My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1132 High Dimension (1/2)

Brother Liu slowly squatted down.

He reached out and touched the flawless bracelet on Black Cat's wrist.

Therein lies future technology.

But in the next moment, the black cat's body seemed to dissolve, first turning into particles visible to the naked eye, and then dissipating in the air!

The demon boy said: "They don't seem to have mastered time jumping. Instead, they use a body recasting technology to recast themselves at the other end of the wormhole!"

Brother Liu frowned.

It was also at this time that seven or eight blue lights suddenly lit up on the scene.

Those teammates who were sent away by Black Cat before saw that things were not going well and came again!

Liu Di turned his head, looked with a cold gaze, and said in a low voice: "If you dare to show your face, you will end up like a black cat!"

Blue lights and shadows hesitated.

One of them said: "If the teacher comes in person, you will not end well."

A few words popped out from between Brother Liu's teeth, "Everyone must die."

The air was quiet for a moment, and those blue lights and shadows disappeared in vain.

Brother Liu stood up and came to Gu Gugu and Gu Beijiang who were lying on the ground, "Are you two okay?"

Gu Gu Gu straightened up with a grin on his face and leaned on the ruins, "We are fine, just a little injured, you..."

At this point, the second half of Gu Gugu's sentence got stuck in his throat.

Because Brother Liu had already turned around, strode away, and headed straight for Gu Fan.

"Brother Liu, don't touch me!"

But Gu Fan, who was lying weakly on the ground, suddenly exclaimed and quickly covered his wrists with his sleeves.


The light on her wrist seemed to have expanded its scope, almost swallowing up her entire arm, and could no longer be covered.

Liu Di's hand froze in mid-air, "What on earth is in your hand?"

"That's a dimensional virus."

But he saw Gu Beijiang walking slowly, supporting Gu Gugu who was holding a cane.

Gu Gu Gu lost his mind and said: "It may also be a multi-dimensional virus, at least something above seven dimensions. Maybe in high dimensions, it is just an ordinary disease, but if it falls into our low-dimensional space, it will be an existence that cannot be eliminated!"

Brother Liu frowned.

Staring closely at Gu Fan's wrist, the light in it looks gorgeous and beautiful, but is actually half virtual and half real. When the light is dim, you can vaguely see Gu Fan's skin, but when the light flashes, you can only see a patch of it. A piece of nothingness and chaos.

Brother Liu tried to help Gu Fan up, but saw that Gu Fan shrank again. Her eyes dodge and said: "I found that this thing can grow on its own. In order to avoid spreading it, Brother Liu, you'd better not touch me."

Gu Gugu's eyes were cloudy, with tears flashing faintly, and he said: "Gu Fan is right, most viruses can indeed grow. This should be the infection she had during the 'Road Back Home'. Our ancestors from Si-Dimensional Village, Some people also contracted the virus when they returned from the war."

Brother Liu suddenly raised his head, "Then ancestor...?!"

Gu Gu Gu nodded slowly, "He's still here."

Siwei Village Cemetery.

Several people stood side by side. Although Gu Fan was weak, he still held on strong and tried to keep a distance from others.

Gu Gu Gu sighed and said: "It's disrespectful to open a restaurant, but I think we must let Liu Di have a look."

The tombstone in front suddenly moved, revealing the dark underground tomb.

Immediately, the coffin inside was slowly opened under the control of the old man.

At this moment, the tomb was filled with bright light.

Brother Liu saw the figure in the coffin clearly, his pupils suddenly dilated, and his heart immediately sank!

To be precise, it was not a human figure, but just the flat shape of a human body, like a chalk mark drawn at the scene of an accident.

The center of the mark was filled with colorful lights that were slowly flashing.

When the light is dim, you can still see the bottom of the coffin. When the light is bright, the whole thing is chaos and nothingness!

The ancestors of the Four-Dimensional Village were finally devoured by this high-dimensional virus!

But this virus is immortal!

Brother Liu's brows were furrowed as tightly as a ravine. He looked back at Gu Fan, who looked pale, and his eyes instantly filled with mist!

