My right eye is a god-level computer

$135.On the eve of launch

Li Daode's office.

Situ Zhou, Li Daode, and the undercover programmer gathered around the computer without daring to breathe.

The tough-minded technical director was tremblingly stroking the small USB drive.

"Is this the core code of Gemini?"

"Yes, I managed to steal the copy!" The undercover programmer nodded heavily.

"I'm so excited, I'm going to see a miracle!"

The technical director's hands were shaking.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up!"

Li Daode was impatient!

It seems that he has already seen the day when the twins will be destroyed!



Insert the USB flash drive into the computer.

A black dialog box instantly popped up on the screen, and codes flashed quickly!

"That's it! That's it!"

The technical director was extremely excited and had tears in his eyes!


‘Due to confidentiality, all takeaway programs require an activation password! ’

The window code comes to an abrupt end.

It turned into darkness, with only a password input port in the middle.

Everyone was stunned!

All look at the undercover programmer!

The kid looked panicked, "I don't know what happened, I was fine when I passed the exam!"

Li Daode was also panicked, "We won't be tricked again!"


But the technical director sneered and said, "Don't panic!"

"Dignified Gemini, it's normal to encrypt your own programs!"

"But, they underestimated it!"

Li Daode also saw a turning point, "What do you mean?"

Technical Director Ning laughed out loud!

"This is the core code of Gemini!"

"They just added an anti-theft code!"



"I can just crack it!"

"Ha ha!"

Li Daode's eyes widened immediately, "This is true!"


The technical director turned his head slightly and said, "To be honest with you, Gemini's skills are very strong. Looking at the password in front of me, few people in China can crack it, and I am one of them!"

"Very good!"

Li Dede clapped his hands fiercely, he wanted to cry!

This is the happiest moment in his life!

The twins are finally done playing!

I want to avenge my shame!

Let that Di San polish my shoes, and that Zhang Tianjia!

Let him shine my other shoe!

What the hell!

But I saw the technical director put on airs and said sideways, "Mr. Li, who did you call a waste before?"

Li Daode was stunned and reacted instantly.

Pointing to his nose, he said, "Me! I'm a waste! Teacher Jiang, I take back all my words and apologize!"

"Don't waste any more time! Hurry up and crack it!"

"Hmph, just admit your mistake!"

The technical director moved his fingers slightly, looked at the screen and said, "I'm afraid this will take some time, about 18 hours!"

18 hours?

Li Daode then thought, isn't this the time when Gemini Music will be launched?


A few hours doesn't matter, as long as you can get his twin core codes, a small music platform is not worth mentioning!

"Teacher Jiang, please start quickly!"

"Okay, pour me a cup of tea first!"

"No problem! Situ Zhou, go quickly!"

17 hours later.

Founder Company.

Ruan Liangji previously led a group of founder employees to work overtime without stopping.

Great results!

The new Gemini music function has completed all operations.

And passed the inside!

Classic algorithm matching.

Simple interface.

Comfortable operation.

Another masterpiece!

After watching Ruan Liangji's demonstration, Brother Liu nodded with satisfaction!

His work is almost impeccable!

As for Ah Jia.

After 20 hours of work, with the cooperation of the 'music master'.

The number of signed high-quality songs actually reached an astonishing 80,000!

Covering all types!

It’s enough to give users an exquisite music feast!

Ruan Liangji, the nervous person in charge, saw Liu Di’s approval.

Heaving a sigh of relief!

Only then did I think about the music library!

When he learned that in just 20 hours, Ajia had already obtained tens of thousands of song copyrights.

After witnessing the ‘Music Master’ function.

Ruan Liangji was surprised again!

The two bosses are truly gods!

It’s hard for a company like this to succeed!

At this time, the countdown is 23 hours and 45 minutes.

All founder employees gathered in the conference room.

Although they are very tired.

But no one chose to rest.

They are waiting for the moment when Gemini Music comes online!

They know it in their hearts.

It doesn’t have to be the same this time.

Because this feature is chargeable!

User recognition is much more difficult than before!

How much revenue can it generate?

Everyone has their own guesses!

Liu Di and Ajia stood at the front with arms folded.

Ah Jia looked nervous and his palms were sweaty.

He looked at Brother Liu, who still looked as calm as before.

Ah Jia whispered: "When our new features are launched, that is when Penguin Music becomes free."

"And Penguin invited celebrities and held a lottery."

Ajia paused and asked Liu Di, "Aren't you worried about users?"

Although Ah Jia's voice was very small.

