My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1120: Things in the bones (1/2)


Porphyrin covered his mouth and snickered.

At this time, Brother Liu was still immersed in this microscopic world and could not calm down for a long time.

He later realized: "Whether it is in the air or in the vacuum, there are quantum fluctuations. This conclusion can be deduced from Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. In the quantum world, any space, any Position, any energy can be temporarily changed, including... the size of the volume."



Ping Lin said: "This is Mr. Jiang's coffin book, the Quantum Fluctuation Laboratory!"

Brother Liu was stunned.

Jiang Lao Jiang Lao.


This laboratory is your greatest invention.

And I fell into the confusion of your technology from the moment I walked in the door.

Ginger is really spicy, let alone you.

Only then did Brother Liu understand.

Why did Mr. Jiang prepare such rich life resources in the laboratory?

His ultimate goal must be to explore the universe.

And this laboratory can be reduced into a coin and put in a pocket. From now on, the future will be worry-free!

Brother Liu took a few steps and slowly stood at the edge of the laboratory.

The foot is 30 meters high from the ground.

There was a 20-meter-tall giant thing in the distance, a Peruvian poison dart frog, with its legs in the air, as if it had been knocked unconscious.

An acorn rolled down next to it, about the size of an experimental cemetery.

"Tsk tsk..."

Liu Di was stunned for a moment and scratched his head, "It's amazing."


The Peruvian poison dart frog woke up and directly mistook Brother Liu for a new species of insect, shooting a stream of venom!

Liu Di condensed the liquid metal to form a large shield.

With a thud, the two collided, and Liu Di's arm was slightly numb.

He sighed: "I am a great new human being, I am not as experienced as a frog like you, so hurry up and leave."

The frog secretly thought, the shell is still quite hard, it is probably a beetle.

Then he jumped away.

Brother Liu shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Is this a loss of morals or a distortion of frog nature?"

Porlin jumped forward and stood beside Liu Di, "Wow haha, I thought you were going to use the antimatter cannon to annihilate that cat!"

Brother Liu smiled bitterly, "That's just a curious little leopard cat. It just dug out a piece of shiny metal from the ground for fun. How can you kill it?"

Porphyrin laughed, "Brother Liu, you are very caring. You said that you have mastered so many technologies. Will one day, like in the metaverse, you will go on an angry rampage, activate all technologies, destroy the earth, and kill What about all mankind?”

Liu Di shook his head slowly and said very calmly and sincerely: "No, kindness is something engraved in the bones."


"My idol is indeed excellent!"

Porlin pointed at his cheek, "Also, that cat just now has a name. It's very famous. It's called a civet cat in China!"

Brother Liu nodded, "The civet's a good move to change the civet cat for the prince!"

At this moment.

The two of them stood at the top of Jiang Lao's laboratory. Behind them was a dewdrop condensed on the tip of a leaf, reflecting the dazzling sunlight. It was crystal clear. Although it was located in a corner that could not be detected by the earth, it was like a sun, indicating new life.

When the two left.

Liu Di's body returned to normal, turning Jiang Lao's quantum laboratory into a dazzling bead, which was embedded in the liquid metal pendant on his chest.

Another great guarantee for your journey.

Opportunities are often born in moments that are difficult to detect.

There is a long road ahead, but faith in the heart and kindness in the heart are the prerequisites.


Chinese border.

This is a minority area that returns to nature.

In a bamboo pavilion.

A strange figure nearly 3 meters tall with exposed bones on his back suddenly woke up.

It had a ferocious look on its face, but it also looked at the surrounding situation in confusion.

This is Mo Yu’s Experimental Subject No. 1, the monster version of Liu Di.

Before, the moment Liu Di was 'killed' by Eshi, it suddenly vomited blood and fainted because of some blood connection. When it woke up again, it appeared here.

Its scarlet eyes looked at everything around it.

The clean pavilion, tables and chairs are all made of bamboo.

There is a clay teapot and two clay cups on the bamboo table.

There are white coarse cloth curtains hanging at the door.

There was a crisp sound of birds chirping outside the window.

Everything is peaceful and peaceful.

Subject No. 1 looked at his body. A pair of small quilts could only cover his knees, and the bamboo bed beneath him had collapsed under his own weight, almost as if he was lying on the ground.

Subject No. 1’s brows knitted together.

Did someone save him?

When it escaped from Mojia Weishan Lake, it suddenly realized that its system was still evolving, and its strength was increasing every second.


It gives priority to dormancy, hiding in a cave, quietly waiting for its system to become complete.

During this process, its weird appearance continued to change into that of a human. The spikes on its back slowly retracted into the body, and its sharp claws also slowly shortened. It once looked like the claws of a hell dragon, and now it became like a werewolf. Generally, relatively less scary.

Only on his forehead, two bone spurs slowly grew out, like demons, entrenched on the top of his head.

Of course, its physical strength is growing infinitely!

It didn't understand why it suddenly fainted.


Even so, the way she looks now is definitely a monster in the eyes of humans!

Who will save her, or who dares to save her?

Dong, Dong, Dong.

Footsteps were heard outside the bamboo building.

The scarlet eyes of Subject No. 1 narrowed instantly, and her bloodthirsty eyes were looming.

The coarse cloth door curtain was lifted.

But she saw a slender figure in a green dress, her black hair was braided into a braid, and a small white flower was inserted on one side.

Her face was simple and beautiful, her skin was slightly dark, and she was a young girl from an ethnic minority.

Very beautiful.

She was holding a wooden washbasin with a towel on one side.

The moment she entered the room, she saw Subject No. 1 waking up and sitting on the bed in a daze.

The girl was slightly startled, and then she showed a soft smile, "You are awake, this is Jianshui Village, my name is Xirou."

The eyes of Subject No. 1 burst into fierceness.

Humble human, die!

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