Penguin Group.

The joints of Li Daode's hands holding the phone were turning white.

‘Creator Di San: Countdown to 24 hours, the creator will launch a music platform belonging to Gemini users! 'damn it.

They actually want to make music? After socializing, are you going to destroy my Penguin Music? 5 minutes ago.

Teng Hualong called and scolded him! Because of the betrayal of the big dog in the navy! Fortunately, Big Dog doesn't seem to have betrayed Situ Zhou! Safe for now! Remember http:// in one second. Of course, Teng Hualong also learned that Gemini wanted to engage in music.

Li Daode was left with a hint: In terms of business, there are many ways to destroy the opponent, including legal means! Hum hum... Li Daode thought about the boss's words.

Suddenly he burst out laughing! The more you laugh, the crazier you get! First, the core code of your twins is about to fall into my hands, and you will only have one ending! Secondly, do you dare to make music? Still online 24 hours a day? What a big joke! I see you Emperor San, your creator is really getting carried away! For the time being, I believe you can develop the music function within 24 hours.

But you fools! The core of the music platform is the material! That’s the music track! What the hell do you have? All music is copyrighted! Moreover, Penguin Music exclusively owns more than 50% of the music copyrights on the market! Others are also in the hands of major platforms! What about you, the creator? Made out of thin air? I'm tired of you! Maybe, within 24 hours, you can sign a few copyrights? How many can there be? 10? 100? 1,000 of them will die! Why, your twin platform with 900 million users only plays this few music for users? It also conforms to the user's mood, you conform to the ghost! Our Penguin Group has at least 500,000 music copyrights! Moreover, almost all well-known singers have exclusive signing channels.

There is no way to transfer during the contract period! Make music? I'll kill you! Situ Zhou, who was standing beside him, finally had a smile on his face.

"Mr. Li, don't think about it, they will definitely find songs from the Internet!" "Humph.

"Mr. Teng's words have an obvious meaning!" "Once the creator moves it, it is an infringement!" "We will immediately send the legal department to appear and prosecute him!" "Sue him until he goes bankrupt!" "No matter how good his Gemini algorithm is, it's useless. In the end, the company will be annihilated and technology will become our wedding dress!" ""Hahaha! Li Daode finally saw the hope of victory, gritted his teeth and said: "Gemini Music... When it goes on the market, it will be destroyed!" "Di San, Di San, you were once shrewd and confused for a moment!" "It's still too tender!" "After saying this, Li Daode was in a good mood! He stood up and came to the window, overlooking the scenery downstairs.

"By the way, Mr. Situ, help me contact Mr. Zhao of Qianqian Music, Mr. Wang of Yiyun Music, and Mr. Ding of Xiamei Music. I want to treat them to dinner!" Situ Zhou scratched his head, "They are all ours. Opponent, you are..." "Humph.

Li Daode said with his hands behind his back: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend!" I want to unite with them! We hold almost all music copyrights in our hands. No matter whose material the creator transfers, I will kill him! "I won't leave any way for him to survive!" ”...on the rooftop of the Twin Towers.

"Brother Liu, making music requires a huge copyright library, you haven't expected this.

"Ajia asked, turning his head.

"Think about it.

Liu Di chuckled and took out his mobile phone, "I'll do it now."

""oh? "Ajia breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself that Brother Liu is indeed Brother Liu, and he will not fight an unprepared battle! He turned his head and looked at the mobile phone that Brother Liu was operating.

Liu Di opened the Twin Stage and posted a post using the Creator Disan account.

"Friends, Gemini Music is soliciting high-quality music materials from everyone. Once signed, you will be rewarded generously!" "Ah...that's it?" Ah Jia's eyes widened, extremely horrified.

Brother Liu shrugged, "That's it.

"Brother Liu, are you kidding me?" Ah Jia was anxious, "We are twins, with 900 million users!" More than 400 people downstairs have to work all night to develop the music function! Music library is crucial! "You, you, you... just posted such an update?" "We have so many fans!" "But this is music!" Not everyone can do it! "The singers have also signed with other companies!" "When you told me this, I thought you had acquired the copyright in advance!" "You kid, you tricked me to death!" Aiya, I go! "Ajia is spinning around in circles! "Ajia, don't worry.

Liu Di said calmly: "I also developed a background program called 'Music Master'. The intelligent program in it can identify and select high-quality music based on human preferences."

"For friends who play music, just upload your works and the results will be instantly recognized."

"And if the standards are met, our platform will immediately sign the contract electronically and share the copyright revenue 55%."

"Ajia listened blankly.

Look up to the sky and sigh! "Brother, this function is good. You have prepared the test papers, but there are no candidates!" "The important thing is that someone is willing to submit the work!" "You, you, you... I'm so anxious about you!" Ah Jia spun around in circles again. , "Forget it, I won't talk nonsense to you, I'll go back and contact people quickly to collect music copyrights!" Looking at Ah Jia's hurried back, Liu Di shouted: "Don't forget to use the music master!" "Of course It works! But I'm afraid it will fall into dust!" When the words came, Ah Jia had already hurried downstairs!

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