But the entire conference room was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop, and all the Gemini employees also heard it clearly.

All looked at the third god.

Penguin was so desperate, they wanted a reassurance.

After all, this was free vs. paid, which was a retrograde move on the Internet!

Emperor Three was so calm, he must have his plan!

Liu Di raised his eyebrows, "Of course I'm worried!"


Everyone was shocked.

Does the third god have no trump card this time?

Liu Di smiled and said, "Penguin is free, we charge, this is the first gap, it's huge!"

"In addition, all our signed singers are from the public and have no fame, while Penguin is full of stars! This is the second gap!"

"And Penguin has organized two activities, one to spend money and the other to create a celebrity effect. In comparison, we don't spend a penny, this is the third gap!"

"In this way, of course we won't have too many users!"


Everyone opened their mouths again!

Boss, are you admitting defeat?


Liu Di turned around and looked at every colleague, "We must have confidence in our products! This is the work of all the warriors who stayed up all night and worked hard!"

"In my opinion, the experience of this twin music function is absolutely better than Penguin Music!"

"Besides, I also have confidence in our music materials!"

"I believe that as long as users listen to the last song, they will never leave!"

"It is a process of sooner or later for everyone to accept us!"

Liu Di said, showing a meaningful smile, shrugged and said: "Besides, I calculated that Penguin Group will have a little problem in 10 minutes!"

At this moment.

Penguin Group is also extremely busy!

All programmers are ready to make Penguin Music completely free at the hour in 10 minutes!

At the same time, they are also waiting for a large number of users to come in!

In the two studios.

Two heavyweight singers in the Chinese music circle have also put on their makeup.

All equipment has been adjusted and ready!

Just waiting for the broadcast to start and interact with a large number of fans!

Li Daode watched all this with a smile on his face.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that Gemini was nothing to be afraid of!

In the end, it was just a matter of preparing for the launch of new features!

There was no trick, was there?

Don't say that I already have your code.

Even if I don't.

I'll listen to all of Penguin Music for free for a month!

Two big-name stars are here!

You won't have any traffic either!

Gemini Music won't be popular!

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li, good news!"

Situ Zhou hurried over behind him, his face full of joy!

Li Daode had already guessed it, and it must be double joy!

He asked excitedly: "Is the password cracked?"

"Yes, come and see!"

"God help me!"

In front of the computer, the technical director's lips trembled slightly.

After more than 10 hours of hard work, there was only one last instruction left, and the password protection of Gemini was about to collapse!

Li Daode and Situ Zhou had already arrived.

My heart was pounding!

Staring at the computer screen intently!

"Director Jiang, let's get started!"

Li Daode licked his lips excitedly!

The technical director rubbed his hands nervously.


Typed the last few lines of code, and hit enter!

Everyone's heart instantly rose to their throats!

'Congratulations, the password has been unlocked! '


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Gemini is done!

At this time, a Penguin employee shouted from outside the door, "Countdown 1 minute, get ready to start for free!"

But the few people in the office couldn't care less.

Looking at the screen, their eyes almost popped out!

Where is the code?

The next moment.

The screen instantly went dark!

A line of words slowly appeared.

At the same time, a voice with a special magnetism sounded faintly.


"I guess you are a little tired now."

"It's okay."

Several people listened, and inexplicably felt that the voice was very comfortable, with a faint soft feeling that made people drowsy.

"Everyone can do what I say"

The voice continued. For some reason, Li Daode and Situ Zhou always felt that the voice was familiar.

"If you"

"Hold your fist and slowly raise your arm"

"Raise it above your head"

"Then suddenly open your five fingers"


"Then congratulations"

"You just set off a firework for yourself"

The people in front of the computer listened to the voice and seemed to fall into a state of confusion.


The technical director looked at the screen and smiled foolishly: "This is fun"

He stretched out his hand and raised it above his head as the words said.

"I want to set off a firework for myself, hehe."


The technical director made a sound softly in his mouth.



The ground shook!

Outside the office, there was a sudden loud noise!

Many computers sparked and the screens went black instantly!

The lights above the head flickered and went out with a crash!

With the sound of "bang" from the technical director's mouth.

Within 5 seconds, the entire Penguin Building fell into darkness!

Several loud noises woke up the four people in front of the computer from their dreams!

In darkness.

Li Daode looked confused and murmured: "What the hell happened?"

Situ Zhou also looked confused and said: "Mr. Li, Director Jiang seemed to have set off a firework just now."

"Then blow up the whole office building."

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