My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1132 Don’t worry (1/2)

The cemetery's office is located at the top of the hillside.

Liu Di and his group of four walked slowly on the bluestone road in the cemetery.

The road was cleaned spotlessly, with many trees on both sides, but not even a fallen leaf or dead grass.

After Liu Di bought the cemetery, he arranged Qin Changhe as the manager here, but he didn't expect Qin Changhe to keep reducing the number of daily workers here.

He didn't want to occupy everything here, but he diligently took care of all the cleaning work here by himself.

The surveillance screen appeared in Liu Di's perspective.

Before dawn, Qin Changhe picked up a broom and cleaned the entire cemetery inch by inch until the sun was high.

At noon and in the evening, he would clean the second and third times, and his work and rest time was very standard.

When he returned to the office, he carried the broom on his shoulder and marched in a standard goose step.

It perfectly interprets the meticulous style of being a soldier.

Day after day, unshakable.

In the video, nothing is the same.

But two months ago, a cloud of green smoke that only the future of molecules could see enveloped this hillside.

Whoosh whoosh...

The gusts of wind in the suburbs blew over rows of stone tombstones, making a sound similar to sobbing.

Some people are sleeping under a few of the tombstones.

Most of the tombstones are blank.

There are also some "unknowns" who were buried here at unknown times and places.

Mo Yu shuddered for no reason, looking around with some fear, "Why do I suddenly feel that this cemetery is very strange? I didn't feel this way when I came here before."

Mo Jiuli said slowly: "There is a ghost in your heart, and there are ghosts in your eyes."

Mo Yu was so angry that his teeth itched, "I think you are an inner ghost."

And Liu Di remained calm and observed everything calmly.

So far, he has not found anything unusual.

The crowd finally came to the top of the hillside.

Liu Di did not speak, but crossed his arm to stop Mo Yu who was ahead, and then frowned slightly and gently pushed the wooden door in front of him.


The wooden door opened, and the friction sound of the hinges echoed in the air.

A ray of sunlight shone into the house, reflecting the shiny floor tiles, which were also wiped spotless.

Mo Yu was not stupid.

He felt Liu Di's caution, winked at Mo Jiuli, and put one hand into his sleeve.

Liu Di led the way and walked slowly into the house. All the facilities, including a piece of white paper and a thumbtack, had their specific positions and were neatly placed.

Everyone held their breath.

But the bedroom door on the innermost side was open. The quilt on the single bed was folded into a standard tofu block. A figure sat on the bed with a straight back, holding a black and white photo in front of him, looking straight ahead.

The space he was in seemed to be still.

Liu Di called softly, "Qin Changhe?"

But the figure's expression moved and turned his head to look.

The next moment, he stood up, holding the photo in one hand and forming a standard military salute with the other hand.

"Commander Liu, Commander Mo, you are here!"

This person is Qin Changhe. In his cognition, Brother Liu and Mo Yu can dominate the military of this era, so he defaults to the matching identity, which is the commander level, which is the highest official he has ever seen.

Brother Liu quickly glanced at the room, and then smiled: "Changhe, how are you recently?"

Qin Changhe still maintained the military salute, "The conditions here are very good, I adapt very well."

At this time, Mo Yu scratched his head and let down his guard. There seemed to be nothing unusual here. Brother Liu was surprised!

Brother Liu looked up and down at Qin Changhe. The photo he was holding was Xiaolan's portrait.

Brother Liu said directly: "Changhe, I have mastered the method of controlling the wormhole. I can send you back to 1948 at any time. You can reunite with young Xiaolan."

Mo Yu was stunned when he heard it, and looked at Brother Liu in disbelief.

All kinds of galloping horses ran through his heart.

He got ahead of me again?

When did he get it done?

I have been monitoring his company and his experimental cemetery!

With this technology...

If he could travel back to before he created the clone, wouldn't everything be over?

Mo Yu secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The next moment.

Mo Yu found something strange.

After Qin Changhe heard the news, his expression was surprisingly calm.

Mo Yu stepped forward and waved in front of Qin Changhe, "Hello, you can go home! Are you too excited and can't react for a while? You can see Xiaolan!"

Liu Di's eyes gradually narrowed.

But Qin Changhe seemed to be hesitant to speak. He lowered his head slightly, and then suddenly raised his head, "Two commanders, this matter is not urgent."


Liu Di asked in confusion.

Qin Changhe gritted his teeth, "Because... Xiaolan is already alive."


Mo Yu took a breath of cold air.

Mo Jiuli was also stunned!

Only Brother Liu said calmly, "Then where is she?"

Qin Changhe looked at the sky outside, "There are still two hours. When the sun sets and it gets dark, she will appear."


Mo Yu felt a chill on his back. It appeared after dark. Isn't it a ghost? !

But Brother Liu's eyes flashed. He was sure that the entire cemetery was under surveillance and there was no "Xiao Lan" at all.

Qin Changhe hesitated for a moment, "I'll take you to see where Xiao Lan appeared."

After that.

Qin Changhe held Xiaolan's portrait to his chest and led everyone out of the door.

A group of people followed him.

Qin Changhe came to the back of the hillside, and then went into the bushes, walked seven or eight steps inside, and then stopped.

But in front of him was a dark cave, as if the rain had dampened the soil.

The diameter of the cave was about 2 meters, and the walls on both sides were exposed plant roots, which led diagonally to the underground, and it was dark and deep.

"Xiaolan will appear from here."

Qin Changhe said, took out a flashlight, and then jumped into the cave.

The remaining few people were slightly stunned.

But Qin Changhe turned around and said, "Don't worry, Xiaolan will not hurt us."

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