Twin Towers.

Brother Liu sat at the end of the desk, his hands folded on the table.

Ajia, Nan Ruoyi, Heidina, Moore, Ruan Liangji, and Lin Yi gathered together.

Lin Yi, a beautiful Chinese hacker, has been responsible for looking after the waiters. At this time, she did not arrive alone. Instead, there was a small holographic projection device in front of her, which projected a 20 cm tall blue figure wearing a butler's costume.

This is a waiter who has not yet gone dark and is in the weak artificial intelligence sequence.

It came to participate in this meeting like a living person.

Without exception.

Everyone felt that Brother Liu had become much more gloomy and restrained when he returned this time. He spoke cleanly and clearly, as if he had an urgent mission that must be fulfilled.

Heidina spoke first, "The revenue of Gemini has increased by 200% again, and the number of TO analysis stores has doubled again. The revenue of these two projects may not be able to catch your eye now, but fortunately you The money you brought back last time is enough for you to start any new project again.”

Nan Ruo also said: "In the past few days, I have acquired all the machinery manufacturing factories I can see. The outside world has also given me a nickname called 'Industrial Harvester'. Now our machinery manufacturing factories have reached There are 290 companies at home and abroad. Although few people know about it and no one has counted it, when it comes to precision machinery manufacturing capabilities, we should be number one in the world. "

Lin Yi said: "According to your comparison standard, the waiter is now at the second level of weak artificial intelligence."

Ruan Liangji said: "Nine satellites carrying the scepter of God have been successfully launched. Now Huaxia Haishi, Kyoto, the capitals of island countries, and the capitals of European countries are all within the attack range."

Ajia said: "The top 20 tall buildings in Hai City are all equipped with boundless transmitters disguised as advertising canopies, which can achieve the effect of the eye in the sky, provide you with an independent network, and have micron bugs hidden inside. "


“The Seventh Iron Emperor is hidden in the sculptures in front of 1,500 TO Lingxi stores across the country.”

Finally, Ah Jia looked at Liu Di, "Of course, the above data is still expanding globally on an hourly basis."

Brother Liu nodded slowly.

Borderless and God's Scepter are projects developed after the last 'transfer' of funds from various countries.

Its essence is an independent defense network and a space tungsten rod strike weapon.

It was originally used to defend Liu Entropy and future waiters.

But Liu Entropy doesn't seem to be as evil as he seems.

The final battle with the future waiter ended in the virtual world.

Fortunately that's the case.

Because the construction speed of these projects simply cannot keep up.

But we must have the awareness to take precautions before they happen. The earth must be built like an iron barrel, because the vast starry sky also hides endless threats.

"Everything is fine, thank you all for your hard work."

Brother Liu raised his head, "The original plan remains unchanged and will continue. The new plan is as follows."

Say it.

The void projection in the conference room lights up.

A long blue list extends from the five-meter-high roof, which contains rows of catalogs, and each catalog is followed by a miniature version of the design drawings.

The core creators in the room all raised their heads and slowly narrowed their eyes.

The first one on the list is the familiar canopy watch. Although it has not been promoted to the public, it has appeared many times within Gemini.

Gemini's virtual projection technology has already achieved a breakthrough in human-computer interaction.

Ah Jia gently clicked on the design drawing on the right, and the precise 3D structure, emitting blue light, was enlarged and displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

The soft and delicate strap, with a sapphire-like surface, is gently dragged, and there are 12 styles hidden on the back, suitable for all ages.

"Compared with it, the previous canopy watch was like a crude prototype, but it is more perfect than before."

Ah Jia's expression was a little fascinated.

"this is..."

Ruan Liangji was confused, waved his hand gently, split the design into a piece, floated it in front of him, and then zoomed in on the internal structure of the watch.

His eyes widened, "What is this module? It didn't exist before."

Liu Di said slowly: "This is the micro STA I developed."


"Molecular kinetic energy monitoring equipment?"

"What role can it play in a canopy watch?"

As a technology enthusiast, Ruan Liangji's expression was even more confused at this time.

Brother Liu replied: "You will understand if you know all my equipment lists."

Everyone nodded slowly and glanced over the list one by one.

"The canopy watch is just the first product. It integrates all the functions of a mobile terminal and replaces a mobile phone."

"after this..."

"Smart headphones, smart glasses, smart TVs, smart office equipment, VR virtual warehouses, smart cars, smart airplanes?!"

Everyone's eyes gradually widened, and his gaze stopped at the bottom of the list. When the list reached this point, it was the smart civil aviation aircraft designed by Liu Di.

Ah Jia lost his voice and said: "So many categories?"


"It's much more than that."

But Ruan Liangji's voice was trembling, and he also stretched out his finger tremblingly, touched the virtual list, and then swiped up slightly.


The crowd was dazzled.

But I saw the 4-meter-long list scrolling upwards rapidly, and endless directories began to emerge.

As the words were flipped rapidly, no one could count how many categories there were.

Just like a cursory glance, I saw a few of the names.

From rocket launch control centers to smart toothbrushes and smart baby bottles...

"Moreover, each of these items is equipped with a STA, big or small, with a test range as small as 10 cm and as large as 700 meters?"

Ruan Liangji was dumbfounded. Nearly a minute had passed, and the list was still scrolling up, with no intention of stopping.

"All those that use electricity, even if the structure is as simple as a tungsten filament light bulb, must be connected to the Internet."

"And all those that are connected to the Internet, even if they only need to realize a simple switch function, we will build them!"

Liu Di spoke slowly!

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