My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1224 Dimensional Shadow (1/2)

at this time.

Outside Professor Tao's office.

The iron frame supports a huge reflective cloth, which wraps the room like a cloth box, making the light bright and dazzling.

Duan Hua and police officer Tao Wutian were also among them, waiting silently.

A full ten minutes have passed.

Tao Wutian couldn't bear it anymore. He didn't understand why someone with the rank of Commander Duan should blindly trust the student named Liu Di.

And he quickly called on the surgical shadowless lights from nearby hospitals to create such a weird scene.

This is ridiculous!

Like some kind of ritual altar!

How is it possible to find the murderers and bring them to justice?

In the time wasted, the murderer may have already escaped without a trace!

"Sir Duan, we can't go on like this!"

Tao Wutian was so angry that he stepped forward and opened the office door regardless of his immediate superior's instructions!


The moment the door opens.

Tao Wutian was stunned.

But I saw that the room seemed to have been slashed by countless swords, and all kinds of books and furniture were broken into pieces.

And the young man named Liu Di stood quietly with his father's reading lamp on his back. His snow-white shirt was covered with blood stains and tears!

Tao Wutian glanced at the entire wall again.

But I saw black silhouettes everywhere on the ceiling, walls, and even the ground. Their long knives were scattered, some had no heads, and most of the bodies were torn into pieces!

Black blood like ink can be seen everywhere.

They are all corpses, crooked, like clear ink paintings, all over the house!

Duan Hua also walked in at this time and was stunned.

"What...are these?!"

Tao Wutian was completely stiff. The scene in front of him was far beyond his understanding.

But Brother Liu slowly looked back and looked at Tao Wutian, "These are two-dimensional creatures. The murderers of Professor Tao are the gods and monsters that you said were the ones Professor Tao studied."

Tao Wutian was stunned!

His worldview was greatly impacted, and he could not figure it out no matter what, the things his father studied actually existed!

His mind flashed through his father's countless patient explanations since childhood.

But he was always distracted and didn't pay attention to it at all.

Tao Wutian burst into tears. At this moment, he realized his stubbornness and his ignorance of the world.

He looked at his father's body and could imagine that a shocking battle had taken place here, and Liu Di worked hard to protect his father in the process.

Tao Wutian knelt in front of his father, weeping silently, and turned his back to Brother Liu: "Thank you, thank you for catching the murderer, thank you for making me realize my father's achievements, thank you..."

Duan Hua stepped forward and looked at Liu Di's torn shirt, "I've never seen you like this. This battle is not easy. Thank you for your hard work."

Brother Liu shook his head slightly.

But Duan Hua asked again: "Where did the murderer come from and what was his motive?"

Brother Liu looked at Duan Hua, "For your safety, you don't need to know and you can't know."

Duan Hua frowned and then relaxed, "Fortunately, we have brought the culprit to justice."

"Prime culprit?"

Liu Di pondered and shook his head slightly, but he didn't say anything more. He patted Duan Hua on the shoulder and said, "Please handle the follow-up."

Brother Liu walked out of Professor Tao's office.

Before that, he searched for Jiang Lao's "Dimension Notes" in the house, even if it was scraps of paper chopped up by two-dimensional creatures, he didn't find any trace.

He also used Molecular Future to check the whereabouts of the note, but found nothing.

"Why did Professor Tao, who had terminal cancer, not die?"

"Why did the "Dimension Notes" disappear out of thin air?"

"There are at least two causal weapons hidden in this incident."

Brother Liu exhaled slowly and came to the playground where he had just met Zhang Zai. At this time, Zhang Zai had gone back to the dormitory and was immersed in studying. Even the dispatch of the Hai City Special Police Team did not arouse her interest.

Brother Liu sat in the stands and squinted at the sun in the sky.

He slowly turned back and looked at the shadow behind him.

The shadows began to separate.

A long, beautiful leg with leg rings stepped out first, then three samurai swords, and then the black silhouette with an extremely sexy and alluring figure.

"In Professor Tao's room, I closed my eyes and killed someone, but you didn't die. I'm afraid it's also a cause and effect."

"However, it would be useful to keep you."

Brother Liu looked forward and asked slowly: "Where is Eshi?"

The black silhouette beside Liu Di was reflected diagonally on the ground, as if blown by the wind. Her long hair and skirt were floating, and her seductive silhouette was looming.

"grown ups."

The voice of the black silhouette was pleasant and cold, giving a sense of déjà vu to all the queens.

Liu Di still didn't look back, "Don't call me Sir, this is the name of Eshi, I feel disgusted."

The black silhouette paused, and the Queen's posture lowered slightly, "Mr. Liu Di...Eshi is already a nine-dimensional creature. He has his own high-dimensional space. The earth must not be able to carry it. He is in the universe, and may exist in the universe at the same time. Anywhere.”

Brother Liu looked at the blue sky.

The teeth were clenched, making a slight sound.

But she saw the black silhouette, bowing slightly, kneeling on one knee, and one leg stepped out of the skirt. It was very long and narrow, revealing lace stockings of different brightness. The waist was also very slender, and the chest was high.

If she were not a silhouette, but had an entity, this action would be enough to make people's blood rush.

To be precise, this silhouette at this moment is enough to make people imagine.

Her well-defined chin drooped slightly, "Mr. Liu, I believe that you will reach the high dimension one day and find Ershi to avenge your hatred."

"But I beg you to save my two-dimensional people as well."

"They... are being spied on by Ershi now, and they may be folded and destroyed at any time."

Liu Di has no emotional connection with the so-called two-dimensional world, and said lightly: "I will try my best."

The noble head of the black silhouette drooped again, "As long as you are willing to help, I am willing to guard you forever, and be your slave, without any complaints."

Liu Di's eyebrows moved slightly, "You? Be your slave?"

At this moment.

On the basketball court not far away, two bullfighting teenagers fought too fiercely, and a basketball flew out of control, and the next moment it was about to hit Liu Di's head.

But the sexy silhouette half-kneeling on the ground suddenly raised his head, and the samurai sword on his waist was instantly pulled out. A black light broke through the two dimensions and split the basketball in half in mid-air.

The speed was too fast, and the blade was too sharp.

So that after the basketball was split, it remained a whole and continued to fly.



The basketball fell in front of Liu Di, and then it was split into two, dissipated, and turned into a shriveled ball skin.

"Brother! Sorry!"

"Can you help us throw the ball back!"

"No, why is the ball deflated!"

"What a bad quality!"

The two basketball teenagers were stunned.

Liu Di sighed softly, and looked back, but saw that the sexy silhouette named Li Ying had shrunk in his own shadow.


Liu Di pondered and leaned against the backrest.

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