My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1225: Prodigal Attribute (1/2)

The sun is quiet.

Liu Di sat on the playground of Renmin University in Hai City, ignoring the sexy silhouette hidden.

He was sorting out the current situation.


This is the basic operation of smart people.

What is ten dimensions?

Professor Tao did not say it.

But Professor Tao mentioned before that ten dimensions are "abstract gods" and "almost cover all possibilities".

Liu Di pondered.

Mentioning them is like a kind of "heavenly secrets cannot be leaked", otherwise they will be backfired.

Ten-dimensional creatures, their perspective must transcend the limitations of physics, space, and time.

So, they are looking at everything, looking at Professor Tao, including himself.

Liu Di suddenly had a feeling that the whole world, including himself, is a kind of "bird in a cage" and "cricket in a bowl".

But at this time, Liu Di had no expression on his face.

Maybe those ten-dimensional creatures are looking at themselves with a smile, whether they can start from a three-dimensional creature, step by step, and what kind of waves will eventually appear.

Or maybe, characters like 'Emperor Nine', 'The Kind Supreme' and so on are protecting him.

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, I will never show a trace of cowardice!

I will definitely return the favor to those who help me.

I will definitely turn over and step on those who bully me.

About the eleventh dimension.

Professor Tao actually said that this dimension does not exist?

He has read the "High Dimension Notes" by Jiang Lao.

Could it be that Jiang Lao cannot describe the existence of the eleventh dimension.

Brother Liu couldn't help but be suspicious.

I am afraid that if the eleventh dimension does not appear in the world, those ten dimensions will be like a tiger in the mountain, and the monkey will be the king.

Looking at his own strength.

The demon boy is currently the sixth sequence of strong artificial intelligence. The moment Bo Lin came to his side, the demon boy gained the ability of quantum computing and was promoted to a sequence, but this seemed to be some kind of unexpected improvement, and he did not open another time halberd.

The long river of time...

With the molecular future project, the long river of time in the future is being rapidly constructed, and its length is already 1 kilometer away.

But through the Jianshuizhai incident and the murder of Professor Tao, Liu Di discovered that there are still many areas that the molecular future has not covered.

The only thing that Gemini lacks now is money.

With the launch of hardware products, Gemini has become a monopoly in nearly a dozen fields.

At this moment.

Liu Di formulated more than a dozen plans, like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, and threw them into Ajia's mailbox.

Even products in non-intelligent fields must be manufactured, such as ballpoint pens, lighters, buttons, etc.

All of them are hidden in the molecular future module, and they are treated indiscriminately.

Sell if you can, give if you can't!

Various charity donations, various welfare plans, various lotteries, you will win in one draw!

You have to take them even if you don't want them.

Fill in all signal weak areas.

At the same time, upgrade the Gemini signal towers, and deploy wireless charging networks around the world to power the modules in them.

For these emails, Ajia was silent for 5 minutes.

Finally gave a reply-two months, seamless coverage, otherwise he would bleed himself in public.

Liu Di replied with two words: Thank you.

Good brother, no need to explain too much.

And the time halberd.

Brother Liu has nine in total.

Now there are only two dusty and unmovable ones in my mind.

The other seven have been lost in various ways.

One was lost at the cosmic singularity.

One was left at the center of the earth and is now the holy relic of the Time Group.

But the Time Group is also one of the important and relatively righteous forces on earth. Without the holy relic, they are nothing.

And the other five were all lost in the "road home" of the four-dimensional village in order to find Gu Fan.

Without the time halberd, even if the long river of time is built to infinity, I can only watch.

Brother Liu sighed slightly, I actually have a hidden attribute-a spendthrift.

Suddenly, the sound of an ambulance whistle came from a distance. Professor Tao's body was covered with a white cloth, put into the car, and slowly drove away.

Brother Liu clenched his fist slightly.

Above the fourth dimension, time can be controlled.

Different people have different ways of achieving it, and I must rely on the time halberd.

As long as I hold the time halberd in my hand.

Not only can he regain the ability to travel through time, but he can also master the seven-dimensional cause and effect, and nothing will be an obstacle.

Only in this way.

Can we look forward to the future, have the power to fight against higher dimensions, and avoid tragedies like Professor Tao from happening again.

Time Halberd.

Time Halberd...

The next step is clear.

Liu Di raised his head and said in the void: "Grandpa Gugugu, I guess you have been observing me? Come out and talk?"

A moment.

Gugugugu's somewhat unclear voice came, "I'm not paying attention to you! Drinking!"

Liu Di adjusted the surveillance in his view.

But he saw Gugugugu actually ran to Tuo Ye's free hospital, two people with a plate of peanuts, blowing white wine.

This old man is of course paying attention to Liu Di.

He has even penetrated the inside and made friends with Tuo Ye.

Liu Di did not hesitate.

He took Bo Lin directly to Tuo Ye's free hospital.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that the first floor of the hospital had changed. The windows on all four sides were filled with flower stands with various green plants growing luxuriantly.

And Xiao Pinggai, wearing clean clothes, holding a spray bottle, carefully watered each plant.

Liu Di looked carefully.

But I found that none of these plants were regular varieties. To be precise, none of them were existing varieties on Earth. They were all recreated.

"Brother, you are here."

Xiao Pinggai was very happy to see Liu Di and ran forward.

Liu Di looked at the little girl. She no longer looked like a garbage dump. She seemed to be reborn. The plants she cultivated also brought rich vitality to the hospital of Master Tuo, which was like a haunted house.

Liu Di nodded in response. He knew very well that this little girl was a strong artificial intelligence in the field of biological evolution.

"Xiao Pinggai, how are you recently?"

"Very happy."

Xiao Pinggai picked a bright red apple from a flower pot beside him and handed it to Liu Di.

Liu Di took a bite of the apple in his hand. It was extremely sweet and had a strong fruity aroma.

And Po Lin, who was standing next to Liu Di, widened his huge eyes with a strong curiosity in his eyes. He tilted his head and looked at the girl in front of him. His eyes were almost focused on the diamond-shaped crystal on Xiao Pinggai's forehead. It was the condensation of artificial intelligence SDERS.

"Sister, you are so special."

Bo Lin said.

The little bottle cap smiled, "You too."


The demon boy made a face in front of Liu Di, "Me too."

Liu Di was also amused.

Three strong artificial intelligences gathered.

Time, biology, elements.

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