My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1131 Constant (1/2)


The black cat ignored his wounds and said with a smile: "Future technology can already carve circuits on atoms. Since I was born, I have carried nanotechnology that can be used to repair myself."

"Are my scars ridiculous? Because I have fought you many times!"

"Of course, you wouldn't understand, because it's all happening in the future!"

"But you know why I didn't repair this little wound?"


Before Black Cat could finish speaking, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky!


The black pavilion was already crumbling, and now it was completely penetrated!

But the black cat was familiar with the road, moved again, and escaped the lightning!

Brother Liu frowned, and hundreds of lightning bolts fell from the sky!

The black cats escaped one by one, but once, they were accidentally connected by lightning, and a piece of their hair was scorched black!

He smiled calmly and walked out slowly, "I used three experiments to avoid your sharp blade attack, and five experiments to avoid your lightning attack. Although the scars are accumulating, they are the motivation for me to kill you. !”

Liu Di suddenly understood that this person could jump back and forth between reality and the future!

But so what? !


The soil under the black cat's feet surged, and then countless fine underground sand spewed out, covering him. Then the roadside plants grew wildly, evolving into sharp thorns that roared into the 'cocoon' formed by the fine sand!


But 5 meters away, the black cat patted the soil off his shoulder and said with a smile: "I have tested all your abilities. Although you are in danger, the result is obvious, I am not dead."


The black cat raised his head, a strange smile appeared on his scarred face, and said: "Stop doing useless work!"

"Demon boy, fuse with Shui'er's DNA!"

At this moment, Brother Liu raised his hand, ready to use his shameless tricks to forcefully separate the body's water!



The black cat sneered, his body turned into blue light and shadow, and instantly appeared in front of Brother Liu, with a blue sword condensing in his hand!


The blue sword penetrated Liu Di's chest!

The black cat in the light and shadow chuckled, "It's strange to say that the more advanced technology is, the more useless thermal weapons become."

He flicked the sword in his hand and said, "Goodbye."

Liu Di's pupils widened, this scene was quite familiar to him.

After Brother Liu helped him smash the meteorite in the future, various memory fragments appeared in his mind.

One of them was being pierced through the chest by a blue light and shadow man!

Is this the truth?

Brother Liu leaned up and fell into the layers of tunnels before!

Gu Fan was heartbroken, lying down in front of the hole, reaching down to grab, "Brother Liu!"

at this time.

Her sleeves were pulled open, revealing one arm of hers, which was emitting colorful lights and flashing alternately, which was extremely strange.

When the injured Gu Gugu saw this scene, his eyes were extremely shocked, "That's... a high-latitude virus!"

Black Cat suddenly felt bored and shrugged: "The founder of molecular law, died so easily? Oh, it's not easy either. I fought you 99 times today! I finally killed you!"

Immediately, the black cat tilted his head, "Although I went back to the past this time and broke tens of thousands of laws, my biggest opponent died, and the teacher shouldn't blame me. Haha, perfect."


In the quiet space, a crisp sound suddenly came, like two pieces of metal buckling together, making a collision sound.

The black cat's bruised eyes moved, and he turned back inch by inch.

But I saw Brother Liu standing in the ruins of the four-dimensional ruins. At some point, the STA that had been kicked to pieces by the black cat had been repaired. Just now, it was the sound of him snapping the last part!

Liu Di raised his head and looked from a distance, his voice was cold: "You come from the future earth, and your technology is at its peak, but you don't know what the fifth dimension is. Even in 99 battles, you just killed a clone of me."

Brother Liu stepped forward, "The first action I saw you make was to destroy this machine, so I guess that even if you can jump in time, you will still be predicted by this STA element."

The black cat was stunned and confused!

But Brother Liu in front of him disappeared out of thin air!

The black cat squeezed his bruised eyes!

But I don’t know.

Behind him, a man in a white shirt, who was a head taller than him, stood quietly, with his arms spread out and his right eye red!


Just as Black Cat's sixth sense slowly formed into one word!

The man in the white shirt combined his palms, grabbed the black cat's head, and made a click!

The black cat's head was twisted 90 degrees, and the neck bones were completely broken!


The black cat's body fell to the ground, with its chest facing forward but its head facing back. Its eyes were filled with horror as it looked at the demon-like figure!

One kills innocent people indiscriminately.

One was furious and silent.

But in the next moment.

A faint light appeared on the black cat's neck, and his dead body began to surge again.

After that, his body flashed and appeared in the distance, his head gradually turned back to its original position, and he laughed loudly, "I told you, I was born with nano-repair technology!"

Who knows.

As soon as he finished saying this, his expression became frozen again.

Because the white-clothed demon god disappeared again!


His head was twisted off again!

Brother Liu, whose eyes were red, was still standing behind him!

"This is impossible!"

The black cat's body flickered to the side again, and its injuries recovered again!

He has obviously jumped out of STA's monitoring range!

But no matter where he was about to appear, there was always a blue light and shadow appearing in advance, so Brother Liu could be one step ahead of him!

He didn't know that the STA seemed to be just repaired, but in fact, there was a complex fluid metal connected to the fuselage under the ground!

Brother Liu, who was familiar with the material form, silently continued the monitoring range of STA. There was no blind spot in the four-dimensional village under his feet!

Behind the black cat's ear, a dark voice that seemed to come from hell sounded again, "The so-called randomness is just that you haven't found the rules. Everything has a fixed number!"




The black cat flashed countless times, but the sound of the broken neck kept ringing!

Brother Liu was like the King of Hell, following him like a shadow!

Until the flawless bracelet on the black cat's wrist, bursts of white smoke came out, and finally dimmed and extinguished!


With the last sound of the broken neck, the black cat could no longer wake up and became a cold corpse!

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