Bang! Crash! In the Penguin Group office, Li Daode was like a mad beast! He smashed the phone, the chair, and the famous paintings on the wall! The battle lasted only 3 days! Li Daode apologized twice! The first time was because of the failure of Soulmate! The second time was because of the infringement of the song Emperor Yi! He was almost driven crazy by the creator! Now he learned that the creator had obtained the copyrights of a large number of folk singers.

Even more devastated! Could Gemini Music be a big success again? Kill Penguin Music, which had dominated the market for many years? Li Daode couldn't accept it! Teng Hualong just called.

Teng Hualong, who had been a business tycoon for many years, was helpless! And this time, Li Daode couldn't be blamed, after all, the copyright strategy was his own idea! In desperation, the two agreed on a strategy - defense! Li Daode, who was extremely devastated, sat in a messy office.

He gritted his teeth and issued an order: After 18 hours, all paid songs on Penguin Music can be listened to for free! And it can be listened to for a month! He and Teng Hualong both knew that this would be a loss of hundreds of millions of yuan! But.

This can effectively stop the momentum of Gemini Music! After all, Penguin Music has been a mainstream music software for many years and has countless fans! The song library is also massive! The quality is also second to none! The only criticism is that members pay to listen and single songs are paid on demand! So Penguin decided to completely lift the restrictions! And 18 hours later.

It was the launch time announced by Gemini Music! Li Daode was helpless! This is the only strategy! Your music library does not have well-known songs, and even the stock is far less than mine.

Even if you have loyal users.

There won’t be too many! At least I can make you a hit at the beginning! Embarrass you! When Penguin Music issued a notice stating that it will be free for one month.

Sure enough, there was an uproar on the Internet! "Although Penguin is not a good person, it has many songs after all. Free? Not bad!" "If you say it is free... Well, it smells good!" "Okay, okay, use it for a month first, and a month of free is a month, and we'll talk about it then!" Seeing these comments.

Li Daode forced a smile.

Several hundred million were not wasted, at least users are willing to take advantage! But he didn't expect it.

When Li Daode saw the latest update from the creator Di San.

He really laughed out loud! Creator Di San: "In order to protect the rights and interests of the majority of original singers, Gemini Music will adopt a membership model, 15 yuan per month, and the income will be shared 55% with the author!" Charge? 15 yuan a month? Li Daode laughed! You haven't done anything yet, and you're talking about charging first? And under the premise that my Penguin Music is free? This time it can't be a routine, right! It's you Di San, you Zhang Tianjia, you have water in your brain! And when Li Daode continued to scroll down the comments.

The smile gradually solidified! "Well... I think what Gemini said is right!" "After all, music creators also need to eat! If they don't have money, who will sing good songs for us?" "Yes, I support Gemini, I support reasonable charges! This is a virtuous cycle!" "15 yuan, listen to songs for a month, it's not expensive!" "Give half of the income to the singer, Gemini is conscientious! It's okay!" "It just so happens that the membership fees saved from Penguin are given to Gemini, no problem!" Puff... Li Daode is about to vomit blood.

This group of ungrateful wolves! When I charged Penguin, why didn't you speak so righteously? Li Daode flipped through the comments tremblingly.

Fortunately, the comments were not as hot as before! After all, you haven't even produced a work, and people have no reason to support you! But Li Daode still felt a little pressure! He called the person in charge of Penguin Music.

Two activities were customized.

First, after 18 hours, Penguin Music will not only be free, but also take out 10 million yuan for lottery! 100,000 people will be selected from real-time online users, and each person will receive a bonus of 100 yuan! This will definitely greatly increase the activity! Second, invite two popular singers to conduct an online interview on Penguin Music on time in 18 hours! Live singing! Attract their fans to stop by! But.

After customizing these two plans.

Li Daode was still worried.

He always felt that Gemini had repeatedly come up with surprising moves, which were terrifyingly secretive! He always felt that he would be overwhelmed! My powerful Penguin Group has never been so flustered! What other tricks are there? Li Daode knocked on his forehead hard! Dangdangdang! There was a knock on the door! "Come in!" Li Daode looked at the person coming in and his face suddenly became happy, "Director Wu, you must tell me some good news!" The person who came in was Director Wu, who Li Daode had sent before to thoroughly investigate the background of Gemini! Director Wu saw the messy office, carefully bypassed the debris, came to Li Daode, and bowed his head without saying a word.

Li Daode suddenly felt bad and asked tentatively: "Can the major download charts ban Gemini?" Director Wu shook his head, "The momentum is too strong, it can't be banned, and it's useless to ban it. Their users have surpassed us.

"Li Daode gritted his teeth, "Have you found his service? Can we expel him?" Director Wu continued to shake his head, "Gemini's server is a mystery! I asked all the server rental companies, and no one knows!" "What the hell!" Li Daode let out a long breath, with a last glimmer of hope in his heart, "He must have an investment company, right? Can we put pressure on him in this regard to cut off his cash flow!" Director Wu continued to smile bitterly! "I have also asked investment companies on the market. They want to invest, but the founder doesn't give them a chance at all!" "The current founder is wholly owned! 100% privatized!" Damn! Li Daode was extremely disappointed, as if half of his strength was drained, and he leaned on the back of the chair! Is the founder made of iron? Without any weaknesses? It's so hard for me! Dangdangdang! The knock on the door rang again.

"Come in.

"Li Daode shouted weakly.

A middle-aged man with sparse hair and a little fat timidly entered the office.

From his appearance, he was probably a programmer.

Li Daode's face changed, "Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to..." "Mr. Li, I brought good news!" The programmer looked around cautiously, "I got the core code of Gemini!" "What?" Teng! Li Daode jumped up directly! "Are you sure!" The programmer nodded and took out a USB flash drive, "I'm sure it's here, I copied it completely!" "You did a great job!" Li Daode almost cried with joy! He hurriedly walked out of the desk, "Don't worry, I won't give you a penny less than what I promised you!" "Quick, call that useless technical director to me!" The programmer who was laughing so obscenely at this time.

It was Li Daode who had planted an undercover in the Creator Company a few days ago!

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