Humble human.

Useless emotions.

What's the point of you believing in me?

Besides, how can I be compared with those failed transformations!

The corner of the mouth of the No. 1 experiment twitched, but the sharp nails slowly retracted into the fingers. It turned its head and stopped looking at the girl in the green skirt.

The girl in the green skirt suddenly smiled and said, "I have introduced myself. My name is Xirou, which means soft stream water in the mountains. What about you?"

The No. 1 experiment turned its back.

It did give itself a name, which was related to its obsession and to Brother Liu.

It didn't want to be a replica.

It didn't want to share its name with such a weak human, ignoring Xirou's words, just a servant. If you question it again, tear her apart!

Xirou smiled again and said, "What's your name?"

Experimental subject No. 1 turned his head suddenly, clenched his teeth, and his facial features twitched, but he finally let out a sigh of relief and said coldly, "My name is Du, the one and only Du."


Xirou shrank her neck, "What a terrible name."


Xirou smiled and continued to help the experimental subject wipe the blood.

The sun disappeared, the bamboo house was quiet and soothing, and the coarse cloth curtains were blown slightly.

Between breaths, all was the fragrance of green grass and green bamboo.

The monster who called himself Du bowed his head slightly and said ruthlessly: "For the sake of your service to me, I will give you a gift. After I take a break, I will go to flatten the mine and tear apart everyone in it."

Xi Rou was stunned, "Your ideas are terrible, but they have already received their due retribution. There is an organization called Punisher in China. One year ago, the mine was destroyed."

Du's lips twitched, revealing a mouthful of fangs, "Then I will take back my gift."

Xi Rou smiled helplessly, "You have a good rest. I'm going to work."

She put away the washbasin, turned around and walked down the bamboo building.

When she went downstairs, her artificial leg knocked on the stairs, making a dongdongdong sound.

Du sat on the bamboo bed in a daze.

A spotted mosquito landed on its cheek, trying to suck blood, but it couldn't pierce its skin at all.

The mosquito returned in vain.

But Du suddenly stretched out his claws, and with a bang, he directly pinched a sonic boom in the air, and the mosquito was crushed to pieces.

Du looked at his claws full of destructive power, and suddenly had a question.

What is the meaning of my life?

He pondered for a long time, and suddenly found that no one in this world needed him.

He couldn't even give a gift.

Where did the Punisher come from? He acted quickly!


There was a sound of hitting wood.

But it was not Xirou going upstairs, the sound came from the courtyard outside.

Du's sharp claws gently lifted a corner of the coarse cloth curtain and peeked out.

But it was Xirou chopping wood.

She was still wearing the same green dress, but her sleeves were rolled up high, and there were beads of sweat on her arms and forehead. Her artificial leg was very inconvenient, supporting her thin body at an angle.

The axe in her hand was very abrupt and heavy. She had to swing it seven or eight times to completely split the wood that was as thick as a bowl.

On the side, there was a pile of unchopped wood piles.

"Humble human."

"You'll have to chop those woods for two years."

Du looked down on her mercilessly and slowly lowered the curtain.

Under the setting sun.

Xirou worked hard alone. She wiped off the sweat on her face and said, "It's going to rain soon. We need to chop these woods quickly, or they'll get moldy."

Creaky, creaky.

Boom, boom, boom.

A strange sound came from the stairs of the bamboo building, and the three-meter-tall, light-gray monster with a bony back slowly walked down the stairs.

Its heavy footsteps made the bamboo building creak.

Du slowly came to Xirou and glanced at her mercilessly, "I'll give you a favor and help you chop wood."

Xirou laughed so hard that her branches shook.


Du snorted coldly, looked at Xirou with disdain, turned around and looked at the wood, then stretched out ten claws with both hands, black light burst, and chopped like lightning, as if time and space were about to be chopped into pieces.

In the blink of an eye, a pile of wood was cut into powder.

The speed was so fast that Xirou had no time to stop it.

Du Weiwei stood still and glanced at Xirou arrogantly, "Fragile humans, fragile wood."


It walked up the stairs by itself.

Xirou stayed where she was, slowly squatted down, sighed weakly, and rubbed her forehead hard.

"I spent several nights to move these firewood back."

But it was the monster who returned to the house alone, sitting on the edge of the bed with a twitching mouth, looking at his claws, and exhaling heavily.


It was just dawn, and there was even a hint of hazy night.

Du pulled down the coarse cloth curtain, draped it over himself, and walked straight into the mountains.

When passing Jianshui Village.

It met many residents who got up early to work. When these people saw the figure of this monster, they were full of fear, hid far away, and pointed and talked.

"Xirou has taken in another monster!"

"How can she be so unrepentant? She will harm the whole village!"

Du suddenly turned around, and the terrifying body brought a strong sense of oppression, "Humble human, if you don't want to die, get out of here!"

The villagers were silent, watching the strange figure disappear into the jungle.

"Did that guy escape?"

"I hope it will never come back!"

The sun rises.

Returning alone from the deep mountains, the scene was horrifying. On his shoulders were stacked layers of complete trees nearly 20 meters high. From a distance, it looked like a mountain valley moving on its own.

Its face was ferocious, and it said to itself in a cold voice: "Humble human, I said the gift, and it will definitely arrive!"

It came to an open space in Jianshui Village.

But I saw more than a dozen residents of Jianshui Village crawling on the ground, with large and small sacks piled around them.

In front of these residents, there were four strange figures standing.

Their bodies were all deformed, some had no hair, arms over the knees, and some had black eyes and a mouth full of fangs.

The person standing in the center had no special changes in his body shape, but his skin was extremely pale and gray, as if he was a corpse soaked in formalin.

He was naturally not dead, and he still retained his original face. He was a European with messy curly hair, but he was only in his twenties and had a gloomy face.

One of the deformed people looked at the villagers fiercely and said, "Is this all the food we have for this month?"

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