My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1133 Traveling around the world (1/2)

Gu Fan's mind instantly calmed down.

It seemed that the most powerful harbor in the universe was standing next to her.

She tilted her head and looked at Liu Di with a pair of long eyes. In the light and shadow, the man's profile was also very handsome. Even the creator himself could not draw a second line like this.

"There is no rush to cure the disease. Let's go see the world first."

Gu Fan lowered her eyes. She had more perception than others about the high-dimensional virus. In her heart, the chance of cure was like a drop of water in the ocean, and the chance was very small.

Immediately, the woman raised her white chin again and looked at Liu Di, "Okay?"


Liu Di smiled and hid all his emotions in his heart.

The first thought of the man in the white shirt was to take Gu Fan into the past and travel around the beautiful mountains and rivers.

So he thought of Cao Yuan's golden trident. Only this weapon could take the two of them together.

With a thought, Liu Di called the time trident in his mind and prepared to find Cao Yuan first!

The next moment, he was slightly startled.

Time is zero, but the number of time halberds in the mind is also zero.

All are lost on the way home!

Liu Di paused slightly.

In the eyes of the residents of the four-dimensional village, he is a five-dimensional creature, and even in the eyes of Gugugu, he is already six-dimensional!

But this five-dimensional is not the same as that five-dimensional!

He relies on the time halberd that is inexplicably formed in his brain, changes different moves, and learns and applies them flexibly to gain the ability.

Throwing the time halberd into the long river of time, he has the ability of a four-dimensional creature.

Five-dimensional touch, he is born with it!

As for the six-dimensional, it is an operation evolved after the magic boy evolved!

Behind all this, it is completely different from the natural high-dimensional creatures.

Liu Di took a completely different path!

Gu Fan laughed, "Then I'll take you away. It just so happens that I also have a few places I want to go."

After that.

Gu Fan looked at his grandfather and father.

The two elders flashed a trace of reluctance and worry about the future, but they all squeezed out a smile, "Go, go."

At this moment

Gu Fan held Liu Di's hand tightly, and his body turned into light and shadow, constantly refracting in countless cubes in the four-dimensional village, and then he was thrown into the three-dimensional world.

That is reality.

This is a primary school in the 1990s.

Liu Di looked up at the sky, dark clouds and haze, and raindrops formed a white line and kept falling, falling on his face, cool and cold.

He lowered his head again.

He saw a short-haired boy sitting under the fence of the playground, angry, with tears in his eyes, drenched in the rain, no one cared, no one asked, as if he was abandoned by the world.

Not far away, a little girl in a yellow raincoat walked slowly, like a little squirrel, nimbly jumping over the puddle.

She walked in front of the little boy and stretched out her hand, "Don't be afraid, we will be friends in the future."

Liu Di was stunned.

Looking back at Gu Fan, her eyes were full of beauty, watching everything quietly.

Liu Di asked, "What are we doing here?"

Gu Fan looked back, "At that time, you and I didn't understand human emotions, but at least I hadn't been infected with the virus."

Then, the woman in white had eyes like a crescent moon, "People often say that the best thing is life as if it were only for the first time."


The world's largest tulip sea in Schagen, a small town in northern Netherlands.

Liu Di and Gu Fan stood in the wind with flowers blooming, and the fragrance of flowers was overflowing.

Gu Fan closed his eyes and smelled the fragrance of flowers.

Liu Di pursed his lips slightly, the flower language of tulips is 'hopeless love'.


Golden Falls in Iceland.

The sound of the water was deafening. This is not the largest or the highest in the world.

But it is one of the most famous waterfalls in America.

Because it is located in a sunset canyon, every evening, the sun shines along the canyon, making every drop of water splashed by the waterfall dyed golden.

Just like now.

The waterfall is like a golden river hanging upside down, and Gu Fan stood on that rock, his body was also dyed golden, as if he was a holy goddess.

Liu Di, who was enjoying the beautiful scenery, frowned slightly.

The high-dimensional virus on Gu Fan's arm has spread from his arm to his neck.


Ouguo Bosi Museum.

It was quiet here at night.

Gu Fan skillfully operated the antique Galileo telescope, looking at the stars through the skylight.

The night was like velvet, and the stars were like diamonds.

Gu Fan could see the bright stars. She closed one eye and said, "I have always longed for the universe, which is mysterious and beautiful. The universe is the only existence that can make people calm and humble. Our lives are so small in front of the universe."

Liu Di put his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky. His right eye flashed purple, but with the magic boy, he could see the stars clearer than the antique telescope.

Brother Liu said slowly: "The elements on the earth come from the spread of the universe, so every atom in your body comes from an exploding star. This is the most poetic thing I know about physics - you are the star."

Gu Fan was stunned when he heard it, then looked at Brother Liu, and smiled for a long time: "Do scientists always say love words like this?"

Gu Fan's shadow was reflected in Brother Liu's pupils.

Gu Fan's entire arm, as well as his chest collarbone and neck, were covered with high-dimensional viruses and turned into flashing colorful lights.

The sadness in Brother Liu's eyes flashed, and then he scratched his head, as if he didn't see anything unusual, and smiled: "Haha, yes."

Gu Fan rolled up his hair and smiled silently.

Silence for a long time.

Liu Di suddenly said, "You took me to so many places, and I had a lot of fun. As a reward, I will take you to a fun place."

Gu Fan was lively and jumped on the spot, "Where?!"

Liu Di smiled gently, "That place is called Weishan Lake, a technology base of a boy named Mo."

Gu Fan's eyes lit up, "Technology? I'm curious too!"

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