My right eye is a god-level computer

133. Sue for compensation

Not long ago.

Diyi was born, and his two songs continued to hit new highs.

Become a super singer who is a fan of everyone! But Di Yi doesn't like to show up and doesn't make any reply! As time goes by, everyone gradually ignores copyright matters.

In addition, these two songs have countless listeners.

You can listen to it on almost all music platforms! When it comes to infringement, none of the big guys in the box can escape! Snapped! Li Daode slapped his forehead fiercely! Capsized in the gutter! Remember http:// in one second. By the way, how could a great god like Di Yi, who has never seen the beginning or end of a dragon, suddenly sign a contract with Gemini? The Gemini guys are pretty fast, they sued me in just a few minutes! Song God Emperor One... Gemini Emperor Three... Could it be that these two people have known each other for a long time? Li Daode was sweating on his forehead.

Could it be that that guy Di San had planned this move a long time ago? Boom... Li Daode, who was stunned, was struck by the microphone at the corner of his mouth! Him, who? It hurts! "Mr. Li, please express your opinion!" A group of reporters were still asking random questions! Li Daode was even more furious.

It is clear! The reporters arrived so quickly because it was all the fault of the Geminis! you are vicious! "This..." Li Daode wiped his sweat and looked at the other people inadvertently.

I saw that those people were also as quiet as ice, and their bodies shrank! Li Daode is the atmosphere! Why are you all so cowardly at this time? At this time, a young man wearing a crisp suit, short hair, and a capable face walked into the room.

"Zhang Tianjia!" "What the hell are you doing!" Li Daode saw the person clearly and was trembling with anger. He kept pointing at Ah Jia with his hand.

"Li Daode, please be respectful. You'd better explain the infringement to Mr. Zhang Tianjia and reach a settlement now!" the uniformed officer said coldly.

Ah Jia nodded to the uniformed officer, sat down calmly, and looked up at Li Daode, "Vice President Li, you and your Penguin Group have infringed on my Gemini music, and I demand compensation!" "You..." Li Daode His body trembled even more violently, "Compensation, right? Do you think you can punish me like this? Dreaming! I've known about this for a long time. It's just one or two songs. It can cost millions at most. I, the Penguin Industry Group, can afford the compensation!" "Just accept the compensation!" Ah Jia smiled and nodded, "We, the founders, don't want much, just two songs and 1 yuan in compensation!" 1 Yuan! The other three music platform bosses couldn't sit still either.

"Zhang Tianjia, you have gone too far. You are not compensating, you are clearly insulting!" "Who cares about 1 yuan these days? You have embarrassed Penguin so much!" "Everyone says this because they are peers. "Don't be so awesome!" "Haha.

"Ajia narrowed his eyes and looked at the three of them, "Jue? Don't think I don't know what you guys are plotting here! "I just want to unite to deal with my twins!" But Ah Jia stood up and pointed at the three of them one by one, "You, Qianqian Music, you Yi Yun, you Xiamei, you all have Di Yi's songs even now!" "I didn't sue you, which is already very merciful!" "Only a few people suddenly realized something.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and prepared to contact his subordinates to delete the music! "It's too late!" "We twins have already preserved the evidence!" "As long as I initiate a lawsuit, your platforms will be stained!" Ah Jia looked at the three of them with his hands behind his hands.

"Then... what do you want?" Ajia smiled deeply, "In 20 hours, my Gemini music will be launched. At that time, I want you three major platforms to express your congratulations! And the three of you, please behave and send gifts to my company. "Flower basket!" "You..." The three bosses were extremely depressed! I am a musician myself! You actually want to congratulate your opponent on their opening? This means surrender! Acknowledging the status of Gemini Music! However, who allowed himself to plot evil! "This..." "Okay!" "As long as you don't sue us, we agree!" The three of them struggled internally for a long time, but finally gave up! They all dropped their heads and lost their ambition! But Ah Jia turned around and said to Li Daode: "As for you, who made us rivals in the business war now? I now ask you to compensate us for copyright loss of 1 yuan and publicly apologize!" Li Dede's face turned red with anger, "That's what I said. You just sued me?" Ah Jia shrugged, "That's right.

"You..." Li Daode slapped the table, "I will compensate you, don't even think about apologizing!" "Crack, click, click! The flash lights became dense again! A group of reporters took out their pens and paper and took notes.

"Penguin Group made mistakes in the first place and refuses to admit it!" "The person in charge of Penguin Group is unreasonable and wants to use his power to oppress his opponents!" "Penguin Group actually thinks it's natural to infringe songs!" Li Daode's face turned green! These reporters are so pervasive! I’m afraid I won’t catch any news about penguins! "That's enough!" Li Daode said with almost broken teeth and a distorted face: "I apologize! I apologize! The infringement is our fault!" "Penguin Group's apology attitude is extremely bad!" "The person in charge of the enterprise group has an ugly face!" Ah... .You...Li Daode completely collapsed! finally.

Li Daode blocked many media on the spot and recorded an apology video! We promise to compensate the creator 1 yuan for infringement fees in accordance with formal procedures! And he forced a smile on his face! Worse than crying! 2 hours later.

Reports about this incident are overwhelming again! ‘Penguin Group has been playing with fire for ten years, and finally stumbled!’ ‘The creator filed a lawsuit, and Penguin admitted defeat!’ ‘The compensation amount is 1 yuan! The creator is not for money, but to protect the justice of song copyright!’ ‘Emperor One signed a contract with Gemini Music, bringing in countless dream singers!’ ‘The emergence of Gemini Music will completely reshuffle the online music industry!’ ‘Support Emperor One, support genuine music, just Gemini Music!’ After several rounds of hype.

Gemini Music has become unprecedentedly popular, and almost everyone knows it! The dignified Penguin has become a stepping stone!

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