My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1134 Weishan Lake (1/2)

Weishan Lake.

Brother Liu told Gu Fan the address and told her that she must go to real time.

Unlike before, the two were in a state of historical projection.

At this time, the two of them, to this world, are flesh and blood, no different from ordinary people.

The lake in front of me was filled with slight green waves, the sun was setting in the west, it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

No matter how you look at it, this is just a piece of pleasant natural scenery.

The reason for the tranquility.

Because thousands of sensor cameras around him were instantly blocked by the demon boy, thousands of disciples of the Mo family didn't know they were visiting!

The lake surface suddenly shook, and a straight thin line appeared in the middle. Two huge secret doors hidden at the bottom of the lake slowly opened.

Gu Fan covered his mouth and opened his eyes slightly, "Wow..."

Brother Liu could clearly see that her bright red lips were also stained with a little colorful light.

At first glance, it looks like a unique lip gloss.

In fact, it is the deadly high-dimensional virus.

Brother Liu still grabbed Gu Fan's palm, jumped up, and landed at the Mo family's Weishan Lake base!

There was a bang.

Liu Di fell to the ground through the huge patio, but it wrapped around Gu Fan's waist, making her as light as a feather.

Gu Fan quickly took off Brother Liu's hand. She was afraid that Brother Liu would also be infected with the virus!

He looked at the Mo family disciples with big eyes and small eyes around them.

Gu Fan hid behind Brother Liu, showing his eyes, "Hi..."

But I saw countless Mohist disciples slowly reaching out to touch their waists.


But he saw a handsome man wearing a robe and long hair walking out of the crowd, Mo Jiuli.

He bowed slightly and said, "Mr. Liu, you are here unexpectedly... Oh, I believe you know the news about the misfortune of my Moyu giant. Please don't be too sad..."

"None of that matters."

Brother Liu smiled in return, "I'm bringing my friends to have some fun."

Say it.

Brother Liu held Gu Fan's hand, as if he had returned to his own home. He explained the functions of each piece of equipment to Gu Fan, and said with a gentle smile: "Which one do you want to dismantle?"

Mo Jiuli, who stayed where he was, was a little sluggish for a moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Not good.


On the third floor underground of Weishan Lake, behind the ancestral hall, in a super secret cave.

Mo Yu lay lazily on a recliner, admiring his 2,500 clones, and reached out to grab the potato chips beside him.

This kid's belly is slightly bulging now, his hair has not been combed or his face has not been washed, and the corners of his mouth are full of potato chip residue.

Already decadent.


"Ah ah ah ah..."

Mo Yu was chewing potato chips, his eyes full of resentment, "I've been hiding for several days, and Brother Liu hasn't made any movement. I don't know if he killed the failed clone..."

"This guy!"

"Drop the chain at the critical moment!"

"Aren't you awesome?"

"Kill all kinds of modified people instantly with one punch?"

"What, are you scared?!"

Mo Yu stood up, grabbed a bag of potato chips, and compared it to Brother Liu's head, bang! Mo Yu slapped the potato chips with a slap and said in a stern voice: "Brother Liu! Tell me, are you a waste?!"


Mo Yu pointed at the little bear on the bag of potato chips and continued to yell: "It makes me afraid to go out, tell me! Brother Liu, are you a waste? I'll beat you to death!"


But the door to this super secret base opened automatically.

Mo Yu's eyes widened and she turned back inch by inch.

But I saw a man in a white shirt, holding an extremely beautiful girl, slowly walking in.

The beautiful woman said: "Brother Liu, it's impolite to dismantle such high-end equipment as you say."

Brother Liu nodded and said, "Don't you like the styles of those devices before? Then let's take a look at these."

The two said.

Slowly passed in front of Mo Yu.

Brother Liu turned a blind eye and looked ahead.

Gu Fan smiled and waved to Mo Yu, "Hi..."

Mo Yu was stunned.

His face was like a traffic light, changing the speed visible to the naked eye over and over again, and finally settled into a pale white color.

Mo Yu stretched out her hand stiffly, "Hi..."

Gu Fan stuck out his tongue and followed Brother Liu.

The next moment.

The two of them faced the huge 2,500 clone warehouse.

Brother Liu smiled and said, "Is there a style you like?"

Gu Fan was a little stunned, "Are all of these human bodies? Is this a cruel and inhumane experiment? Who can be so unconscionable?"

Brother Liu nodded heavily, "These four words are very appropriate!"

Mo Yu's body trembled.

He glanced at the potato chip package in his hand, and at this moment, the cute little bear on it became extremely ferocious and terrifying.

In a blink of an eye.

Mo Yu had eight hundred escape plans in his mind, but with Brother Liu's slight cough, Mo Yu turned to stone and did not dare to move.

Liu Di said softly: "Gu Fan, just like them, I will clone you... okay? Maybe, the high-dimensional virus will be thrown away."

Gu Fan frowned and shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, no, I don't want to do such a horrible thing, and once you clone me, it won't be me anymore. Have you forgotten, I am a star from the universe, unique. "

Brother Liu frowned.


Even if the clone is safe and healthy, is she still Gu Fan?

The answer is yes, she is not.

Dimension was once just a mathematical concept, meaning higher space.

Suddenly like a dream, it turned out to be reality.

High dimensions are always incomprehensible and unimaginable to low dimensions, and judgment standards and conventional cognition are completely ineffective.

Just like the virus in Gu Fan, we don’t know which dimension it comes from, but it falls in this three-dimensional world, which is really a dimensionality reduction attack.

It’s like a human in the three-dimensional world lighting a piece of paper with a match, and the two-dimensional ‘one-sided person’ on the paper has no idea what happened and can only watch the world destroyed.

It was Liu Di’s intention to bring Gu Fan to Weishan Lake.

One of the plans is cloning.

But at this time, Liu Di has completely given up this idea.

Liu Di pondered for a long time.

Looking at Gu Fan, who was getting weaker and weaker, the high-dimensional virus on her lips had spread and turned into the size of a pearl.

Liu Di smiled and said, “Are you tired?”

Gu Fan nodded tiredly, and no longer had any interest in the beautiful scenery or dismantling the machine.

Liu Di’s eyes flashed with complex emotions, and his eyes turned from bright to dim, “Here is a place where you can relax and rest thoroughly.”

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