Di Yi is so dazzling.

One video instantly dominated all the hot searches.

1 billion plus views! Di Yi's image among all netizens.

First, the singing is extremely beautiful.

The second is a super singer who truly emerged from the common people.

From obscurity to the spotlight.

Every word and action affects the nerves of hundreds of millions of people.

He himself is a maverick and is synonymous with inspiration! With Di Yi taking the lead.

Those singers who have been silent among people no longer have any hesitation! mThe so-called masters are among the people.

China is a huge country with more than one billion people.

Just a handful of star singers? Of course not! Hidden in the city, what more people lack is not strength, but opportunities! A group of bar singers who drink away their sorrows in a tavern.

No longer hesitate.

I went back to the room, rummaged through the cabinets, and finally found the small USB flash drive covered with dust.

Here are dozens of songs they have recorded over many years of working in the industry. Today, they don’t want to bury them anymore! There were also many people who resolutely walked into the recording studio.

I decided to record the songs that I have sung hundreds of times in my heart and upload them to Gemini! The entire amateur singer circle immediately spread the news that Gemini was soliciting music, and they were eager to try it! The land of China, where singing and dancing have flourished for hundreds of years, has such a profound heritage that no one can judge it! Inside the founder's office.

Ah Jia, who was originally anxious and confused, suddenly became stunned.

I saw that the 'Music Master' was receiving prompts for new works in the background one after another! Ding ding ding...the prompt sounds are connected in a series.

The backstage works exceeded a thousand in the blink of an eye, and exceeded ten thousand in the blink of an eye! What surprised Ajia even more.

The ‘Music Master’ program is also extremely powerful! About 3 minutes.

A complete musical work can be analyzed successfully! Check for plagiarism, appreciate, rate, classify, sign a contract or return, all in one go! Even if it is a musical work that does not meet the standard and cannot be successfully signed.

The ‘music master’ can also give pertinent advice! Point out the shortcomings of the song and provide professional suggestions for revision! And it comes with a heart-warming and encouraging message! Buhan one's heart! Just half an hour.

Gemini's library of signed works has reached 5,000,000 works! Ah Jia was a little excited and clicked on some of the high-scoring works.

The next moment, slow music came.

Delicate acoustic guitar, dreamy singing! I’ve never heard it before, and it sounds very good! Even Ah Jia couldn’t help but get drunk! Listen to it one by one.

These songs are either warm, inspiring or affectionate! Categories include pop, folk, rock, soul, road, rap...everything covered! All of them are excellent works, and all of them are beautiful and beautiful! Moreover, all of them are published for the first time! I really followed Di Yi’s words, this is a treasure that has been buried for a long time! Even for non-professional music personnel like Ah Jia.

Everyone can clearly judge that many of these songs will definitely become popular all over the country! Ah Jia was extremely excited.

Full of sighs! It wasn’t until this moment that I realized Brother Liu’s true plan was here! The real method, or the trump card, is here! ‘Music Master’ is a super musical talent! Let all the frustrated folk singers be intuitively displayed and transformed into beautiful treasures! these singers.

It is definitely an emerging force, a force that can shake people's hearts again! As for Di Yi’s identity.

He can speak out at such a critical moment... Ah Jia once thought about it, but he took it back instantly! If it is really what I think, my good brother Liu Di is simply a mystery! The strength is terrifying, and the strength is beyond comprehension! But since Brother Liu didn’t say anything.

Then Ah Jia chooses to tacitly agree! Music Master operates almost perfectly autonomously.

Ah Jia watched for a moment and told his colleagues to continue taking responsibility.

As for himself, he grabbed his phone, got up and went out.

Because, just now, he had a phone call with Brother Liu.

Got a temporary job! ...Hai Shi Puyu Hotel.

In the VIP box on the top floor.

There are dedicated guards at the front and back, and only those with truly distinguished status can dine here.

The room is private and a good place to talk things over.

And today’s table of guests.

It is Li Daode, Vice President of Penguin Group, and the bosses of three top online music platforms! Mr. Zhao of Qianqian Music, Mr. Wang of Yiyun Music, Mr. Ding of Xiamei Music! but.

Several people did not bring an assistant, so they were inconvenient to look at their mobile phones due to their dignity.

At this time, they didn’t know that Di Yi had joined Gemini Music and triggered a boom in submissions! Li Daode gently moved the tableware in front of him.

With the support of Penguin, he is already the person with the highest status at the table today! "Everyone, I'll keep this short.

Li Daode squinted and looked at the crowd, "Do you know how terrifying the twins are?" Gemini wants to make online music, do you know that? "The other three people frowned and nodded without confidence.

"Everyone who can give me such thin noodles today must have understood my intention.

"Li Daode's face was gloomy, "Let's put our competition aside for now. This time we must unite and defeat Gemini!" "Otherwise, none of us will survive!" The other three hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded slightly! "That's good!" Li Daode smiled, "Next, our four companies will fully monitor the operation of Gemini Music. As long as he dares to infringe on any song, I will immediately save the evidence!" "But!" Li Daode said with a grim face: "We have to be patient. First, we have to wait for him to infringe on more than a thousand songs. Second, let him infringe on our four companies separately.

"Then..." Li Daode laughed, "The four of us will file a collective complaint against him at the same time, and he will definitely be killed with one blow!" After a moment of silence, Li Daode raised the red wine glass in his hand and said loudly: "Everyone, how is it? "The remaining three seemed a little hesitant.

It's a bit cruel to do this! But... everyone is afraid of the development ability of the twins! They can't just watch their company decline or even go bankrupt! The business world is like a battlefield, it's either you or me! In the end, the three of them gritted their teeth.

They raised their glasses at the same time, "Mr. Li, this time, we listen to you!" Dangdangdang... Before the four people clinked their glasses.

There was a hurried knock on the door! Li Daode frowned.

Which waiter is so blind? Click.

The door was pushed open.

A man in uniform walked in, frowned and glanced around, his eyes fixed on Li Daode.

"Mr. Li Daode of Penguin Group, right?" Li Daode was stunned, "It's me..." The uniform officer took out a court subpoena and said loudly: "Penguin Music under your company is suspected of infringement. Please assist us in the investigation!" Li Daode's eyes widened immediately, "Sir, are you sure? Our group has legal copyrights! "The uniform officer shook his head, "Singing God Di Yi signed a contract with Gemini Music half an hour ago, and your platform now has the playback function of two songs by Mr. Di Yi!" "So, the Creator Company formally filed a lawsuit against you Penguin for infringement!" "What?" "I you..." Crash! The wine glass in Li Daode's hand slipped and shattered! Before Li Daode could figure out the situation.

Several reporters rushed in from outside the door! Click! The camera flashes flashed! Several microphones were immediately pressed against Li Daode's mouth.

"Mr. Li, please tell us, as a large company like yours, why do you commit such shameful infringements?" "Mr. Li, did you instruct on this infringement?" "I..." Click! The moment captured by several cameras was the confused Li Daode, the vice president of Penguin Group!

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