My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1075 Unknown Promise (1/2)

"I am He Cang..."

"My life has been long and full of ups and downs..."

"I am called a great man by countless people."

"But in fact, I am a very incompetent coward."


"I met my benefactor Brother Liu."

"He saved me, I lived with his blood, and he also gave me special abilities."

"I am He Cang..."

"I am no longer the same person as before."

"No one can hurt my family again, they will pay the heaviest price!"

In the high-energy electronic warehouse, the great man was suspended in the clouds, his eyes emitting white light like crystals, and his momentum was very powerful.

Even Ju Luoxius felt a slight chill in his body.

His sixth sense told him that the little bald man was very strong!

But he saw the great man slowly floating to the ground, a pair of bare feet on the ground, slowly running towards Brother Liu, his body had recovered, but he was naked!

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes slightly and couldn't bear to look directly at it.

But He Cang said as he walked: "My benefactor, Brother Liu, if you don't mind, I am willing to recognize you as my second parent."

Brother Liu's eyes moved slightly, "I am unworthy of being a parent. If you are willing, just call me Master."

"Yes! Master!"

The big man's eyes were moist, and he was touched from the bottom of his heart. He came close to Brother Liu and reached out to touch the white shirt beside him, "Thank you Master for preparing clothes for me. You are so considerate."


Brother Liu was stunned and looked down at the beggar's clothes on his body, "He Cang, do you think it is suitable? I mean... Is the size of this shirt suitable?"

"Master, I can make do with it."

The big man nodded sincerely.

Brother Liu pursed his lips, showed a kind smile, and slowly patted the big man's shoulder.

The next moment.

Brother Liu finished cleaning and changed into a signature white shirt, full of vigor and vitality!

The big shot had a puzzled expression, wearing a huge white robe that dragged on the ground, like Jurothius's pajamas!

Now he is completely a smaller version of Baimei!

This old and young, a master and a disciple, stood in the town of New Atlantis!

Liu Di's eyes flashed and said, "We need to return to the ground and make a break!"

Jurothius stepped forward, "I wish Mr. Liu all the best. In addition, the people of New Atlantis are waiting for good news here for the thing you promised me 17 days ago."

Liu Di's figure paused slightly.

The promise made 17 days ago?

What is it?

He thought quickly in his mind and couldn't find relevant information.

There is still a time halberd that has not returned, and the memory must be missing a piece!

What did I promise?

Liu Di was secretly suspicious, but smiled, "Don't worry."

At this moment.

The big shot mobilized the element in his body, and the anti-gravity effect appeared.

He and Liu Di slowly floated into the air!

As for Juroxus, he stood on the ground with an expectant look, looking up and watching.

Only then did Brother Liu have a chance to take a closer look at the city of New Atlantis.

But he saw tens of thousands of demon mechas standing in rows in the square in the distance!

Among them, there were even larger mecha beasts, such as the extinct saber-toothed tigers and mammoths, whose bodies were also covered with technological mechas!

This army was also watching Brother Liu.

Brother Liu's mind was slightly shaken.

If New Atlantis was discovered 12 years later, this army would rush out of the surface.

I'm afraid it's what the old man in Siwei Village said - the hell copy!

Thinking of this, Brother Liu couldn't help but feel a little scared.

He immediately said: "He Cang, after going to the surface, unplug all the drilling wells!"

The big man was stunned for a moment when he heard it, but then he said: "Yes."

After hesitating for a moment.

He asked again, "Without the drilling, the people of the Kola Peninsula will not have to worry about their lives, but how can they continue to live?"

"You will know soon."

Liu Di whispered, and then the liquid metal covered his whole body, and in this mid-air, it accelerated with a bang!

His body split into countless black rays, spinning rapidly, forming a black whirlwind.

After touching the soil of the Atlantis dome, it drilled forward like a drill bit!

The big man followed closely behind.

When he entered the borehole, he saw countless crystal clear lights flashing on both sides of the rock wall. This dark tunnel was like a curled starry sky.

"All... are gems!"

The big man opened his eyes wide and immediately understood what Liu Di meant!


On the ground, Chai Fu was drilling.

It has been nearly an hour since Liu Di left.

Boss Chai Fu woke up slowly, but his head was still dizzy and his limbs were paralyzed.

He couldn't get up yet, so he could only lie limply on the ground.

Wanyi, who was far away, had also regained some consciousness, and her body was also unable to move. She looked at Boss Chaifu in horror!

General Pushkin, the controller of francium, hid in the darkness in the distance, staring at the drill hole nervously, with Liu Di's words echoing in his mind - 'When I return, you must die! '

"Haha, beautiful Miss Wanyi."

Chaifu was seen wriggling on the ground, with greed in his eyes, "Now it's only you and me. After going through so much, I suddenly changed my mind. I decided to detoxify you."

Wanyi's eyes widened slightly.

Chaifu was still trying to get closer to him, whispering: "After the detoxification, I decided to marry you! Do I love you? Of course not! I just want to torture you forever for the rest of my life!"

Wanyi's body began to tremble.

Chai Fu crawled on the ground, clasped his hands on the ground in front of him with a click, and laughed: "I'll tell you a secret. Because I successfully created General Pushkin, I coerced the drilling owners on the entire island. Now, 60 of the 72 drilling wells on this island are mine!"


"I, Chai Du, have inexhaustible gems and wealth that can never be spent!"

"You are a real rich wife!"

"Of course."

"This is all in the eyes of outsiders!"

"Because the real you will be a little cat covered with acne by me!"

Hearing these words.

Wan Yi's beautiful eyes showed extreme fear and boundless despair!

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