The next moment.

Brother Liu felt that his vision went dark, and the sky was dim and the earth was dark.


"It's just a virus."

"I'll find a cure for it!"

Brother Liu took a step forward and reached out to reach into the coffin!

But it was blocked by a crutch held horizontally in front of him!

Gu Gu Gu's eyes were bloodshot and he scolded: "This is not an ordinary virus, this is a high-dimensional virus! Let me ask, could you understand this five-dimensional space three years ago?"

Brother Liu froze.

Gu Gu Gu added: "Don't talk about healing, you don't even have a chance to understand it now!"

Brother Liu hesitated, but then he gritted his teeth and continued to touch the virus!

The crutch holding him back became a little stronger.

The old man yelled angrily, "If you contract the virus, no one will be able to save Gu Fan!"


But Gu Beijiang suddenly knelt down facing Brother Liu and said with tears: "Brother Liu, I take back all my prejudices against you. Just think of me as a father who is eager to protect his daughter! I know that you have great powers and cannot be inferred by common sense. , I beg you, you must save Gu Fan!"

Brother Liu was stunned.

Staring closely at the high-dimensional virus in the coffin.

In the perspective, the blue light circle flashes continuously, and the devil boy is conducting analysis.

But unfortunately, from the perspective, it is just an irregular light group.

Even if the Demon Boy is an artificial intelligence, he was born in a three-dimensional world after all. Even if he searched the Internet all over the world, he could not find any reference information about the high-dimensional world!

Reason is telling Brother Liu.

Don't be hasty!

The Demon Boy's sequence upgrade will increase his dimensions laterally.

But it is now stuck at the fifth sequence of strong artificial intelligence!

Five is half of ten.

The current point in time is also half of the entire time. Before this, it is the past, and after this, it is the future.

Whether it is the fourth or fifth dimension, it is limited to the past.

Then higher dimensions are limited to the future!

Liu Di recalled Gu Gugu's words in his mind, "Maybe this virus, in a higher dimension, is just an ordinary disease."

at this time.

Brother Liu slowly withdrew his arm, "I will definitely step into a higher dimension and cure Gu Fan!"

The demon boy had a tacit understanding with him and quickly perfected a plan - the global AI plan!

Although Liu Di also has a partial understanding of why the devil boy can deduce the past through history and construct a long river of time.

But it also shows that if you have future data, you can extend the flow of time!

Devil Boy: "I believe that the Creator will be a 'creation computer', operating everything with a hand similar to 'coding'. Therefore, the difference between high dimensions and low dimensions is data, an iron law - dimension The higher the information, the greater the amount of information!”

Brother Liu took a deep breath!

He stood up and came to Gu Fan.

Gu Fan was seen covering his arm and taking a step back.

Brother Liu smiled, "We first met in a rainy day. I was young and had encephalopathy. My classmates said I was carrying a virus and they wouldn't get close to me, except you."

"That day under the fence, you stood in front of me wearing a yellow raincoat."

"Although he just extended his little hand to me."

Liu Di paused, his eyes endlessly tender, "But he gave me a whole world."

Gu Fan's body froze, and scenes from the past flashed through his mind.

She was moved, her eyes were hazy, and she looked at Brother Liu with twinkling eyes.

At this moment, Brother Liu's warm palm grasped Gu Fan's cold little hand.

Gu Fan's expression changed and he wanted to withdraw.

However, Brother Liu tightened his grip and said with a smile: "High-dimensional viruses and other things don't hinder me. Now I will give you a world."

Gu Fan burst into tears and stopped struggling!

Gu Beijiang's eyes widened.

He took my daughter's hand again.

Although Gu Fan's virus was only present above his wrists, his jade hands were still as white as mutton-fat jade.


Gu Beijiang also burst into tears.

What courage this brat has.

Not afraid of mountains and rivers coming from afar, not afraid of life and death to stand side by side with them.

This time, although I am a father, I am not qualified to stop it!

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