My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1121 Believe (1/2)

Inside the small bamboo house.

Subject No. 1's werewolf-like fingernails suddenly grew 5 centimeters.

It was about to swing out and cut the human girl in front of it into pieces, but the pain in its chest made it slightly slow for a moment.

But the girl in the green skirt suddenly squatted down beside the bamboo bed, picked up a wet towel, and wiped the blood on the chest of the experimental subject with gentle movements.

Subject No. 1 suddenly vomited blood before falling into coma, causing blood stains all over his body.

At this time, the monster suddenly stopped.

It saw that the girl's squatting posture was a bit weird. One left leg seemed to be unable to bend too much and was straightened diagonally.

Subject No. 1 suddenly saw that one of her calves exposed outside the green skirt was carved from wood.

The texture of the dark brown wood is clearly visible, and the carving technique is very ordinary. The surface is uneven, and a rusty iron nail is used as a bearing at the joint.

He looked at her face again.

However, she tilted her head for a moment, revealing the right side of her cheek. There were three hideous scars on her right eye. Her eyeball was already a piece of white, and the various visual tissues in it were confused. She must have been blind. .

This girl experienced dying a long time ago and was covered in bruises. Now she has recovered and is disabled.

Subject No. 1 hesitated slightly again.

But I saw the girl in the green skirt smiling brightly. Her left eye could move, but her right eye was very ethereal. "My eyes have been injured, and everything I see is blurry."

Experiment No. 1's scarlet eyes narrowed and he whispered: "Can't you see my appearance clearly?"

The girl in the green skirt was very simple and didn't seem to think too much. She slowly groped the chest of Experimental Subject No. 1 with her white palms.

The skin of Experiment No. 1's chest was dark gray, and the internal bones mutated, forming ridged bulges that were intricate and shaped like a weird spider web.

Subject No. 1 only felt that the girl's palm was cold but very soft. He had never felt anything like this before.

The girl in the green skirt smiled and said: "I can't see clearly, but I can feel it. You are just like my brother, well... the same as my father."

Subject No. 1's narrowed eyes did not relax.

How can a human being have a body like mine?

It whispered again: "So you're not afraid of me?"

The girl nodded.

He then continued to carefully wipe the blood stains on the chest of Subject No. 1. Due to the weirdness of the bones, the dried blood stains were difficult to wipe away.

Experimental Subject No. 1 slowly put down its claws. It needed to grasp the information here, "Who is your brother and father?"

The girl moved her hands lightly and said slowly: "Ordinary people, ordinary people in the little Jianshui Village."

Experimental Subject No. 1's claws grew again.

Your words are contradictory. How dare you deceive me?


A gust of breeze blew open the coarse curtains of the main building, revealing the scenery outside.

It was a primitive mountain forest scenery, full of greenery, with many small bamboo buildings scattered here and there, and many villagers dressed in commoners were busy walking through.

Under the bamboo building where Experimental Subject No. 1 is located, there is a bamboo raft made of tied bamboos, with blood stains scattered on it, and a long string of drag marks on the back.

Subject No. 1 frowned slightly, "How did you get me back?"

The girl in the green skirt smiled softly, "I found you in the cave. The venom in your body was acting up, so I made a dry land bamboo raft and dragged you from the dark night to the morning sun. Then I dragged you back. "

Subject No. 1 paused slightly.

I saw a lot of blood seeping out from the end of the girl's prosthetic limb, and there were also many blood blisters in the palm of her hand.

It groaned slightly.

Even if a humble human being tried his best to save me, he is still a humble human being and can die.

Its claws rose.

But there was an inexplicable wave of hesitation in his heart.

It shook its head vigorously. Brother Liu's genes must be interfering with me. He is a bad guy with a lot of love, but I am not!

Is kindness engraved in your bones?

Not at all!

It raised its claws a little more, and a fierce light suddenly appeared in its eyes.

But for some reason, it came up with the idea that this woman couldn't see me clearly and wasn't afraid of me, so let her live first so that she could serve me.

After hesitating for a moment, he lowered his claws.

At this time, Experimental Subject No. 1 suddenly felt extremely relaxed.

a long time.

Experiment No. 1's voice became calmer, "Who are your brother and father?"

Gu Nian, a woman in a green skirt, wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "An ordinary villager in Jianshui Village, but one day two years ago, Jianshui Village was anything but ordinary."

She slowly raised her head, through the breeze blowing the curtains, and looked at a mountain in the distance, "On that mountain, a very rare mineral was discovered, and then a foreign company came to mine it. They hired people from the village at a large price. Residents, everyone is happy.”

"But not long after, the villagers who went to work in the mine disappeared one by one and never returned to the village."

"We just learned that that mineral can create modified humans. The true nature of the mine is a modified base."

“But retrofits can easily fail.”

"Not long after, a monster appeared in the village."

Having said this, the girl in the green skirt glanced at Experimental Subject No. 1 and said, "A monster like you."

After speaking, the girl in the green skirt stuck out her tongue, as if to express that she did not mean any disrespect.

Subject No. 1 narrowed his eyes again.

But at this time, the girl in the green skirt suddenly looked sad, "The mine sent soldiers to help us kill those monsters, but we suddenly found that those monsters were the villagers who had been missing for a long time."

"Among them, there was my father."

Tears slowly flowed from the green skirt girl's right eye, which was already white.

Experimental subject No. 1 had a cold face, "What about your injuries?"

The green skirt girl wiped her tears, "It's my brother, he turned into a monster, lost his mind, and almost killed me."

Experimental subject No. 1 paused slightly.

But the green skirt girl suddenly smiled, "But my brother recognized me later, so I didn't die. My brother went home with me and became more and more clear-headed..."

Speaking of this.

The green skirt girl stopped talking.

The subsequent story is that the brother completely recovered his consciousness and could help his sister with farm work, but his body did not recover, and his appearance was still a terrifying monster.

One month later, the brother was reported by the masses and died under the random gunfire of the mine troops, and his body was not intact.

The green skirt girl's face was full of sadness.

She froze in her tracks for a long time, then suddenly smiled, a glimmer of hope on her face. She looked at Subject No. 1 and said, "You are also a villager nearby, right? Don't be afraid. I believe that you are kind by nature, even if I am the only one in the world who believes that."

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