My right eye is a god-level computer

$100. Observe people and recognize their appearance

"Sir, isn't this bad?" "You bought so many cars from me at once, do you have other motives?" Xiaolan said coyly, suddenly looking stunned.

"What?" "Don't buy them all?" The next moment, Xiaolan's eyes widened and she woke up from the fairy tale world.

This brat, are you kidding me? Xiaolan's face turned ugly instantly.

"Haha, I'm not saying these cars are bad, but... they're a little bit off.

"Do you have any cars here that are more tasteful, more textured, special, and preferably unique?" "Of course, the price doesn't matter!" "Remember http:// in one second Liu Di chuckled.

"No!" Xiaolan's eyebrows knitted together! who! What kind of request are you making? Forget it if you can’t afford it! It’s not like they won’t give you a chance! Still pretending! "Sir, you have seen almost all the brands in the exhibition hall!" "If you are not satisfied yet, then please go elsewhere!" "I still have something to do, you can do it yourself!" Xiaolan said, stood up and turned around , walked away angrily.

But before she could take two steps, she bumped into a generous chest! "Mr. Xie..." Xiaolan looked at the handsome man in front of her in panic, feeling a little at a loss.

The handsome man looked reproachful, shook his head and looked at Xiaolan and said, "Go and get a glass of water. I'll take care of this customer!" After that, the handsome man came to Liu Di with a smile on his face.

"Hello Mr. Liu, I am Xie Yuanzheng, the sales manager of this store. I heard that you want to buy a special car?" "If you have time, I can take you to our VIP showroom where there are several limited edition supercars. Run, maybe you can meet someone you like?" This man named Xie Yuanzheng is gentle, polite and reasonable.

It’s completely unlike Xiaolan’s worldly atmosphere before! Instead, he looked at Brother Liu with eyes full of respect! "Okay, thank you!" Brother Liu nodded slightly, approving in his heart! The man named Xie Yuanzheng in front of him is different at first glance! The eyes reveal competence, but the attitude is humble! Being able to serve as a sales manager in a giant enterprise like Siwei Sales Center is considered a high position.

It seems that he is only about thirty years old.

He probably came from a poor background and worked hard to develop his skills, so he is what he is today! Such people often understand the rules of the world best, and know that you cannot judge people by their appearance, and it is safest to act with humility! I have experienced ups and downs and seen all kinds of things, so I must have a unique vision! "Mr. Liu, shall we go?" Xie Yuanzheng stood up immediately and extended his hand to greet him.

Just as the two of them were walking through the huge sales center, they were about to rush to the VIP hall.

A car on the booth in the center of the third floor caught Liu Di's attention.

Xie Yuanzheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "Mr. Liu has good eyesight, this is a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS454!" "It is the most classic muscle car recognized in Europe in the 1970s!" "Equipped with a 7.4lv8 engine, its only The mission is to beat anything else that can produce speed in a straight line! "The almost crazy gear ratio made it the fastest car in the civilian market at that time!" Xie Yuanzheng bowed slightly and said: "However, it It is an antique car used for display in our shop. Not to mention the price, this car will basically not be sold.

"The mission is to defeat everything?" I love this concept! "Brother Liu nodded slightly and stared at the old muscle car.

The paint of this car is as bright as new, with black paint, black wheels, and even the headlights have black film.

The whole car looks like a black cheetah lying quietly, like a shooting star in the dark world, both restrained and radiant.

It can be seen from its tough lines that the inner "soul" of this car is extremely arrogant, as if it can suddenly start and fly away at the next moment! Liu Di nodded with satisfaction and said: "Taste this thing, thousands of people have different views, I am different from ordinary people, I don't like those high-profile Bentleys and Lamborghinis.

"There is no need to be too consistent with the public, nor can we act as humble as dust."

"As a human being, we should be like this car. We should go through vicissitudes of life, wash away our anxiety, and watch everything quietly. There are no waves in the ancient well, but there is no bottom."

"But if you want to move, you must make a roar, with unparalleled momentum, crushing everything. If you don't make a sound, it will be a blockbuster!" "Xie Yuanzheng nodded repeatedly after hearing this! These words indeed have a unique artistic conception! "You just said, 'Barely not selling', right? Liu Di gently patted Xie Yuanzheng on the shoulder, "Can you please explain, how can I not be 'basic'?" "Xie Yuanzheng smiled bitterly, "Mr. Liu, I'm not disrespecting you. The price of this car is not expensive, just a million, but if you want to buy it, I'm afraid you have to go through some special applications, and this special look, Only the top VIPs in our store are eligible.

