"Brother Liu said calmly.

Ah Jia's mouth opened wider and wider, "You... want to do a live broadcast?" Liu Di chuckled and nodded.

Snapped! Ah Jia slapped his thigh, "Okay, let's do it now!" "No hurry, I'll post a stage update first!" Liu Di smiled again: "Then you inform your colleagues that a celebration meeting will be held later!"... Wow...after 2 hours of rescue.

Penguin Group finally restored power.

But everything has gone cold.


The lighting was restored though.

But their system was invaded by a virus.

All are locked and require a password to unlock! Li Daode was devastated! The technical director was stunned! He can't crack his password! Everyone knows where this virus came from.

But I can’t tell you the pain! Do you want to tell others that you stole their core code and then got invaded by a virus? If you fail to steal the chicken, you will lose the rice! Ding...the undercover programmer received a text message on his phone.

‘Comrade Zhang Yang, congratulations on becoming the first employee to be officially fired from Gemini! ''Warm reminder, if you have a locked computer in front of you, please try typing: Li Daode is immoral! ’ Damn it... my brother, the programmer, turned his phone towards Li Daode in a daze.

Li Daode had a dark look on his face! He closed his eyes tightly, looked up to the sky, sighed, and waved his hands.

The technical director entered a few words dully, "Li Daode is immoral.


The computer was successfully turned on... Li Daode covered half of his face and gritted his teeth: "No one is allowed to tell me about this matter. Only the four of us know about it!" But Wen, the technical director, coughed a few times in embarrassment.

"Um...Mr. Li, currently only my computer is unlocked. There are thousands of others outside the door. In my have to enter the password one by one.

"Li Daode was stunned.

I have the heart to want to die! "Go to your grandma, it's up to you, why don't you set off any more fireworks!" Li Daode was so angry that he kicked the technical director! but.

There is no way, the computer can't be locked like this! I had to send people to enter the password one by one.

In the next hour, the entire Penguin Group was filled with famous sayings: Lee is moral and immoral! After everything is restored.

A group of Penguin executives, including Li Daode, looked at the horrific data.

So desperate! After three hours of system downtime, there are only a few million active users left! For a company the size of Penguin.

It's equivalent to just a few hairs left! After returning to the office.

Li Daode pulled off his tie.

He sat dejectedly behind his desk.

Blind eyes.

Ding...a prompt came from the phone.

Creator Di San updated his status! Li Daode hesitated for a long time.

I feel a little afraid to look at each other.

It's like that mobile phone is a landmine, it will explode as soon as you touch it! In the end, he chose to accept reality! Pick up your phone.

I saw Di San posting two updates in a row! Article 1: 2:0! Countless comments below, warm celebration! damn it.

It goes without saying that after social networking, Penguin completely failed in terms of online music! Trembling, I turned to the second article.

‘The Creator Company officially announced that it will update the online live broadcast function in 3 days! All major anchors are welcome to sign up! 'Holy shit! Li Daode threw the phone away! It's not over! You want to fuck my penguin live again! Li Daode lowered his head.

Breathing heavily! This was a dead end, and he really had no choice! Just now, Teng Hualong, who was overseas, had called.

Extremely furious! Already set out to return to Haishi! Take care of the mess, take care of Li Daode! Li Daode's eyes were bloodshot.

An evil idea gradually emerged.

Emperor San.

This time, either you die or I die! He pulled a spare phone out of a drawer.

A phone no one has ever seen! A number was dialed.

When the other party answered, it was a low and hoarse voice with a hint of ridicule.

"Hey, Mr. Li is calling? Are you having fun fighting with the twins recently?" "Tiger, shut up! Listen to me..." Li Daode gritted his teeth and whispered: "You said before, you can If you find an international killer, you can kill anyone as long as the price is high?" The other party was silent for a while.

He smiled coldly, "If I guess correctly... you want Emperor San's life, right? 40 million, I'll help you settle it!" "40 million, so expensive!" Li Daode swallowed his saliva. 40 million is almost all his wealth! "Haha, President Li, we are talking about killing people. If you want to do this, you must do it beautifully without leaving any traces!" "The killer I can find for you is of international level!" "Have you heard of the Poker Club? There are the top 54 killers in the world!" "Cellphones! Have you heard of them? The Poker Club is full of cellphones!" "They all took drugs, and they are many times stronger than ordinary people!" Li Daode's brows gradually frowned.

He had heard of the concept of cellphones in the top circles.

He didn't dare to believe it.

But on second thought, with the development of technology to this day, even plants can be genetically modified.

It's not so unrealistic to transform the human body! Li Daode gritted his teeth and said, "Are you sure these people can do it?" "Of course, I can help you find Spade 9. Although he ranks at the bottom, he is also an absolute killer!" "He has never failed!" "Isn't that Emperor San just a programmer? It's easy to catch him!" Li Daode thought for a long time.

A fierce light burst out of his eyes! He was also almost crazy! "40 million is no problem! But I want you to kill Emperor San within 3 days!" "Haha, Mr. Li is really straightforward, don't worry!" "I will arrange for him to prepare now. Spade 9 will come from abroad, get rid of Emperor San within a day, and then fly away. No one will know!"

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