The nanocontroller starts.

The actinomycetes inside begin to multiply in large numbers.

Liu Di suddenly asked, "Jiuluo Xiusi, those people on the ground are digging holes like crazy, and one day they will come to you. You know this, right?"

Jiuluo Xiusi frowned slightly, "They are like a group of annoying moles."

Liu Di nodded slightly, his hands moving non-stop.

A small drop of liquid metal was split from the pendant, and then put into the nanocontrol machine. He said without looking back, "What if one day they drill through this ceiling?"

"According to our calculations, they will find this place in 12 years."

Jiuluo Xiusi slowly raised his head, "Excuse me, our current technology is an existence that humans cannot resist. If we have no choice, we will launch an attack."

Liu Di still nodded slightly.

At the same time, he monitored all the movements in the nanocabin.

The technology of New Atlantis is indeed very strong.

It is possible to split the liquid metal into nano-scale particles through some kind of light wave, and then under Liu Di's control, like micron worms, they attach to the actinomycetes little by little.

In a flash, the tiny actinomycetes turned into a nanomachine with a "bloody mouth"!

It looks like a mecha worm!

However, its volume is 900 nanometers!

This extremely subtle operation is at least 100 years ahead of humans.

Liu Di did not expect that the nanorobots that were once difficult to break through could be realized here!

In addition, there is another thing that makes Liu Di feel magical.

Even after nano-scale decomposition, no atomic structure can be seen in his liquid metal.

This shows that the density of liquid metal has far exceeded the scope of nanometers.

Recalling the encounter of the cosmic singularity.

Liu Di can't help but suspect that liquid metal exists from the founding period of the universe!


Brother Liu replied slowly: "Jiuluo Xiusi, what if there is a human being who can compete with you?"

Jiuluo Xiusi said in a deep voice: "Mr. Liu, you don't know much about our technology, there is no possibility like what you said."

When Jiuluo Xiusi spoke, his eyes did not leave the nano control chamber. Seeing the slightly rolling black liquid gradually turning dark gold, he was a little surprised and doubtful.

Although this thing is magical, it is too exaggerated to call it a nano robot.

Brother Liu also looked at him.

With the technology of New Atlantis, it is completely possible to fly out of the surface at this time to warn the drilling humans.

Why wait for twelve years to start a war?

Brother Liu shook his head and then smiled gently.

It seems that some of your human characteristics have not been completely eliminated.

Such as... invasion.

The next moment.

The small ball of dark golden liquid in the nano control chamber suddenly dispersed and turned into swirling smoke.

Then it penetrated the high-density glass cover, floated into the air, and then gathered in Liu Di's palm, slowly circling again.

Jiu Luoxiu's eyes widened!

Can it penetrate this density of glass?

Is this really... a nanorobot?

Liu Di stretched out his hand, and the cloud of smoke like gold sand directly sank into Jiu Luoxiu's chest, and then penetrated from his back!


These gold sands suddenly condensed and formed a dark golden bracelet on Liu Di's wrist. Liu Di smiled and said, "You New Atlantis people are indeed excellent in physique, and there is no trace of disease in your body."

Jiu Luoxiu was stunned.

He looked down at his chest and gently stroked it. Just now, he didn't feel anything!

But those nanorobots... have completely explored his physical condition.

If they received an order to kill him...

Looking at the gold bracelet on Liu Di's hand, Jiu Luoxiu's eyes suddenly widened again, and his pupils stretched out and a trace of horror appeared.

I only heard Brother Liu say again: "Time is short, I only made a few robots, otherwise I would check the bodies of all your residents. You know, I have thrown these robots everywhere on the ground."

Jiuluo Xiusi took a breath of cold air.

"Oh, right."

Brother Liu suddenly added: "I will help you deal with the drillings on the ground, you can live here without worry."

Jiuluo Xiusi's eyes moved slightly, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly smiled: "Thank you very much, Mr. Liu."

"You're welcome."

Brother Liu nodded politely and smiled very gently.


"There is one thing I forgot."

Jiuluo Xiusi suddenly said: "We have also prepared the other thing you arranged before!"

