My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1135 Plan 2 (1/2)

Once, Brother Liu and Mo Yu had their first duel.

It was in a place called Sanzhipo. At that time, Mo Yu was very capable.

Among the tricks used to deal with Brother Liu, there was a formation called the "Ice Coffin Formation".

It is called a formation, but it is actually a kind of Mohist high-tech.

It can silence all biological reactions through the biomagnetic field, and the cells of the organisms shrouded in it will stagnate.

At the same time, the ice coffin formation can also terminate all chemical reactions.

Humans, whether it is brain nerve activity or the body's new production metabolism, are essentially a series of chemical reactions.

In other words, time and space will stop for people trapped in it.

Brother Liu realized it at that time.

It is an excellent way to preserve the physiological body. If the equipment does not stop, it can completely make humans sleep for a hundred years, wake up again, and even achieve the effect of going to the future.

Brother Liu held Gu Fan's hand and walked slowly in the Weishan of the Mohist School. First, he passed the Mo Yu that looked like a clay sculpture or a wood carving.

Then he passed through one gate after another.

The door that none of these Mohist disciples had permission to open, in front of Brother Liu, seemed to be made by hand, pious and obedient.


Brother Liu and the others came to the depths of the base.

The so-called 'Ice Coffin Formation' really has a small version. It is a transparent glass warehouse, in which is a soft reclining chair covered with white leather. The white light shines in it, which looks quiet and comfortable.

Seeing this reclining chair, Gu Fan's face is full of fatigue.

At this time, her eyes and body are all glowing with strange colored light, and there is not much of her original skin left.

Gu Fan pointed at the reclining chair and whispered: "Can I rest there for a while?"

Brother Liu smiled, "Of course."

"Wait for me."


Gu Fan lay in the soft reclining chair, slightly closed his eyes, and looked very relaxed.


Gu Fan stretched out his green jade fingers, blocked his mouth, opened his eyes and grinned: "Kiss me secretly? There is a virus."

Liu Di, who came up to him at some point, grinned, with no embarrassment in his eyes, but with endless attachment.

"I'll just rest for a while, don't look at me."


Liu Di turned around.

At the same time, a blue light shone down in the rest cabin, and Gu Fan closed his eyes unconsciously, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.


The cabin door also closed.

Liu Di's motionless body began to tremble slightly, and finally his shoulders shook.

He turned around, already in tears.

He stepped forward, looking at Gu Fan, who was like a sleeping beauty, across the glass cabin, tears flowing down his face, and dripping from his chin onto his white shirt.

He gently stroked the glass cabin, as if stroking Gu Fan's cheek.

"Take a nap, everything will be fine when you wake up."

Liu Di just looked at her like this.

Although there is no trace of cold, it is as if frozen.

Although it is close at hand, it is as if heaven and earth are two apart.

Time passed quickly, one hour, two hours, until late at night.

The man in white trembled and exhaled.

Gu Fan's biological mechanism stopped working, and the high-dimensional virus really stopped growing.

This is Liu Di's second plan when he came to Mo's Weishan Lake.

I don't want to execute it, but I have to execute it.

Liu Di smiled, with hope and bitterness in his eyes.

Slowly raised his palm, but saw a ball of colorful light flashing in the palm of his hand, as big as a coin, which was extremely strange.

It was the high-dimensional virus in Gu Fan's body.

Liu Di has countless ways to defend against virus infection.

But he still touched the virus without Gu Fan knowing.

Because only by experiencing it personally can you find a solution!

Even if Gu Fan cannot be cured, I can sleep with her side by side!

Mo Tong: "I can't feel the presence of any conventional virus, and there is no lesion in the affected area, as if nothing has happened. The only difference is that the muscle and blood seem to have been sucked into the other dimension and disappeared without a trace!"

"The DNA of the black and white Joker has no repair effect!"

Liu Di did not leave the room, but ordered Mo Jiuli to fetch various equipment.

Heat induction, X-ray, electromagnetic induction, all the detection equipment available on the market were used.

It's a pity that the dimensional virus is completely like an illusory existence, and no information can be collected.

It was also this tossing that made the virus in Liu Di's hand expand a little bit.

It will not stop growing unless the host 'dies'.

Liu Di had already guessed all this.

Mo Yu hid in the distance, secretly observing everything. He had never seen Liu Di so sad.

Above Weishan Lake, the air roared.

Hundreds of light spots came from far to near, and they were figures flying through the air.

Boom, boom, boom!

Hundreds of Iron Emperor VIIs fell into the Mo family's Weishan Lake base with great momentum.

They walked into the depths of the base without looking around, layer by layer, surrounding Gu Fan's rest cabin.

"It seems that this high-dimensional virus can only be cracked through high dimensions."

"Getting real data and going to the future is the only possibility of advancing to high dimensions at present."

Liu Di turned around and walked slowly. The gates behind him were closed with a bang, and then the program was completely controlled by the demon boy. No one could crack it anymore, and each layer was guarded by more than a dozen Iron Emperor Sevens!

Mo Yu rolled and crawled, escaping from the gates.

But I saw Brother Liu standing in the central courtyard of the base, frowning and looking up at the sky, then he gritted his teeth, rose from the ground and disappeared into the night sky.

Mo Yu was stunned. That guy actually ignored me the whole time.

Should I be happy or sad?

He slowly turned his head and looked at the base behind him. Nearly thirty doors were locked, and there were Iron Emperor Seven stationed inside. I'm afraid no one could enter.

This base seemed to have become his Brother Liu's!

But Mo Yu immediately recalled the extremely sad Brother Liu just now.

That woman...

is very important to him, extremely important.

Mo Yu finally gritted his teeth and ordered Mo Jiuli: "Send more people to guard this place. Except Brother Liu, who wants to enter here can only step over the bodies of my Mo family disciples!"

And Brother Liu stood on the silver shuttle.

Looking at the lights of thousands of houses under his feet, his eyes gradually became firm, and the plan in his mind has taken shape-everything is connected, and AI is everywhere in life.

The Time Halberd will come back, but only if I master new functions.

Mo Tong, you must upgrade the sequence.

And I must upgrade the dimension.

Gu Fan.

Still waiting for me.

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