My right eye is a god-level computer

102. Let me show you my skills?

There are as many as four lounges in Founder Company.

Various sizes.

Every room is full of visitors! Either an investment company, a news media, or a businessman seeking cooperation! And Brother Liu’s room.

It should be the largest room.

Of course, this was not prepared for Brother Liu.

But because of Miss Heidina from Fubo Capital! Liu Di and Heidina sat together on the high-end leather sofa.

It’s just that the two of them are far apart! moment.

The receptionist lady slowly walked in with a cup of coffee and a small pot of flowers.

She smiled at Heidina and said: "Miss Heidina, this is your mocha coffee, one-third milk and two sugars.

"This is your favorite dovetail flower. I will put it in front of you. I hope you will be in a good mood."

Heidina was stunned, "How do you know I like coffee and flowers like this?" "The receptionist smiled softly: "You are a user of our Gemini app. Before you come, we have checked your preferences from the database, and these are prepared for you in advance.

Heidina shook her head and smiled, "I have to say, your creators really opened my eyes!" “Not only is the network technology unparalleled, but also the service standards and the creativity of the reception leave me speechless!” "This is ten times better than the 7-star service at Burj Al Arab!" The receptionist smiled gently: "Thank you, Miss Heidina, for your compliment. Please take a short rest. The director of our business department will receive you later."

"Hearing this, a flash of disappointment flashed in Heidina's eyes.

"I want to see Mr. Zhang Tianjia, but I can't help it. Mr. Zhang is too busy and I really can't wait. I hope you can help me arrange it as much as possible. It would be best if I can meet Mr. Zhang!" The receptionist nodded slightly and did not give The answer is affirmative, “I’ll try my best.


The receptionist turned to look at Brother Liu.

"Sir, I'm really sorry. We don't have your information in our information database. What would you like to drink?" Liu Di smiled slightly: "I just want a glass of water. As for the person I want to see, he will come back to me in a while." .

"The receptionist didn't know why! But she still nodded and said: "Okay.


Brother Liu looked at the panoramic view of this floor through the glass curtain wall of the reception room.

Spotless office space.

Busy and organized employees.

Such a thoughtful and detailed process.

These are all manifestations of extremely strong management capabilities! I have to say that we should use this spirit and attitude to run a business.

Even if it is not a Gemini app, it can still be successful! Ah Jia, I really saw you right! Brother Liu is very pleased! Since the foundation is stable so quickly.

Then it’s time to make the next step! Brother Liu took out his cell phone and sent a message to Ajia, "I'm here, let's go to eat!" "Oh... you can't do this...

"Suddenly, a sigh came from the side.

Heidina gently stirred the coffee on the table, looked at Brother Liu and said with a smile: "How can you possibly negotiate a project like this? How can someone accept your investment?" Brother Liu also looked back with a smile on his face and said: "Here "What do you mean?" Heidina shook her head slightly, "There is no information about you in Gemini's information database, which means you haven't even downloaded Gemini?" "You want to invest in other people's founders, but you don't even use other people's products?" Isn’t that a little too insincere?” “Investment bank, that’s not what you do.

"Brother Liu blinked blankly.

This mixed-race beauty is right! I want to invest in someone else’s company and get their dividends, but it turns out I don’t even understand their products! If there really is such an investment company, I’m afraid I won’t be able to use it! From this point of view, I am really incompetent as an ‘investor’! first timing.

Brother Liu inquired about Heidina’s background and her rich capital! Tsk tsk! Well-known investment company in China.

The callable asset package is nearly 200 billion! Incubated 9 A-share listed companies! 7 GEM companies! 4 Nasdaq listed companies! The investment success rate is as high as 40%! The average return on investment is 3500%! And this female investor named Heidina is even more famous! Unique vision and clever means! Known in the industry as: The Queen of Investment! Brother Liu nodded secretly in his heart! To be able to achieve such results is definitely not an ordinary person! It’s just... this extremely beautiful mixed-race woman has a lot of gossip news... She has been photographed many times by paparazzi... She drank in bars with hot European girls, and then stayed out all night... Frequently visited VCC nightclub, then Lesbian nightclub...well...stay out all night with hot European girls...What a pity that such a beauty is actually a - lesbian? ! For a moment, Liu Di shook his head and abandoned the distracting thoughts in his mind.

