My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1134 Undead (1/2)

The noise inside the urn was even louder.

It was as if the creatures inside were beating faster.

The next moment.

I saw a green smoke suddenly filling the gap of the urn, half empty and half real, like a gloomy ghost, steaming and coiling in the air.

Then these ghostly auras slowly condensed.

Finally, a complete skeleton radiating green light was formed!

The skeleton has a short body and a curved spine, much like the skeleton of an old lady in her twilight years.


The skeleton's feet actually stepped on the ground, making a substantial sound.

It stretched out its skeletal palms and scratched the broken walls of the tomb, and even soil fell down.

It took steps and walked out of the tomb little by little, facing Brother Liu and the others!

"Holy shit..."

Mo Yu's whole body was shaking violently, as if he had been shocked by electricity.

He didn't dare to make any big moves, kept his lips to the smallest range of movement, and said to Brother Liu: "Hello Brother Liu, Brother Liu is wonderful, Brother Liu can see through everything, please tell me quickly that none of this is true, there must be something." The principle, is it laser projection, or are we under the influence of some kind of psychedelic drug?”

Brother Liu shook his head, "None of them."

Mo Yu's face changed slightly, "Don't tell me you can't see it?!"

Brother Liu nodded calmly, "I really didn't see this trick."


Mo Yu's feeling of panic doubled in an instant, causing his breathing to be staccato, "So what do you mean, Xiao Lan, who had been turned into ashes... was resurrected? Re-condensed into a skeleton?"

Brother Liu rubbed his chin and shrugged, "It's not impossible."

Mo Yu collapsed immediately.

Although he looked down on Liu Di, he had to admit that Liu Di's skills, knowledge, experience, and even brain circuits were better than his Mo Yu!

There should be nothing in this world that Brother Liu cannot solve!

Last time, the white-clothed ghost in the copper wall was easily cracked by Brother Liu.

But this time, he was also indifferent.


But they saw the skeleton emitting green light slowly coming to the crowd and sitting next to Qin Changhe. His empty eye sockets were looking at the ground, as if he was enjoying this peaceful moment.

Qin Changhe smiled naively, "Xiaolan's physical body was burned away, but her ashes and soul are still there. She just came to see me, just like a dream. You don't have to be afraid. Family members and ghosts will not hurt anyone."

Seeing this, Qin Changhe accepted everything calmly.

Because in his time, concepts and popular science were backward, there were many strange folk stories, and there were many stories about ghosts and ghosts passed down by word of mouth. He had no doubt about the existence of ghosts.

Qin Changhe added: "This happened in our village. My uncle came back from the dead and explained something to his daughter before he left peacefully."

"I think Xiaolan wanted to say something to me, but I've been waiting for her for so long and she didn't say anything."

Qin Changhe looked at the fluorescent skeleton calmly.

Mo Yu took a shaky breath, "This...should I believe it or not?"

Brother Liu looked at 'Xiaolan' up and down.

Right now.

There was a slight noise under the ground in the distance, and the soil in that piece of land began to stir on its own.

next moment.

A white bone palm that also glowed with green light suddenly stretched out from the ground!

The skeletal palm was curved strangely, pressed down on the ground, and then dragged his body out. It was a complete skeleton!

Blah blah blah!

The skull's mandible opened at an exaggerated angle, as if it was roaring at everyone, but it had no throat muscles, and all it could convey was the sound of bone friction!

Brother Liu tilted his head slightly, "This ghost doesn't seem very friendly."



Deep in the underground tunnel, more sounds of bones rubbing against each other could be heard, so densely packed that it made people’s eardrums uncomfortable and hair-raising.

In the haze, dozens of skeletal arms can be seen extending from the ground!

Even on the ground nearby, 4 complete skeletons were drilled out again!

Without exception, their postures are distorted, they roar silently, and their bodies are emitting a strange green light!

Qin Changhe's expression also changed. What he saw in front of him far exceeded his expectations.

A few times before, Xiaolan was the only 'person' here!

"Army of the Undead?"


Brother Liu slowly stood up.

But at this moment, Mo Yu couldn't hold himself any longer, he took out his trump card, swung his arms forward, and two black rays flew out of his wide sleeves. The black rays actually changed shape in the air, forming two... The rapidly rotating scimitar slashed at countless skeletons!

