My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1073 New Breakthrough (1/2)

The reaction in the high-energy electron chamber continues, blazing and dazzling.

The big shot responded to Brother Liu with a roar that clenched his teeth.

To displace the protons in the francium element and recombine them into francium, in the microscopic world, this is a process involving trillions of actions, but in the macroscopic world, it may be extremely short-lived.

From a certain perspective, this is the difference between the planes.

Just like human beings breaking through their limits, under the crazy burning of will, it only takes a moment!

It's only 5 minutes and a few seconds.

99% of the francium element in the body of the big man is converted!

Brother Liu frowned slightly and stopped the electron bombardment.

The remaining 1% of measured francium was given up because the risks of converting them far outweighed the benefits.

It is very likely that the body of a big shot will break down in this process of "paying every penny."

Just like the silver metal used for experiment before.

Brother Liu doesn't fight an unprepared battle, he has already tested the limits of electron bombardment!

Brother Liu suddenly understood.

The big shot was saved from death this time.


Because of that 1% francium.

I'm afraid that from today on, he will start to age.

It turns out that all this is cause and effect.

But I saw that the body of the big man was emitting a blue light, which came from the element of zodium all over his body!

He seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Because his biological system has entered a certain self-adaptive mode and is adapting to everything new.

Brother Liu exhaled slightly.

And Zurosius, who was beside him, showed an expression of disbelief.

He... actually did it.

Change the elements at will, there is endless power hidden in it!

But during the whole process, Gaulosius had only a half-understood view.

Because the key to this is Liu Di's precise control of the electron beam. He should have some kind of equipment on him that can interfere with our instruments.

After a moment of silence, Gurocius immediately said bluntly: "Mr. Liu, I want to use electron accelerator technology to exchange your control equipment. In this way, both of us have the ability to transform elements."

Liu Di also didn't expect that this New Atlantis man would be so direct in his behavior, making no secret of his inner purpose and not saying a word of nonsense.

It seems that they have not only evolved technology, but also removed the useless hypocrisy in human nature.

Brother Liu smiled, "Changing elements can benefit mankind, but it can also destroy mankind. In this current state, both of us are disabled. It is a rare balance."

Liu Di glanced at Zuluo Xiusi with some deep meaning, "Exchange, forget it."

Demon Boy: "But when I took over their equipment just now, I already mastered their technology?"

Brother Liu: "Children are just naughty. I solemnly declare that I don't know anything."

But after all, Rosius frowned and thought for a long time, then nodded slowly, "Mr. Liu has considered it very comprehensively, but I am a little impatient."

Brother Liu showed a 'taught-able' expression.


Brother Liu noticed that Zulosius gritted his teeth slightly, seeming to hide his unwillingness.

Brother Liu couldn't help but feel suspicious. He had just met these New Atlanteans and didn't understand their nature at all.

Thought for a moment.

Liu Di smiled and said: "While waiting for He Cang, can I borrow your nano-control machine?"

Luoxius was startled and glanced at Liu Di's body. The two scars on his upper body had been repaired by robots just now.

He was puzzled, but still smiled and said: "Of course, what do you think?"

Liu Di turned around and walked towards the nanocontroller without needing Rossius's instructions. He said: "Make nanorobots."

Zulu Xiu Si hesitated for a moment again. Logically speaking, it is impossible for people on the surface to identify these devices!


What did he just say?


This is something that even our New Atlantis cannot achieve!

Liu Di stood in front of this machine that emitted yellow light, staring at the vacuum chamber in the center.

Simply put, this machine can be controlled at the nanometer level.

However, New Atlantis' use of it is still at the level of repairing human cells.

Giusius also stepped forward and stood behind him and said: "Mr. Liu, if it can be called a robot and has simple functions, then it must have at least 80 parts. This is impossible to achieve at the nanometer level. of."

Liu Di smiled, "I have primitive biological warriors, just modify them."

"Primitive biological warriors?"


Zulu Xiu Si showed a serious expression of doubt.

"They are everywhere."

But seeing that Brother Liu was so enigmatic, he grabbed the air and then seemed to put a ball of air into the observation vessel.

Microbial magnifying glass activated.

But for some reason, the public screen in front of Rossius was completely dark.

From Brother Liu's perspective, beating microorganisms clearly appeared.


The size is about 800 nanometers, making it a medium-sized microorganism.

But even so, this is nearly fifty times smaller than a micron bug with a size of 40 microns!

But it already exists at the nanometer level!

The reason why they were easily ‘caught’ by Brother Liu.

It is because this kind of microorganism is active in volcanic ash, and underground locations like New Atlantis are originally located near the magma layer, so actinomycetes multiply in large numbers.

The scientific community has long concluded that the human facial flora can determine one's appearance.

And this actinomycetes is a probiotic, which can beautify the skin.

This has long been used by merchants to create gimmicks such as "volcanic ash mask".

Liu Di looked back at the fair-skinned and smooth-faced Juroxius.

He thought to himself - born to enjoy the volcanic ash essence mask.

At this time, Juroxius had a question mark on his face.

He had no idea what Liu Di was doing mysteriously!

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