My right eye is a god-level computer

101. Reception of the Founder

Rongteng Building CBD is the tallest building in Shanghai.

From a distance, it looks like a pillar of heaven, standing under the sea of ​​clouds.

At the top of the building, four huge luminous characters stand quietly.

Flashing blue light with a sense of technology, looming in the clouds and mist.

Half of the mirage is visible when you look up! This is what daunts countless startups, Internet companies, and economic evaluation institutions—Gemini Network! Even Brother Liu who was looking up downstairs at this time.

I couldn't help but sigh secretly in my heart - magnificent! Enter the lobby and go through the layers of access control.

The security guards paid attention all the way.

Because Mo Tong had already set up the identity of Gemini employee for Brother Liu in advance.

The moment the elevator door opens.

Even Brother Liu, who usually kept his eyes straight, couldn't help but his eyes lit up! In the elevator, there were several people, two bodyguards and an assistant.

They were crowded in the center.

She is a top beauty who perfectly combines European style and Chinese beauty! This mixed-race beauty is wearing a luxury brand windbreaker, black suit-fitting trousers, and extremely exquisite black stiletto heels.

She has long black shawl hair and an almost perfect Chinese aesthetic face, but she is paired with a pair of crystal blue eyes! Take a few more looks and you’ll be immersed in it! The most eye-catching thing is.

The waist of this mixed-race beauty is extremely slender, but the front of her body is turbulent, firm and round, and a white shirt is bulging to the point of bursting! Liu Di's eyes were attracted for 0.1 seconds.

He pursed his lips.

Look no further! Turn around and get ready to press the elevator button.

But I saw that someone had already pressed down the floor.

87th floor.

It turns out that this group of people is also going to Gemini? Brother Liu stood with his hands behind his back.

But he saw the assistant of the mixed-race beauty pushing forward.

This is a middle-aged woman about 40 years old, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and a greasy face.

At first glance, she looks like the kind of woman who is dissatisfied with desires and cynical.

The assistant squeezed in front of Brother Liu.

Shaking his body, Liu Di was almost pushed into the corner.

The expression on his face was one of contempt.

The expression on his face can be summed up in a string of words: "You stinky men, stay away from my boss! The toad wants to eat swan meat!" And the mixed-race beauty who is the real owner.

But he didn't make any move, he just looked at Brother Liu lightly.

There is a bit of interest and a bit of natural arrogance in his eyes! Brother Liu smiled back at her.

After all, everyone here is a guest! Floor 87! The moment the elevator door opened, it suddenly dawned on me! This is a large, clean and high-end room! Behind a ten-meter-long marble bar in the distance, the three engraved words "Creator" exude an exquisite and elegant light! At the work station further away, professional elites in professional attire were shuttling back and forth, very busy! Several people walked out of the elevator.

On the ceiling directly in front, several cameras turned around and scanned several people.

Then a soft electronic voice came: "Miss Hedina from Fubo Capital, welcome you!" "Xiao Shuang is very honored to meet you in person. Your appearance and temperament make Xiao Shuang stunned!" "I wish you will always be as beautiful as your favorite dovetail flower!" "Xiao Shuang has verified and found your appointment in 20 minutes. Please wait a moment and someone will receive you later.

"Liu Di nodded secretly in his heart! Ah Jia is very smart! He uses the face recognition camera to scan the visitors as soon as they enter the door.

Then connect the data to the Gemini information database to accurately retrieve the other party's information! All visitors will hear a simulated human voice greeting them the moment they enter the door, and each person's welcome message is completely different! The mixed-race beauty named Heidina also had a flash of surprise in her eyes! Then he smiled and nodded, very satisfied with this welcome method! Behind the bar.

Two beauties wearing professional black silk skirts and faces at least 8 points walked out with smiles.

They all wore matching makeup and a shiny silver service badge on their chest.

"Miss Heidina, welcome to the Founder Company. Please follow me first, and we will go to the lounge to take a rest.

"The two reception ladies had sweet voices and perfect attitudes! At the same time.

The camera turned slightly and continued to scan the entourage of the mixed-race beauty.

"Hello Assistant Kang, welcome to your visit..." "Hello Mr. Sun..." When the camera scanned Brother Liu.

"Sorry... Xiaoshuang cannot recognize you for the time being... No reservation record!" The system's voice rang.

Brother Liu shook his head and smiled.

I'd be surprised if you could check me out! But everyone in the hall looked at it! The old woman named Assistant Kang even frowned! After working on it for a long time, this guy is still trying to fish in troubled waters? The pretty boy really has no good intentions! Liu Di spread his hands.

Not ready to explain anything! Instead, he looked at the two reception ladies with a smile.

Brother Liu wants to take a look and face this situation.

What should my Tangtang Gemini employees do? But what makes Brother Liu different is that.

In less than half a minute, two founder company security guards walked out from the side.

Stand beside everyone with your hands behind your back.

He didn't move, as if he was waiting for orders.

Be obedient... Such efficiency, such cooperation.

Ah Jia, Ah Jia, I admire you! A smile gradually appeared on Brother Liu's face! I heard one receptionist whisper to another: "Director Yaru, this guest has no reservation information, not even identity information? Is it one of those fanatical fans again?" The receptionist named Yaru Sister, frowned slightly and looked at Brother Liu.

“Don’t panic, everyone is here, I’ll handle it.

Supervisor Yaru slowly walked up to Brother Liu with a smile on his face: "Sir, what is your name?" "Brother Liu, younger brother's younger brother."

"Brother Liu introduced himself.

Director Yaru nodded slightly, very polite! "Sir, this is my office. Visitors need to make an appointment. What can I do for you?" Liu Di nodded with a smile, pointed at the mixed-race beauty, and said with a smile: "I am an investment company like her!" "Investment" Company?" Director Yaru nodded respectfully and reached out to take a tablet. "What is your company's name?" Brother Liu tilted his head, "Witness.

"Director Yaru made a few operations on the tablet.

Sure enough, I found this investment company called ‘Witness’, but the company information was a bit pale and there were no successful cases! Director Yaru already understood.

The founder company has such a resounding name.

It is a hot star company in the industry! Since she joined the company, she has received countless investment companies! It seems that Mr. Liu Di also came here because of his reputation! It's just...the qualifications of this 'witness' are actually a bit unknown compared to other investment companies! Yaru smiled softly and said: "Sir, I have verified your information. Although you have not made an appointment, since you have come from afar and are so optimistic about our founder, there is no reason why we should not welcome you.

Then, Director Yaru bowed and extended his hand to welcome him, "Then please Mr. Liu, please follow us to the lounge, have a cup of hot tea and rest for a while!" ""Okay, thank you! "Liu Di felt extremely comfortable at this moment! This reception process and service etiquette are so comfortable for both body and mind! No flaws can be found! "Don't underestimate your ability! "I only heard the old female assistant murmur in a low voice!

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