My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1140 Molecular Future (1/2)

There was silence for a long time!

Liu Di wants to create everything.

The so-called Internet of Everything, all tools in life will be connected to the Internet to form an intelligent ecosystem.

From the moment you get up, the virtual butler will arrange your entire life properly.

Accurate, efficient, and advanced!

Theoretically, this is the scene 20 years later.

At this moment, several of Liu Di's confidants raised their hands!

They were all full of questions!

Hedina was anxious and asked first: "Even if money is not a problem, how much energy and manpower will it take?"

Liu Di looked at her, "Your question is the answer. Find OEM factories for all categories. If there are no OEM factories, find top brands. We provide design and control quality control. Either cooperate or acquire them with a lot of money."

Hedina paused suddenly.

Suddenly, the iron law of the investment world came to mind-capital is the brown bear in the business jungle.


The witness was the most savage of these brown bears!

Ajia raised his hand, "Can you make money by casting such a wide net and extending the battle line indefinitely?"

Liu Di looked back, "Even if it's not possible now, it will definitely be possible in the future. When all this forms a big net, no one can resist the temptation."


Liu Di looked at the waiter, "I want all the data generated in it. I can make you the brain behind all this, but I need you to stop upgrading."

The waiter nodded slightly. As a weak artificial intelligence, it has already used intelligence that exceeds that of humans. In terms of level, it is already higher than the demon child when it first met Liu Di.

It said: "My mission is to serve mankind. If Mr. Liu thinks that I am more suitable now, then I have no complaints."

Liu Di nodded, and the purple light flashed in his right eye.

Soon, on the waiter's virtual image, an exquisite bow tie gradually emerged from the neck, emitting a dark luster.

Brother Liu looked at Ruan Liangji, who had been in a trance, and said, "As for the network of these devices, all of them are connected in two lines. One is to connect to our private Wujiang, and the other is to connect to the ordinary network."

Ruan Liangji nodded slowly, but his eyes were more and more shocked.

Brother Liu looked at Moore again and said slowly, "You participated in the future SZ incident. From a certain perspective, the two projects are similar, so you are responsible for this project, and temporarily named it - Molecular Future."

Moore's eyes lit up and nodded heavily.

"But remember, we will be in control of a lot in the future, and we can't have the slightest intention to harm others."

Moore nodded again!

After a pause, Brother Liu suddenly looked at Moore, "Regarding the VR cockpit, I have also extended a game. Regarding this game, you can understand that reality is extended to a parallel universe, where you may meet another self, and its operation is also left to you."

Moore was slightly startled, not quite understanding why the master came up with a game business and why he gave it to himself who was not good at it.

But Moore still nodded.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning."

"The first step will always be blocked."

Liu Di looked up and said loudly: "Work steps, division of labor, I have also made a plan, which has been sent to you."

"I can only do two things."

"First, I will give you full authorization and full trust. You can mobilize any amount of funds, and there is no upper limit on the number of recruits."

"Second, I will sit here all the time. As long as you tell me any trouble that cannot be solved, I will rush to it as soon as possible!"

Everyone felt like a dream.

After looking at each other, they stood up and walked out the door.

But Nan Ruo, who was wearing a delicate cheongsam and had a graceful figure, hesitated a little and fell behind the whole team.

Brother Liu called her, "Ruoyi, do you think I was too hasty this time?"

Nan Ruoyi turned around and smiled lightly, "You are always better than others, at least in my eyes."

Brother Liu took a deep breath, "I know your concerns. If the Chinese government interferes with the project because of anti-monopoly, you will transfer 30% of the founder's equity and voting rights of the board of directors to the government through your father, Mr. Nan."

Immediately, Brother Liu looked forward with a different look, "The so-called anti-monopoly is nothing more than the fear of losing control."

Nan Ruoyi's body stagnated.

Brother Liu had already made a decision on the worries that made him struggle in his heart.

The so-called wise man never loses the big picture for the small.

Mr. Liu is still Mr. Liu.