As soon as he finished speaking.

But he saw a floating box more than one person tall slowly approaching.

Brother Liu's heart trembled, what are you doing in the future brother Liu?

I only heard Jiu Luoxius say: "When you came last time, your clothes were the same as today, tattered and covered with mud, so you told us to prepare this thing, saying that you would come to pick it up in person."


Liu Di was stunned and took a look at the clothes on his body.

This is still the Hanfu that Zhaojun prepared for him, but after the friction of the firewood man drilling, the clothes are now unrecognizable and no different from beggars.

But, will Liu Di wear the same clothes as me in the future?

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How is this possible?

Hasn't he always been handsome, unfathomable, and suave?

Of course, this is not meant to be self-praising.

Liu Di looked back blankly, "Jiuluo Xiusi, are you sure that I was the same 17 days ago as I am now?"

Jiuluo Xiusi smiled inexplicably, "I am sure, and even these holes on my body are exactly the same. To be honest, there can't be a second piece of clothing like this in the world, unless you use nanotechnology to copy it."

Liu Di was stunned.

What is going on?

At this moment, a time halberd in his mind inexplicably returned!

Liu Di then remembered that before he and the big man entered the mine, in order to avoid emergencies, he threw four time halberds at once!

But it has been a long time, why didn't the time halberd make him jump time?

But it automatically returned at this time?

It was also at this time.

Liu Di suddenly had an extra memory in his mind.

He saw himself jumping to 5 hours after entering the mine!

At that time, the big man had already swallowed the francium element, and because he could not be cured, he had died!

Liu Di was stunned on the spot.

At the same moment, the second time halberd also returned!

Liu Di had another memory in his mind!

He saw himself appearing in the Chaifu Mine and witnessed the moment when the big creature jumped into the drill.

Then the third time halberd returned!

He appeared in New Atlantis.

And met Juro Hussus!

Juro Hussus told him that the underground ecological climate was stable and there were no natural disasters, so the residents had been evolving and the technology had been advancing.

It was also at this time that he suddenly had the idea of ​​using the technology of New Atlantis to heal the big man.

Afterwards, he helped Juro Hussus optimize the geocentric sun technology.

Juro Hussus was very grateful!

And I took the opportunity to list the instruments that Juroxus needed to prepare, which were high-energy electron accelerators and so on!

But the me in these time points were fleeting and were pulled back by the time halberd.

And now.

Liu Di, whose brain had many more memories out of thin air, was completely frozen.


Split in the long river of time?


Witnessed multiple endings and found a solution?

Space-time split?


Split space-time?

Parallel space-time! ?

What is the principle?

Do I no longer need to step into time in person?

Is this the strong artificial intelligence in the field of time?

Devil Child: "I have also merged some memory codes. This child has experienced everything with you! I don't understand what's going on now, but, isn't this ability to disperse in time and space what a seven-dimensional life should have?"

Liu Di's expression froze, and his eyebrows moved slightly.

This time it was done by the past self!

It's not the so-called 'future Liu Di'!



Liu Di closed his eyes tightly. Time is really too mysterious!


Suddenly, he heard the sound of the cabin door opening.

Liu Di opened his eyes.

But he saw the cabinet floating in front of him opened automatically.

Among them, there was a silver model wearing a spotless white shirt, jeans, and canvas shoes.

There was a faint light shining above, which made this outfit carry an inexplicable momentum.

I only heard Ju Luoxius say: "Mr. Liu, although this is your order, it is also our heart."

Liu Di's spirit was inexplicably shocked.

My favorite clothes are also my symbol!

This man seemed to have experienced vicissitudes of life, with a gleam in his eyes.

For a long time, he murmured: "No matter how mysterious time is, I will eventually return to my current self."

Just when Liu Di touched the white shirt.

Another pneumatic sound sounded.

The electronic cabin door where the big man was slowly opened.

After a cloud of steaming smoke, a shiny bald head first emerged.

This guy's hair was gone, and his eyebrows turned snow-white.

He stood in the white mist, clenched his fists slightly, and his body floated in the air!

Liu Di was moved, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, "Good, very good... they are all back!"

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