My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1133 Playing tricks (1/2)

Brother Liu was not afraid and jumped into the cave.

Mo Yu's face turned slightly pale, and she was already in a dilemma, and then she jumped in with her heart crossed.

In the cave.

The flashlight in Qin Changhe's hand could only illuminate a small space in front of him.

Below the entire cave is a tunnel, which is narrow, damp and stuffy.

In the flickering light, it was vaguely visible that the tunnel was still a long way away.

Porlin condensed a brick in his hand, weighing it while walking.

Da da da.

A fine tapping sound came from Mo Yu's upper and lower teeth, tapping rapidly.

Brother Liu looked at Mo Yu and gently patted his shoulder, "Are you scared?"

"I didn't..."

Mo Yu just said three words, but his head lit up.

This feels like déjà vu. Brother Liu once used a similar ability when he was exploring Liu Zhengqing's underground laboratory.

Pharaoh's light-controlling DNA.

The scenes are so similar, the ink jade is like a light bulb.

He sighed slightly and accepted the reality, "I'm not afraid."

Qin Changhe looked back with a surprised expression, presumably this was another technology he didn't understand.

But it was Brother Liu who was observing his surroundings carefully.

The walls and the soil around the cave entrance are very irregular and appear to have collapsed naturally.

But if you look carefully, you can still see clearly that there are traces of digging with sharp claws. Each digging has five finger marks, about 5-10 centimeters in length. It looks like a masterpiece of a primate. To be more precise, It's people.

Everyone walked forward for more than ten meters.

Suddenly, I saw intermittent gray brick walls on both sides of the wall.

Mo Yu chuckled, "This should be an underground air-raid shelter. Qin Changhe is probably dazzled, but I'm not scared at all. In fact, this gray brick wall reminds me of the classroom when I was a child."

Brother Liu shook his head slightly, "We have now returned to the cemetery directly below. The inside of these bricks is the tomb under the tombstone."


Mo Yu's expression changed.

Liu Di added: "The reason why you feel like you are back in school is because you smell the ashes. The essence of ashes is inorganic salt, and the smell is similar to chalk powder."


Mo Yu trembled and hugged Mo Jiuli's arm.

But now.

Qin Changhe in front stopped and said, "This is it. The one in front is Xiaolan's tomb."

Everyone followed his gaze.

But in front of them was a gray brick wall about 2 meters long, with a huge hole in the center.

Mo Yu stretched out her neck tremblingly, only to see that there was an independent space inside the cave, reflecting the cold light, and in the center, an urn was quietly placed.

The dark wind blew from nowhere and blew into the hole, making a whining sound.

Mo Yu's hair exploded instantly!

His voice trembled, "Oh my god, this is under the tombstone. This is so scary!"

Inadvertently, Mo Yu saw the black and white portrait held in Qin Changhe's hand. The once amiable and elderly Xiaolan now revealed an unspeakable strangeness.

"Oh my god, I can't do this!"

Mo Yu directly covered her chest, "I admit that I'm scared!"

But Qin Changhe squeezed out a smile and said: "Commander Moyu, you really don't have to be afraid, Xiaolan will not hurt us."

Brother Liu stood there quietly, "Changhe, tell me about the situation."

Qin Changhe subconsciously performed a military salute, "Two months ago, I was cleaning the cemetery and accidentally discovered this cave. When I finally came here, I found that the wall of Xiaolan's tomb was broken. Before I could repair it, Xiaolan fell out of the cave. Out of the urn."

When Mo Yu heard this, his eyes widened to the extreme, "What does it mean to come out of the urn? Is it like a ghost, seeping through the gaps and finally condensing into shape?"

Qin Changhe nodded, "Coming back to Commander Mo Yu, that's about it."


Mo Yu's face turned pale and he slowly took a few steps back. "I have to say that this is beyond my academic scope. I just don't have any ambition and am not interested in it. Jiuli, let's go."

But Liu Di chuckled, "I have seen high-dimensional creatures, vegetative consciousness, and information flow after death, but I have never seen what kind of existence ghosts are."


Brother Liu picked a flat piece of ground and sat down slowly, "The sun will set soon, I'll wait for Xiaolan here!"

Porlin also nodded and sat next to Brother Liu, "Stay with Aidou."

Qin Changhe turned on the flashlight and stood beside Brother Liu without saying a word. His expression was different from others, and his eyes were full of expectation.

But Liu Di turned around and said: "Big Brother Moyu, when you leave, you take away the light and plunge us into darkness. Well... I won't send you away."

Mo Yu had walked seven or eight meters, and his shiny forehead reflected a halo around the entire tunnel.

He turned his back to everyone, suddenly stopped and grinned, "A scholar can be killed, not humiliated. It's just a body... Jiuli, come and carry me on your back. My legs are numb and I can't walk."

But Mo Jiuli fought him back and stood beside Brother Liu like a stick.

Mo Yu: "What I mean is that we continue to escape."

Mo Jiuli: "I really have no ambition."

Everyone has different expressions.

As time passed, the sky on the ground gradually darkened, and the entire cemetery became increasingly colder.

Beep beep beep.

The retro electronic watch in Qin Changhe's hand made a beep.

He muted his electronic watch and looked ahead expectantly, "This is the time."

Mo Yu's eyes twitched violently, and his legs trembled like sieves.



Through the broken tomb, one could clearly hear a subtle sound coming from inside the urn carved from golden sandalwood.

It seemed that there was some small creature hidden inside, turning the mechanism.

In front of the urn, there was a one-inch photo of Xiaolan, which was also vibrating slightly at this time.

Liu Di raised his head slightly, his eyes narrowed into a slit.

The urn was only the size of an ordinary shoe box, and the appearance was not damaged. There was no network signal or radio signal around.

It was not a mouse.

It was not an electronic device either.

What was playing tricks?

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