"As for the top VIP, you need to spend more than 30 million in our store."

Liu Di just nodded indifferently, "The civilian helicopter we just passed by is a Bell-210, right? How much does it cost?" "Xie Yuanzheng's smile became even more bitter! There was indeed a civilian helicopter for sale in the exhibition hall.

But that's just a tool used by the boss to prop up the show and show off the high quality of the store.

It has been on display for a year and almost no one cares about it! "Sir, that aircraft is indeed a Bell-210, and it is a luxury civilian version, priced at... 53.2 million.

"Okay, that's it."

"Brother Liu nodded slightly.

Xie Yuanzheng was slightly startled, "Mr. Liu, what are you ordering?" Brother Liu took out a card and said, "Plane, car, of course, the most important thing is the car.

"A flash of surprise flashed in Xie Yuanzheng's eyes! But within 10 seconds, he quickly regained his composure, took the card with both hands and said: "Sir, the procedures for this car are easy, but this plane..." "It must be It must have an airworthiness certificate, radio license, and nationality registration certificate. Even if the certificates are complete, the aircraft must be affiliated with a legal company to be eligible to apply for routes.

"The most important thing is... with all due respect, do you have a landing pad?" Liu Di thought for a moment, "I'll leave the formalities to you. As for the company, just name it under the founder's name. The apron is on the top floor of Rongteng Building, and the founder company's apron!" Liu Di shrugged, "The tarmac looks strangely empty anyway, so just park there!" "Creator? The parent company of Gemini App? Xie Yuanzheng could no longer hide his surprise this time! No wonder! Mr. Liu is a senior executive of Creator Company? Creator is the company with the strongest momentum in China this year! Some experts speculate that Creator The company's core technology is 60 years ahead of the rest of the world! With time, it will definitely be able to move beyond China and become proud of the world! Although the founder company has only been established for a long time, its external valuation has exceeded 100 billion! % of the shares, that’s also worth 1 billion! Xie Yuanzheng was instantly ashamed! Fortunately, I was right! “Sir, don’t worry, Yuan Zheng will do his best in everything! "1 hour later.

The entrance of Siwei Auto Sales Center.

Nearly 70 salespeople were neatly lined up on both sides.

Among them were Xie Yuanzheng, who looked respectful, and Xiaolan, who looked complicated.

When the young man in white came slowly.

Everyone bent down and shouted in unison: "Welcome Mr. Liu to visit us next time!" This is the treatment of top VIPs! Brother Liu nodded and slowly walked out of the door! Chevrolet SS454 requires application, and helicopters cannot be driven away casually.

Brother Liu refused Siwei’s pick-up and drop-off courtesy car.

Choose to take a leisurely walk on the streets of Haishi.

Inside the Siwei Sales Center.

"Mr. Xie, your order is amazing. It sold more than 50 million yuan at one time. It not only broke the record, but also created a super ceiling!" "Yes, Mr. Xie is so lucky. Who could have seen that big deal just now?" The handsome guy is so rich! He became a founder executive at a young age!" Xiao Lan asked Xie Yuanzheng with a look of regret, "Mr. Xie, did you know any inside information in advance?" "Oh..." Xie Yuanzheng sighed. He shouted, looking at Liu Di's back with a respectful look, "It's not that I'm lucky, it's that you always judge people by their appearance, and you don't know the truth!" "You don't think that only those who are arrogant, arrogant and domineering are great people. Right?" "What a mistake!" "I tell you, the real masters are low-key and restrained!" "Because they have a clear mind, they can see everything without squinting!" They are detached and will not be arrogant. No matter what status they face, as long as you are humble and polite, they will treat you with courtesy! ""The most important thing is their invisible momentum!" "They handle things calmly and calmly! "But if you look carefully, you will find that a true master will never care about other people's opinions!" "Not because of external things such as clothes and environment!" Among a group of bright and beautiful people, they are also the ones who stand out the most!" "And Mr. Liu Di is just that kind of person!" At this point, Xie Yuanzheng's eyes flickered, "And from the moment he entered the scene, I was like Convinced!" A group of Siwei salesmen were dumbfounded! Facing myself, this young and promising sales manager.

This kind of ability to see people and recognize images is really inferior! ...on the street a few hundred meters away.

Brother Liu also 'heard' everything Xie Yuanzheng said.

He smiled and nodded slightly.

Then, a thought came to my mind.

Behind Xie Yuanzheng's name in the original phone address book, there was an additional note: "Good talents are available!"

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