My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1138 He is back (1/2)


These numbers swirled in Teng Hualong's mind.

His head was filled with questions and his face was confused.

His face gradually turned ugly.

But I saw that Ajia was still talking on the stage, but in Teng Hualong's ears, it was like a book from heaven.

The sports hall is in the distance.

On top of a water tower on top of a tall building.

A man wearing black night clothes was holding a MK12 sniper rifle equipped with a silencer.

He looked through the scope and saw the black cross in his sight, accurately aiming at Ajia's head.

He shook his head slightly, "Tsk, tsk, lofty words, and orderly arrangement of work, what a pity... Comrade Zhang Tianjia, your business rival hired me to kill you. Of course, I also sympathize with you. Who allowed you to be so powerful that you attract attention? No one else can do it. Can you only resort to harm?"

"Look at you, you are still so serious. It's a pity that these tasks you have assigned can only be accepted in the underworld."

He licked his lips, rubbed the trigger with his finger, and muttered: "One shot, it's 10 million, if I go back and find the Emperor San, it's 50 million!"



He pulled the trigger and the gun went off!

After the smoke.

The sniper looked into the scope and saw nothing but white flowers in front of him!


He took his eyes off the scope and looked ahead.

I saw a man in a white shirt standing in front with his hands behind his back, looking down at the scene in the stadium.

? ? ?

The sniper took another look at the scope and found that the white patch was the enlarged white shirt!

! ! !


Without saying a word, the sniper fired again!

He looked up again and looked ahead!

But they saw that the man in white didn't move, the fingers behind his back moved slightly, and with a clang, he threw the deformed warhead to the ground!

Snipers are creepy!

But the man in the white shirt slowly turned his head and turned sideways, revealing Ah Jia who was still speaking in the distance.

The sniper leaned back slightly, gasped, and subconsciously ran away!

But the man in the white shirt smiled faintly.

He slowly walked forward and patted the sniper on the shoulder, "I'm very kind. Since you didn't succeed in killing someone, I'll let you go and try to change your ways."

The sniper was extremely puzzled.

His expression changed from extremely frightened to extremely stunned.

He moved very slowly, staring closely at Brother Liu, stepping back step by step, and finally got down on the ladder, and ran towards the darkness with a bang!

But I don’t know.

An Iron Emperor VII disappeared from the invisible state, silently, following closely behind him.

Three days later.

There is an inconspicuous news in the world.

A killer organization that secretly sneaked into China, with a total of 43 killers, disappeared overnight.

Another intelligent robot company named "Baolong", its 23-story office building in Kyoto exploded in the middle of the night and turned into ruins. Although there were no casualties, Baolong has become ashes of history.

at this time.

Brother Liu stood at the water tower on the roof and glanced at the direction where the sniper disappeared. "Gu Fan is waiting for me, and whoever tries to stop me will have only one fate."

He turned around slowly, "In this real city, who can be my enemy? Change your past? In the next life."


The founders’ annual meeting.

Ah Jia’s work is scheduled until W12.

At this time, Ah Jia exhaled slowly, "That's how work is. Today's meeting was held in a hurry. It was more about looking at brothers."

Teng Hualong gritted his teeth secretly, "Your sister..."

Among the founder employees, a young man who looked like an engineer slowly raised his hand.

Ah Jia looked at him and said, "Design Department, Shao Licheng, please speak."

Teng Hualong was stunned, "Zhang Tianjia is perverted enough. With so many employees, he can still remember a single name?!"

The designer named Shao Licheng said: "Mr. Ajia, I have always had a huge expectation and question in my heart..."

He seemed to have the courage that he had been brewing for a long time, and said: "Last year, after our twins launched the live broadcast business, the number of users reached an astonishing number, but... the third boss decided to call it quits at this time and suspend development in many fields. It is said that a revolution will be started again in a year..."

Another employee raised his hand and said: "Yes, we are all remembering this day, it will come soon."

"President Ajia, we are all looking forward to this day."

“My peers say that although we are leading, we have not made disruptive technologies.”

“We also want to follow the creator to create a great success in this second year!”

The eyes of the whole audience immediately became intense!

Only Teng Hualong looked a little ugly. He thought of the conversation he had with Brother Liu on the rooftop.

At that time, Brother Liu was holding a projection watch.

As soon as this thing comes out, it will replace all mobile phone terminals!

Once he reaches a monopoly, the entire APP industry will have to follow Liu Di's lead!

Teng Hualong muttered in a low voice: "Can't you pretend to have amnesia if you don't open the pot and lift it? What will Brother Liu do if he remembers this!"

But I saw Ajia on the stage paused.

Brother Liu disappeared for a long time, and apart from arranging Wujiang, he never made any explanation again!

Borderless must be revolutionary enough.

But that’s something that’s not open to the public!

Ah Jia doesn’t know if this one-year appointment is still to come, or what he can do!


