Heidina was stunned for more than ten seconds.

Suddenly came to his senses! He trotted to catch up with the two people who were drifting away! "Mr. Zhang, I...this is..." Heidina's blue eyes looked at Ah Jia and then at Brother Liu, feeling a little absent-minded.

Ah Jia chuckled, "My classmate, founder and founder, Brother Liu!" Heidina still couldn't believe it after receiving the confirmed information! But her mind works very fast! "Mr. Liu, please forgive me for being presumptuous just now! I didn't recognize you..." Heidina instantly put on a charming smile, "I heard that you two were going to dine, and I happened to have booked a top-notch restaurant. I wonder if you two can enjoy the meal and have lunch together?" At this time, the old assistant woman also hurried over, her expression was indescribably weird, and a drop of cold sweat was faintly shed on her forehead.

Remember http:// in one second. She pretended to be calm and said with a smile: "Yes, we have specially made a reservation at the top French restaurant in Haishi. Top chef Char will cook in person, specifically to entertain Mr. Zhang... and Liu Total two.

Heidina's voice also softened, and she said seductively: "Yes, Mr. Liu and I took the same elevator upstairs and sat in the same lounge. We are destined to be together."

"Ajia looked at Brother Liu with some confusion.

Brother Liu scratched his head and smiled, "I think it's better to forget it. Mr. Zhang and I also made a reservation at the Spicy Restaurant!" "Chef Ma Li heard that we were going, so she bought fresh vegetables at the market and washed them. , I’ll cook Sichuan’s top cuisine for me later!” Ah Jia covered his mouth and snickered.

I already understand what Brother Liu means! Hetina's complexion turned from white to red! The corner of his mouth twitched slightly! After that, Liu Di and Ajia were ready to turn around and set off.

"Um, Mr. Liu, can I leave you with your contact information?" Heidina shouted from behind, eyes full of expectation! Brother Liu shook his head helplessly, turned away and said, "Add my Gemini account!" Then, Brother Liu waved his hand and left with Ah Jia! Heidina froze on the spot, her expression extremely complicated! But the old female assistant was speechless! With an impatient look on his face, he said: "What kind of founder? He's a little brat, but he has a lot of airs! How can he afford to open a company like Founder? I think there are probably big bosses behind him, he's just a face guy!" He doesn’t even give us Tina the respect, so I don’t think we’ll vote for it! Huh!” Heidina’s face is getting uglier and uglier! My forehead is covered with haze! "Assistant Kang!" "Shut your mouth!" "I asked you to be low-key and kind, but you didn't listen!" "You have shown such a mean face many times!" "It's better this time, I offended you. "I think you are not suitable to be my assistant. Go back to the personnel department and file a transfer!" Heidina finally couldn't bear it and said angrily! The old female assistant instantly became silent! He gritted his teeth hard, but didn't dare to say anything more! At her age, she has such good looks.

If you lose this job, it will be difficult to find a decent one! Hetina sat on the sofa angrily.

Try to calm yourself down! Just now, CEO Liu Di asked me to add his Gemini account... but he didn't tell me the information! Is he kidding me? However, with his status, there is no need for this! Brother Liu, founder of the Creator... Suddenly, Heidina had a flash of inspiration.

He took out his cell phone with trembling hands.

Open Gemini's friend addition.

He tentatively entered a string of numbers: 0000001.

Then, an account appeared with almost no redundant information.

There is only one username - Di San! Hetina's pupils shrank sharply! Brother Liu, Emperor! Create the founder, Gemini number 01! Everything fits together! Brother Liu, he is Di San! The initiator of the Million Dollar Draw! Programmer of Gemini core code! The real person behind Gemini! In the emerging entrepreneurial circle, the man known as the mysterious genius! He didn't hide his identity from me? And let me have his contact information? Could it be... Heidina's face turned red instantly! The plump chest rises and falls! ...fragrant Malatang shop.

Li Ma served two bowls of super spicy hotpot! She smiled and said: "You two brats, you haven't come to my place to have dinner since you graduated! You've all lost weight!" Liu Di looked at the kind Mother Li.

My heart is very peaceful! This was his and Ajia's designated canteen when they were in school! Love the super large portion of Malatang here! The most touching thing is.

He and Ajia both come from similar backgrounds.

Occasionally for a few months, when the living expenses are not enough, when I come to Li Ma's place, I can only order the cheapest vegetables.

But Ma Li always finds everything.

Silently adding two large portions of hand-made noodles to their dishes! Ajia laughed, "Li Ma, aren't we here? The spicy hotpot here still tastes the same!" Li Ma smiled honestly, "Just like it, you two boys, what are you doing now!" Liu The younger brother scratched his head and said with a smile: "We do software.

"Hey, the little baby is great!" "Li Ma smiled and said with a vague understanding: "But I heard that programmers are very tired. They sit in front of the computer for many hours every day without moving. You two, protect your cervical spine and waist, do you understand? ""good.

"These two have become famous in the Internet circles recently.

The 'programmer', who was looked up to by everyone, nodded solemnly towards Mother Li! After Ma Li left.

Liu Di and Ajia glanced at the two bowls of Malatang piled up in front of them like hills.

Any top restaurant will not taste good if it has no human taste! The two of them wiped their saliva! Look at each other and smile.

Then look at each other solemnly! "Old rules?" "Who eats last and who stays to clean up?" "Okay!" "3, 2, 1...start!" Then.

The food flew around, and the two of them had greasy mouths! They ate without caring about their manners, shocking everyone! "Brother Liu, you're a pervert, are you a vacuum cleaner?" "Ajia, are you a woman? You eat so slowly!"

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