"Some kind of granular magnetic metal?"

"Controlled by a device in your sleeve?"

Brother Liu looked at Mo Yu with some amusement.

But Mo Yu raised his head and said, "Don't think that you are the only one who can master liquid metal. The gap between us is constantly narrowing."

But he saw that the scimitar thrown by Mo Yu was very sharp, as powerful as breaking a bamboo, penetrated deeply, flew and cut off the skeletons in the tunnel, and the skulls rolled around.

The next moment.

Two black rays of light returned to Mo Yu's cuffs, but at this moment, Mo Yu's expression visibly twitched, and a small stream of blood spurted out from his sleeves, which must have cut him.

Brother Liu shook his head secretly. That thing was not even a copycat, and it was not at the same level as liquid metal.

He patted Mo Yu, who was pretending nothing happened, and said slowly: "This weapon is really suitable for you, waste your life."

But now.

The skeletons cut by the black jade suddenly flew into the air, and their bodies began to stick together.

The sound of dense bone friction sounded again.

This army of undead formed by dozens of skeletons was directly restored!

The quiet 'Xiao Lan' also suddenly went berserk, and the white bone palm released a strong force and began to pinch Qin Changhe's neck.



The real liquid metal appeared, turning into 'rebars' as thick as wrists, extending from the ground and running through the top of the tunnel, forming a criss-crossing grid, trapping the undead army in that small section of the tunnel.

Then Liu Di waved his arm, and a small section of liquid metal filaments locked 'Xiao Lan's' neck, carrying it away, and throwing it directly into another liquid metal cage.

More than a dozen green white bone palms stretched out of the cage and grabbed Liu Di's face.

The finger bones twisted in front of Liu Di, but there was still a difference of several centimeters.

In front of the terrifying scene, the fearless are invincible.

What's more, the power of these skeletons is as weak as fireflies in front of Brother Liu.

Brother Liu looked calmly at the army of the dead, "These skeletons are dark and black, obviously the dead were buried completely, and after the flesh rotted, they slept underground for hundreds of years."

Brother Liu looked at 'Xiao Lan' again, "And this skeleton, whether it is the range of motion of the bones, the distance between the joints, or even the color of the bones, is wrong. It is more like a replica of the skeleton model in a medical laboratory."

"That is to say."

"The army of the dead is real skeletons, and 'Xiao Lan' is artificial."

"But they have one thing in common, all of them are female skeletons."

Qin Changhe was lying in front of Xiao Lan's cage, still trying to appease the irritable skeleton, and now he turned back in shock, "Commander Liu, what are you talking about! Xiao Lan is real!"

Mo Yu was also stunned, "What's the point of analyzing this?"

Brother Liu suddenly stretched out his hand and grasped the arm of a skeleton. The seemingly gentle movement actually contained irresistible power.

Liu Di gently rubbed the skeleton's fingers, and from a distance, it looked like a man proposing marriage.

Bo Lin: "My idol is so handsome..."

Mo Yu: "Are you really sick? Is it fun to tease a skeleton?"

Liu Di pondered and said, "Fluorescent green... When the radium element decays, it will produce a luminous effect, and the degree of decay in a hundred years is only 3.4%..."

At this time.

Liu Di suddenly asked Qin Changhe, "When Xiaolan was young, did she work in a foreign-funded watch factory in Haishi?"

"How do you know?"

Qin Changhe nodded slowly. He looked through Xiaolan's resume. When Xiaolan was in her 30s, she had such an experience... The reason why she came to the distant Haishi was also to find herself.

Liu Di sighed softly, "Around 1955, in order to make watches that can be seen clearly at night, Europeans used radium to paint the dials, and they also built a factory in China."

"Many local Chinese female workers were hired."

"But the female workers have a bad habit. Before painting the dial, they always put the brush in their mouths to soak it."

"Over time, they swallowed a lot of radium."

"But radium... is a radioactive element."

"The female workers didn't live very long. After they died, because a lot of radium accumulated in their bones, their bones became luminous."

"People still think these things happened in Europe, but they don't know that China has also suffered destruction. They are called 'fluorescent skeletons' radium girls..."

Liu Di raised his head and looked into the void, his eyes flashing: "So, there is a radium element controller nearby."

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