Ah Jia slowly turned around, and a blue light suddenly lit up behind him. A blue light swept back and forth, gradually forming a void screen.

Teng Hualong looked carefully and saw an inconspicuous circular instrument on the stage.

Technology similar to the Void Sky Curtain?

Teng Hualong nodded, "You finally came up with something! However, after so long, we Penguins have also cracked this technology! It's not new anymore!"

But a picture gradually condensed on the blue screen.

It was a long background, similar to the background cloth screen of thousands of corporate annual meetings.

Two words were written on it: Yinuo.

Ajia laughed and said, "Brothers, if you don't mention it, I almost forgot that the design department still made a picture, which is the theme of our annual meeting. Haha, this is the most formal thing in our entire annual meeting."

Teng Hualong sneered and was really convinced.

I only heard Ajia say: "Yinuo, the two words are given to everyone. It represents our commitment to customers, and also represents the commitment of me and the third boss of the emperor to everyone. I believe that in a short time, the creator will create great glory! The world will pay attention and amaze the world!"

Ajia looked at everyone with unparalleled momentum.

But his words just now were far from the confident ones when he arranged the work.

It seemed to be made up on the spot.

If no one mentioned the one-year agreement, he probably wouldn't want to bring out this background.

The designer named Shao Licheng asked in confusion: "Boss Ajia, are you telling the truth?"

Ajia straightened himself.

He thought to himself: I guessed that someone would mention that, so I was prepared! Brother Liu, brother Liu, I have been covering for you! People are not so easy to fool, I even used props!

Who knows what you will do next!

On the surface, Ajia was righteous and awe-inspiring, and he glanced at the 30,000 employees and said loudly: "That's right!"

I don't know when.

A man in a white shirt, with slightly long hair and a handsome face, slowly walked to the side of the stage.

"Who is that?"

Suddenly a creator employee asked.

But beside him, a veteran Gemini programmer was so excited that his eyes were shining and he trembled and said, "You just joined the company not long ago, right? That's Emperor San!!! The eternal god!"

Teng Hualong was stunned!

He really got him here!

Ajia was also stunned!

When did he come back!

Liu Di walked onto the stage and glanced at Ajia. The two brothers understood each other and there was no need to say more.


Liu Di looked at the 30,000 employees and said, "I am not very interested in creating a technological revolution, because what I want more is the future!"

The whole audience was silent.

But Liu Di said again, "And the best way to witness the future is to create a future!"

I don't know why.

Liu Di's two words ignited a raging fire in the hearts of all the employees.

But Liu Di's eyes crossed more than ten meters and looked at the designer named Shao Licheng, "Director Licheng, you said before that some colleagues despised our slow pace?"

Shao Licheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva!

He said intermittently: "Indeed... there are a few companies..."

Liu Di nodded, "Very good, go get him."

The air was quiet for more than ten seconds.

The whole place was filled with gasps!

The Third Boss of the Emperor has spoken!

He will fulfill his one-year promise!

He will set off a huge wave!

He's back!

I'm desperate to find him!

But Liu Di said again: "Brothers, go back to your posts, each of you will do your job, and each of you will be on standby!"


After 30,000 people responded in unison, the whole place flashed with blue light.

In just a moment, everyone turned into a phantom and disappeared out of thin air!

And Liu Di and Ajia on the stage also raised their heads slightly, their bodies flashed with electronic light, and then disappeared!

Teng Hualong.

And his assistant.

The two were petrified on the spot!

They looked around, the whole place was empty, with only a few chairs around and the extremely empty stage!

Buzz buzz buzz...

There was a large vibration in the sky, and drones flew over, stretched out their mechanical arms, and took away the 3D projection equipment all over the venue!

Teng Hualong's eyes widened!


It's all projections, they didn't come at all!

And when did their projection technology break through 2D and become real 3D? ! !

Teng Hualong's eyes twitched, and he saw a real figure at the entrance, it was the security guard who blocked him!

But the security guard carefully took down the A4 paper with the annual meeting written on it, muttering: "The company has regulations, low carbon and environmental protection, avoid unnecessary waste, and use both sides of the paper!"

Teng Hualong's heart broke on the spot.

So you only used one person and a few A4 papers for this annual meeting!

And you still want to take it back!


Teng Hualong looked at his chair again. He expected that I would change seats and put more chairs, otherwise I would have to sit on the ground? !

Beep beep beep...

I saw a drone frantically reminding me to come and take away Teng Hualong's chair!

In the sky, the name card with Teng Hualong's name on it floated down like fallen leaves in the autumn wind.

The huge stadium was filled with endless loneliness.

"VIP Teng Hualong..."

Teng Hualong's eyes bulged. He was indeed a VIP, and I was the only outsider!

Little did they know.

At this time, tens of thousands of employees of the creator stood up, left the imaging camera, and turned around to work!

The time pressure of the Wujiang project made them work overtime.

But at this time, their fighting power was extremely strong!

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