"Ding dong... Colleagues, Xiaoshuang reminds you that the meeting will begin in 5 minutes. Boss Di San is already with you in the conference room.

"The stereo sounded.

The founder's warriors had slept for more than 10 hours.

11 hours of intense work is so tiring.

Brother Liu naturally couldn't bear to let everyone rest for only 6 hours.

Huh... shua... the founders and employees all stood up.

"I'm going to have a meeting in the conference room.

"I'm sleepy. Which direction is the conference room?" "Boom!" Look carefully, you bumped into me! "That doesn't matter, hurry up and go to the conference room!" "Don't keep the boss waiting!" "A group of founder employees ran in panic and rushed straight to the conference room! Everyone opened the door.

I saw the two bosses, Liu Di and Ajia, sitting on the stage with a pot of fragrant tea in front of them.

The aroma of tea overflows.

On dozens of tables in the house, there is a steaming cup of fragrant tea on every table.

do not know why.

The founder employees who were in chaos suddenly felt at peace when they saw the two bosses who were calm and composed.

With a boss like this, it's hard to panic.

Ah Jia smiled and stretched out his hand, "Everyone, sit down and drink tea.

"Everyone scratched their heads.

"Boss Di San and I have been busy all morning, brewing this cup by cup.

Ah Jia smiled again and said, "Because you are working very hard."

"That's more than 400 cups!" "Two bosses, this is so embarrassing."

"Then we would rather obey orders than be respectful."

Brother Liu curled his lips, "Why are you so respectful? If the tea tastes good, thank me. If the tea tastes bad, blame Mr. Ajia!" "The whole room burst into laughter.

Everyone's mood instantly relaxed.

The two bosses are so approachable! Everyone took their seats.

Waking up in the morning and drinking a cup of warm tea is really relaxing and comfortable! Brother Liu raised his tea cup and said with a smile: "Brothers, in fact, many things in life are beautiful and pleasant.

"You don't need to change many things. Just change some details and the feeling will be different."

"Brother Liu said, looking around.

The conference room is still the same conference room, and the stage is still the same stage.

Everyone was confused.

Boss, where are you playing with artistic conception? Didn’t you agree that you would continue to fuck Penguin? New features are waiting for you! Everyone blinked and watched, not drinking much of the tea in their hands.

While talking.

The screen on the stage also lit up.

Still product data.

The number of Gemini users reaches 1.03 billion! 560 million single-day active users! An unprecedented peak! A set of terrifying data in the history of the Internet! As for Penguin Social, although the number of downloads increased slightly.

But the activity is extremely low, 130 million! I'm afraid only those users who have no choice but to use it are left! Everyone was terrified again! Just after a short sleep, the data has grown like this! But it’s normal! Who makes us the creators, the twins.

Who knows, we have the great god Di San! Seeing this data, everyone couldn't stand it anymore! Because under such user data.

Any additional function that Gemini launches will skyrocket! A pair of eager eyes looked at Brother Liu.

Liu Di smiled slightly and said: "With so many users supporting it, the first thing that comes to mind is not to forget oneself, but to clearly realize that this is a responsibility and a mission!" Everyone nodded heavily! "What is the core of my software development?" Liu Di asked.

"Everything must be user-centered!" everyone said in unison.

Liu Di put down his tea cup and said lightly: "Gemini can help you find your soulmate, the aspiration function can help you find people with the same hobbies, and the stage can help you find emotional resonance.

“All of this is based on the communication between you and me, which is the time spent immersed in chat boxes.

"Think about it, when we meet a close friend who we hate meeting so late, when we meet a group of like-minded friends, when we see an emotional text or a tearful picture.

"What else can be added to make this feeling more mysterious?" "Everyone thought for a moment.

Suddenly someone shouted: "It's music! Music that fits the scene, touching, magnificent, and eloquent!" Everyone came back to their senses.

At the same time, he nodded in agreement! Yes, it’s music! With the company of music, the mood of chatting will be different! Liu Di said with a smile, "Yes, what we want to continue to do is to improve the user experience and enhance users' love for Gemini.

"I want to match each user with the most suitable piece of music according to his mood when he is chatting!" "Happy, touching, exciting, and flawlessly accurate!" "Let users' emotions get the best attribution!" "Everyone took a deep breath.

This idea is seconds! Music is one of the greatest creations of mankind, encompassing everything and the best representative of emotion! Definitely enhances the user experience! Just imagine, if you are chatting with a close friend, and when the conversation gets emotional, the two of you look at each other and smile.

Then light music played, soft and soothing, and in line with the mood.

How timely! How pleasant! A group of programmers began to subconsciously think about specific operations.

"We have algorithms, it is not difficult to match music..." "The first step is to know the user's mood, which can be done..." "Then we need a music library..." "Contains all kinds of music... "Of course, users can also click to listen to music when not chatting..." "This involves classifying music and making a list..." "Wait a minute!" A programmer wearing black-rimmed glasses suddenly reacted, "Boss, you want to overthrow Penguin Music!" "Well... you said so..." Liu Di chuckled, "Can you please allow me to be arrogant for a while?" "Okay, boss, you say it.

"I just want to give users the best experience. As for copying Penguin Music, it's just a casual matter."

"After Brother Liu said that, he looked at everyone and smiled meaningfully! Hiss... What a piggybacker... There are millions of start-up companies in China. Who dares to use the word ' piggybacking ' to describe Penguin? It's really embarrassing. .

The third boss of the emperor is extremely domineering! Arrogant, but arrogant with capital! Brother Liu looked sideways slightly and looked at the colleague who first called out to make music with a smile.

He is tall and thin, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and his eyes are full of heat.

"Brother, forgive me for being disrespectful, what do you call me?" Liu Di asked with a smile.

The guy with glasses was stunned! The expression was astonished.

Are you asking me the third big question? He wants to know what my name is? The young man said with some excitement: "I...my name is Ruan Liangji, and I am the director of the programming and development department..." before he finished speaking.

All Ruan Liangji's information has appeared in Brother Liu's perspective! Powerful technology! Good character! Work hard and make progress! "good.

Liu Di nodded slightly, "I now solemnly announce that you, Ruan Liangji, are the person in charge of the development of our new project, Twin Music!" "

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