My right eye is a god-level computer

104. Ask your boss for leave

"Have you taken it?" "I've taken it!" Five minutes later, Ah Jia leaned back on the chair with his limbs stretched out and his belly was bulging! There was still spicy oil stuck to the corners of my mouth, and I was a little sluggish after eating.

Brother Liu wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully.

This little bit of rice... doesn't feel like anything! "Brother Liu, the company will hold a creative meeting at 2 o'clock. Come back with me.

"Ajia sat up straight with difficulty and said to Brother Liu.

"I dont go.

"Brother Liu spread his hands.

"The consequence of not going is to stay and help Li Ma sweep the floor.

"Ajia threatened.

“Sweep, just sweep.

"Oh, I really can't deal with you!" Ah Jia was a little helpless and took a big gulp of soda, "What are you doing every day?" Now that the company's prospects are so good, you don't even want to participate? "Do you still want to speculate in stocks?" "I heard Professor Wang say that you are actually the mysterious stock trading expert!" "No wonder the company has so much cash in its account!" "But we are working hard to get our company listed and owning our own stocks. Isn't it more fun than stock trading?" Liu Di smiled slightly, "Ajia, among the decisions I have made recently, the most correct one is to invite you to come and run the company together!" "As long as you are here, I can rest assured!" "When Ah Jia heard this, a touch of emotion flashed in his eyes.

Afterwards, Ajia blinked his moist eyes hard and said sternly: "No matter what you say, this company is also yours. I want to tell you the necessary strategic ideas!" "We are now in a new social circle and have different interests. It has been very successful on social media and has a large number of users. I think the next step is to start thinking about profitability!" As he said this, Ah Jia glanced at Liu Di.

Brother Liu nodded slightly and seemed to be thinking about other things at the same time! "Alas..." Ah Jia sighed helplessly, "It seems that you are not too interested in this, but... there is one thing, you must be there!" Liu Di then looked at Ah Jia, "What's the matter?" "Our college class reunion!" Ajia smiled mysteriously, "In the name of the founder, I sponsored this year's class reunion! The venue is on the rooftop of our company!" Liu Di was a little confused, "Why should it be held on the rooftop of our company? Company? As far as I know, you don't seem to be that vain!" Ajia pondered for a moment and said, "I am indeed not, and neither are you, but our classmates are!" "Do you know, How did they spread rumors about you in the past two years? "They said that your genius has lost your sight, your brain has become useless, and you have become an idiot!" "The rumors are getting worse and worse!" "I can't swallow this!" Ah Jia raised his head and said: "So, I set the meeting place on the roof of our company, just to announce to them and show them who you, Brother Liu, are!" Everyone.

"Now that I have graduated, it is still the same!" Then, Ah Jia said in a tone that could not be refused: "Brother Liu, you must listen to me on this matter!" "Brother Liu was a little dumbfounded.

In his heart, he never wanted to prove anything.

But seeing the expression on his good brother’s face that refused to be refuted, he still swallowed his words of rejection! He smiled slightly, "Well, we'll stop when the time comes!" Ah Jia was very pleased and nodded heavily! Then, Ah Jia grabbed the cell phone on the table with a bang.

Get up and leave.

As he walked quickly, he couldn't help but smile, "Brother Liu, I'll go to the meeting first, and you can clean this place, haha!" "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, the class reunion is tomorrow!" He shouted this As he said this, Ah Jia was already in the taxi! As for the Lamborghini that Brother Liu gave him, he said it was too high-profile and noisy, so he didn't drive it! 10 minutes later.

Brother Liu angrily cleaned the fragrant Malatang.

This is a bit of a waste of time though.

But compared to the ‘kindness of a meal’ given by Li’s mother during his difficult period, this was nothing! Just a trivial return gift! Ding ding ding... Liu Di's phone suddenly rang.

A strange yet familiar number.

Situ Yan? Liu Di's college girlfriend.

The current girlfriend of upstart Guo Qian! Why is she calling? Brother Liu picked up.

The other party still had the same gentle voice with a hint of weakness, "Hey, Brother Liu, how are you doing lately?" "You're okay, what do you want from me?" Brother Liu's tone was very calm, and there was no intention of reminiscing about the past. the meaning of.

"Well..." The other party hesitated, "I do have something... My father wants to see you, and my mother. They are very anxious and want to find you now.

"Okay, I'm at Xiangxiang Malatang, you know, the store next to the school."

"Brother Liu didn't ask anything.

He still felt a little guilty about Situ Yan.

If it's a small favor, just help, it just eliminates the guilt! The other party was silent for a moment and whispered: "We will be there soon...Thank you.

"20 minutes later.

A Mercedes-Benz sedan came quickly and parked directly in front of the Malatang shop! Situ Yan was wearing a floral dress and got out of the car first! Then there is his father, Situ Zhou! After that, a middle-aged woman with a slightly plump figure and an aristocratic appearance got out of the back seat.

Liu Dili squinted his eyes.

Good guy, is this a family outing? "Oh, Xiao Liu, long time no see!" Situ Zhou stepped forward, excitedly held brother Liu's hand, and greeted him warmly.

Behind him, Situ Yan's mother Li Yuexiu slowly walked into the shop.

He waved his hand to disperse some 'invisible' dust, with a look of disgust on his face.

Finally, there was Situ Yan, who kept his head down.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. How did you get to where you are now, Xiao Liu..." Situ's mother Li Yuexiu looked at Brother Liu holding a broom, feeling helpless! It seemed that she wanted to make some sarcastic remarks.

But for some reason, she swallowed the second half of the sentence and put on a smile! Brother Liu turned his head to look at Situ Zhou in front of him. His smile was so sincere! Okay.

This is too obvious.

Could it be that their son-in-law Guo Qian told them about the high value he had given them? It seems not! Situ Yan's father is an executive of a large listed company.

It's not that he has to worry about money! Moreover, judging from the disgusted expression of Situ's mother.

Just like before, he obviously looked down on Brother Liu! I'm afraid that Guo Qian didn't have the nerve to tell them about the loss of the territory! Liu Di smiled slightly, "What's the matter that brought me here?" But Situ's mother covered her nose and said, "Xiao Liu, what we are talking about is quite important. I think we should go to a better coffee shop and sit down to talk slowly!" Then, she glanced at the kitchen and added, "By the way, go ask your boss for leave!"

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