But I saw Brother Liu's head drooping slightly, his eyebrows moved slightly, and he said in a low voice: "The premise is that they dare to ask for it."

Nan Ruoyi felt a chill on his back instantly.

I have never seen such a resolute Mr. Liu. What happened to make him so determined this time, and it seems that no one can stop him?

Outside the meeting room

Several giant creators gathered.

Ajia narrowed his eyes and looked at Ruan Liangji, who had been looking unhappy. "Liangji, I see that you are not in a good state. What are you holding back?"

Hedina also came forward and asked Ruan Liangji, "Is it about that STA? By the way, what exactly is that STA? Why should it be placed in every smart device?"

Even Nan Ruoyi, who had just left the house, slowly approached.

Ruan Liangji raised his head and looked into the void with awe. "STA can see the state of nearby molecules. There is a corollary from Newton's classical physics."

"Suppose at some point, we know the position, speed and interaction of all the elementary particles in the world, then we can predict the true future."

"Even if it is as complex as the human body, as long as I know the state of all the particles that make up you, then I can predict what you will do next and in the future."

"So, the ability that people think they have to control themselves has actually been programmed since the moment the universe was born. What you do at this moment is just the result of the 'collision' set by many small particles."

Several people at the scene suddenly held their breath.

Ruan Liangji said again: "Suppose a bird is about to take off, then the molecular structure in its wings will collide in advance and give us a hint. Then, based on the molecular structure in the wind, we will know where it is going to fly. We will know accurately that it will land on a tree branch and swallow a caterpillar. Because of the death of this caterpillar, the world will hatch 10,000 fewer spotted butterflies."

"After considering all the factors in the world, we know at what minute and second the spotted butterflies will all perish."

Ruan Liangji looked at the stunned and turned his head, looking at everyone, "Buddhism calls this 'cause and effect', and the scientific community calls this - molecular future."

Everyone looked at Moore.

Because Brother Liu named this project - molecular future!

Moore, who is also a technology fanatic, is extremely excited at this time, "It turns out... Master wants to be a god who can predict the future! The man standing at the top of technology... The creator is indeed an existence that is out of reach of the whole world!"

"People say that an important criterion for advancement in science and technology is the ability to predict the future."

"I think it will be done soon!"

The fire in Ruan Liangji's heart was also ignited instantly!

The others all took a breath of cold air!

Nan Ruoyi took a look at his work schedule. The first thing was to mass-produce sky-screen watches, but the quantity was only one thousand!

And Ajia's task was to acquire a Chinese mobile phone manufacturer.

He let out a long breath and looked back at the closed door of the conference room.

"You are really flying higher and higher, and it is getting more and more out of reach."

"What can I do?"

"Do it!"

The crowd did not hesitate for too long. After getting familiar with their work tasks, they walked out of the Twin Towers and prepared to rush to all directions!

But at the bottom of the building, everyone was stunned.

At the top of the building, a disc-shaped aircraft was seen, shining with silver light, hovering quietly, like a star in the night sky!

And near the building, countless onlookers had gathered, holding their mobile phones, constantly shooting, and sending them to various online platforms!

Nan Ruoyi was stunned, "Mr.'s silver shuttle? How can it be exposed in front of everyone like this? No, I have to notify Mr. Liu!"

But Ajia stepped forward and stopped Nan Ruoyi.

Ajia looked at the crowd silently.

"I heard that Emperor III has returned, and the creator is going to start a new revolution!"

"Isn't that person upstairs an alien?"

"The technology of Gemini is directly connected with that of aliens!"

"This is going to overturn the rhythm of the earth!"

"Maybe it is a flying machine made by Gemini himself!"

"I simply can't imagine how far they have developed!"

Many people started live broadcasts on the spot, and more people immediately discussed this strange scene in major forums!

Ajia's eyes flashed and said: "I know him, he did it on purpose to create momentum."

Sure enough.

The top ten hot searches on the entire network that night were all about the topic of 'What level is Gemini's technology? '!

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