"Then Mr. Hai, tell me, what should I do?" Heidina elegantly picked up the coffee, put on her red lips, and took a sip.

“First, of course, you must fully understand your target, which is your favorite startup company.

"Examine all methods to understand every detail of it."

"Listing all its advantages and disadvantages, future hopes, and areas for improvement, this perspective is like a best friend."

Liu Di nodded and asked: "Then look at this creator..." Heidina smiled softly, "It is good at everything, with almost no shortcomings, but... his ambition as a decision-maker is not big enough." , the purpose is not strong enough! “We have made such a good product and gained so many users in a short period of time.

"I can understand that there is no charge for the time being, but why not expand into other areas?" "Acquire a user base through social networking, and then develop in multiple ways... games, music, film and television, etc., the sky is bright!" "It's like the Penguin Empire!" Hearing this, Brother Liu nodded heavily! "Yes, the decision-makers of this company don't know what they are doing every day!" "Heidina smiled softly and looked at Brother Liu with a high attitude.

"Secondly, if you want to successfully invest in this company, you should get along with their founders and executives, become friends, and build a deep relationship!" "After all, all companies are people-centered! Only Only by understanding them can we grasp the future of this company!" But the old assistant woman on the side curled her lips, "Mr. Tina, why do you have to tell him so much? I don't think he has this understanding!" Smiling slightly, "I think Mr. Liu has a very good appearance! He has the potential to do business public relations!" Brother Liu smiled bitterly in his heart.

The appearance is very good? It sure sounds like a lesbian! Heidina continued to smile and said: "Mr. Liu, I see that your Witness Company is not well-known. You can consider changing jobs and come to my company. I can consider personally guiding you to make you an excellent investor! "Liu Di raised his head and smiled, "To tell you the truth, I have the same idea!" "Huh?" Heidina looked at Di Liu with her blue eyes, "You have also thought about changing jobs?" "No.

Brother Liu chuckled, "I think you can join my company!" "Oh, my God, it's unreasonable!" "The assistant old woman frowned and looked collapsed! "Haha.

Heidina smiled like a silver bell, "It doesn't matter, he doesn't understand my strength yet, let him see my methods today!" Then, Hetina turned to the old woman and asked, "Has the French restaurant been booked?" "Mr. Tina, it's settled. I've mobilized a lot of contacts and booked the best location. Top French chefs will prepare delicious food specially for you!" "The old woman nodded.

"That's good!" Heidina puffed up her proud chest, "In a while, I will definitely find a way to invite Mr. Zhang Tianjia and Zhang to have lunch with me!" as she spoke.

A man in a crisp suit hurriedly walked outside the door.

Hetina and the old woman stood up instantly.

Zhang Tianjia, Mr. Zhang! Great, he came in person! He really didn't dare to despise me! The corners of Heidina's mouth curved into a seductive arc! Ah Jia opened the door excitedly.

On the way, he nodded to Heidina! But it was just a nod! Then, Ah Jia came straight to Brother Liu.

"You kid, why didn't you tell me before you came?" Ah Jia put his hand on Liu Di's shoulder, "Tell me, what are you going to eat?" Liu Di tilted his head and thought for a while, "Just go to our school. How about that spicy hotpot? "Haha, okay!" "I've wanted to go there for a long time!" The two laughed and walked out of the lounge! The young lady who was in charge of reception just now had cold sweat on her forehead! What kind of master is this? Fortunately, I was not rude just now! "Oh, by the way, Director Yaru, this is Brother Liu, the faceless chairman I often tell you about!" "Whenever he comes, please notify me as soon as possible!" Ajia and Brother Liu walked out, He turned back to the receptionist and ordered with a smile! "Yes, Mr. Zhang!" Manager Yaru felt dizzy when he saw his idol!

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