Poof... Ruan Liangji spurted out a mouthful of tea! Everyone looked sideways.

Look at Ruan Liangji who is at a loss! By the way, the third boss Di San is so random, but he is really on point! Ruan Liangji is recognized as a powerful person in the company! Not only is the technology outstanding, but the creativity is also outstanding! It was he who first proposed the intelligent voice system ‘Xiaoshuang’! The core algorithm of Gemini itself has a certain intelligence! In addition, the voice broadcast system was proposed and completed by Ruan Liangji! This is how we have the ‘Little Shuang’ who controls the creator’s access, and the ‘Little Shuang’ who replies to users in the tree hole! M Emperor Third Boss, did you recognize the wrong person? Ruan Liangji stretched out his arm and pointed at the tip of his nose, "Are you sure it's me, not you?" ""I agree.

"Ajia also looked at Ruan Liangji with a smile.

With the CEO’s approval, the appointment is even more certain! "Brother Ruan, come on! I support you!" "Yes, we believe in your skills!" "With the three great gods here, you can rest assured!" It can be seen that Ruan Liangji is also very popular in the company! But Brother Liu smiled and said: "Liangji, you have to go even if you don't want to go!" "Because, regarding Gemini Music, I don't have a single code in my hand!" "I'm lazy!" "However, the core recommendations of Gemini Music can be obtained from The stage evolves in the algorithm and already has a template.

"So, I will give you a little longer."

Liu Di paused and stretched out a finger, "All day, 24 hours!" "24 hours?! Everyone was in an uproar! This seems a bit difficult! Even Ruan Liangji's heart was pounding! "Two bosses, this..." Ruan Liangji was about to speak, but saw Brother Liu reaching out to stop him. , “The strong ones are all able to survive from desperate situations! "The strong ones all carry the mountain on their shoulders!" ""The strong ones are all tempered by fire! "Easiness can only breed drifting!" "Only super challenges can create super strong people!" "Liangji, the 400 colleagues on the list, I'm waiting for your twin music 24 hours a day!" "Then.

Brother Liu waved with one hand.

The screen behind you changes.

This is a dual stage posting interface.

Nickname: Creator-Di San.

Content: Countdown to 24 hours, the creator will launch a music platform belonging to Gemini users! This update was sent 5 minutes ago.

but! Tens of millions of likes and millions of comments! The comments are full of expectations.

Attractive! Countless software evaluation organizations are also eager to try it! Countless music platform manufacturers are on the verge of war! There is no way, Gemini software is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! Everyone looks forward to every update of it! "Of course, besides me, there are nearly 1 billion users waiting for your masterpiece!" "I, Emperor San, if I say it out, it will be thrown away, and I can never take it back!" Liu Di said, his expression flashing. looked at the crowd.

The place was extremely quiet.

Everyone quietly clenched their fists.

This is definitely a huge challenge.

A normal music app development would take several months at least! Although Gemini Music is built under the Gemini app, to be precise, it is just a function.

However, code writing, page design, and bug modification all take more than ten days! 24 hours..."Boss.

""do not worry.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" "Ruan Liangji gritted his teeth, picked up the tea in his hand, and drank it all in one gulp! Then.

The 400 founder employees drank their tea together and said in unison: "Make sure to complete the task!" The words were deafening! The look in each one's eyes showed the aura of rushing towards the battlefield with a sword drawn, vowing not to return until death! Even Brother Liu and Ajia were inexplicably moved! Nods happily.

"Two bosses, forgive us for not having time to take care of it. We need a venue to hold a meeting and discuss!" Ruan Liangji also completely put aside his worries and walked out of the crowd directly to the stage! "Very good, let's leave for now!" Liu Di nodded to everyone and left the conference room with Ah Jia.

Before closing the door, I could hear Ruan Liangji arranging work.

"For the programming group, you analyze the stage functions for me!" "For the second group, you draft the Gemini music structure for me!" "For the interface group, design the UI for me immediately. I'll give you ten hours and give me at least 6 sets of plans!" ...on the rooftop.

Brother Liu was holding a cigarette in his mouth and looking into the distance with Ah Jia.

Ah Jia pondered: "I do understand your intention, after all, a swaddling baby will never fill its stomach by itself.

"Hunters who don't know how to shoot will never hunt elk."

Ah Jia turned to look at Brother Liu, "But... isn't this task a bit too difficult?" "Ah Jia..." Brother Liu held a cigarette in his mouth, "If you didn't suffer the humiliation of selling clothes for three years, you would naturally not be able to develop the motivation to be a business founder."

"If I hadn't gone through three years of trough, I wouldn't have had the idea of ​​standing out from the crowd like I am now."


Liu Di chuckled, "Why, you don't trust my founder's warriors?" "Tch..." Ah Jia grinned, "Each of them was interviewed in person!" There are more than 400 people, and I know them all! I know better than anyone how strong they are! "Making music 24 hours a day is not a problem!" Look at you! Liu Di took a drag on his cigarette, "Of course, you, Ah Jia, are not mortals. I dare to entrust this task to them. Half of it comes from my trust in them, usually from you, Zhang Tianjia!" "But..." "To say that you know all of them well, I'm afraid I have some objections."

"You are kind and loyal, but that doesn't mean everyone is like that."

"Ajia suddenly opened his eyes wide when he heard this, "What do you mean? Is there a commercial spy in the company?" Liu Di smiled lightly, "Well, there may be one.

" "Damn it!" Ajia looked at the wall and wanted to turn around.

"Ajia, don't worry.

" "What about spies? We can also use them!" Liu Di smiled indifferently!

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