My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1126 The Mysterious Road (1/2)

Walk through the hospital lobby.

Brother Liu came to the back room.

But they saw that Gu Gugu and Master Tuo were already flushed from drinking, and there were six or seven empty Erguotou bottles beside them.

Gu Gu Gu was very happy at this time. He looked at Brother Liu and said, "Uh haha, old man, I have spied on everything. Gu Fan was summoned by the Supreme! Guangzong Yaozu! Guangzong Yaozu!"


Gu Gu Gu looked at Brother Liu with drunken eyes, "You kid broke the Gao Dimensional Summons into pieces, tsk tsk, you can't chase your wife! That girl Gu Fan may bring me a ten-dimensional life as my grandson-in-law in the future, that's cool!"

Brother Liu was silent for a moment.

Gu Gu Gu is skilled in manipulating the fourth and fifth dimensions, so it is not unusual for him to peek into his current situation.

But he saw that Master Tuo was not happy, "You idiot, are you looking down on our brother Liu? Does our brother Liu lack women? He has brought six of them back to me alone!"

Brother Liu scratched his head. Both old men had drunk too much.

And that 'silly half-chicken' is a kind of pheasant with a round body and a relatively low IQ. The way to catch it is to wait under the roots of a tree, because when this little animal is frightened, it will directly hit the tree and knock itself out.

"Six women?"

Gu Gu Gu was startled.

Mr. Tuo shook his head and said: "More than six? I remembered wrong, it should be eight! And at the same time! Did you see those hospital beds? At that time... um..."

Gu Gu Gu was a little shocked.

Immediately, Mr. Tuo reached into his vest and scratched his chest. He felt as if he had buried Brother Liu. He changed the topic and looked at Gu Gu Gu and said, "Don't talk about those useless things. I'll beat you today." !”

"Drink me up?"

Gugugu was also confused. He narrowed his eyes and patted his chest, "To be honest, I am a four-dimensional creature!"


Master Tuo smiled with a smile on his face, picked up a bottle of Erguotou, "Then you are still far behind. To be honest, I am from Jiuwei."

Half an hour later.

Brother Liu arranged for the unconscious Tuo Ye to board the silver shuttle with the unconscious Gu Gugu on his back.

1983, 62°31N 113°59E.

Adding time and latitude and longitude, this place is the location of the four-dimensional village. Once you step inside, it is a green mountain village, but with endless projections, it is like a magical world.

But at this time, Liu Di could only reach the longitude and latitude.

I had no choice but to wake up the coogu next to me.

Gu Gu Gu's eyes were hazy from drunkenness. When he opened his eyes, there were gaps. "Why did you wake me up? Did you hit me in the mouth?"

Brother Liu shook his head and said seriously: "I didn't."

"Then why does my cheek feel a little sore?"

Gu Gu Gu touched his face.

"Senior, I really don't."

The truth is that Brother Liu called Gugugu for more than ten minutes, and Porlin couldn't wait any longer, so he sat on Gugugu's chest and woke him up physically.

Gu Gu Gu rubbed his face and took a clear look at his surroundings, "Oh... I want to enter the Four Dimensional Village, tsk tsk, brother Liu, you don't even have the ability to control time now."

Brother Liu pursed his lips.

Without time, I feel a little frustrated.

Not to mention standing in front of a four-dimensional creature.

Gu Gu Gu didn't say much, activated his ability, and time passed.

A green mountain village appears in front of you.

Gu Gu Gu was still drunk and unsteady on his feet, and was carried on his back by Brother Liu.

The old man looked at the young man who was silent and walking with firm steps, and knew that what he was carrying was far from him, but a heavy pressure like a mountain.

Gugugu fully recognized the inner qualities of this young man. He didn't believe the eight women Tuo said at all.

Gu Gu Gu sighed slightly, "Why, are you looking for Gu Fan's father? Do you want to stabilize this relationship and ask her father to give you some time or something?"

Brother Liu didn't speak.

Gu Gu Gu smiled and said, "It's okay. I'm his father's father, and I recognize you. Other than that, it's not easy for anyone else."

Liu Di did not answer the question directly, but asked with a smile: "Mr. Gu, I remember that you got drunk as soon as you drank. How could you have been drinking with Master Tuo for such a long time?"

Gugugu smiled proudly and said: "Haha, every time I take a sip, I travel through time, spit out the wine, and then return to reality and pretend to continue drinking. This is what your kid taught me. Time is zero!"

Brother Liu smiled hoarsely and said, "God's operation."

But I saw Gu Gugu's face looked as if he had eaten something, and he said bitterly: "But I didn't expect that just the aftertaste in my mouth would make me completely confused!"


"Brother Liu, this is not the way to find the village chief!"

"Wrong go!"

Liu Di, who seemed to be veering off course, had an extremely clear path in his mind. At this time, he had arrived in front of a house in the village. This house was antique, with carved beams and painted beams, and was a bit like an enlarged version of the Earth Temple.

Enter the house.

Liu Di put Gugugu aside and stared at the black hole in front of him. It looked like a vortex of smoke. Looking deeper, it was filled with blue lines, like a 3D grid.

Only then did Gu Gugu come back to his senses. The alcohol had dissipated, and he lost his voice and said, "You want to go on this road home?"

Brother Liu nodded silently.

The road back home is the path that the ancestors of Siwei Village go out to fight and finally return to Siwei Village.

Gu Fan entered it and was infected with the high-dimensional virus, and the Time Halberd was lost in it!

Brother Liu also understood at this time that the ancestor of Siwei Village was also infected with the 'virus' and had finally completed the summons!

I don’t know what dimension that ancestor is in now.

“Don’t interpret this as chance!”

But Gu Gu Gu's expression changed, "The essence of the road to return home is a huge maze! I told you that no one who entered it, except Gu Fan, returned! This is a narrow escape!"

Liu Di looked at Gugugu, "Huge maze? Why do you have such a definition?"

Gu Gu Gu paused slightly, "Okay, there is someone else coming back... that's me."


Gu Gu Gu lifted up his clothes and exposed his belly, only to see three penetrating scratches across his body. The scars were hideous. It can be imagined that at that time, his body was almost severed!

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Just listen to Gu Gugu say: "In it, there is chaotic time and space, twisted space, which can crush people into pieces like a crusher. In addition, there is also some unknown life hidden in it, which can easily One blow almost killed me."

Gu Gu Gu looked at his scars with a look of horror on his face, "I will never enter this road home again in this life, and you don't even have the ability to travel through time, let alone."

I heard Brother Liu slowly say: "Wealth and honor are found in danger."

Gu Gu Gu was stunned and looked broken, "What wealth? The prerequisite is that you have to save your life!"

at this time.

Gu Gu Gu suddenly looked up, but saw no one in front of him!

The wooden windows of the house moved slightly due to the wind and creaked.

Gu Gu Gu was stunned.

Where are people?

In? !

It’s over!

Want to eat!

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